The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 57: One Froggy Evening

Poil posted:

Like, dried frog pills?


Hopper doesn't want to take his medicine. Sam intends to change that.

well sir at a glance I would have to say that he is loony

Of course we're going to read him poetry--

--except, as soon as Sam tries, he gets hit in the face with a water balloon.

Oh, let's just rile him up.

Sam whoops and encourages Hopper to bounce around. This only makes Hopper lose it again, so let's try riling him up some more.

Wow, he's really riled up now.

In fact, Sam's sick of this froggal abuse!

... bad idea? Probably. Sam attempts to reassert some control over the situation by talking about frogs...

No go. Well, maybe this guy will talk about Roland's quest with us.


Well... well, fine. Let's throw a scare into this frog.


Sam loses his temper and yells. This... makes Hopper so sad that it boots us out of the socialization.

The proper answer is to rile Hopper up three times, at which point he is so wound up that he's made himself thirsty.

Sam gives Hopper the tube o' broth and Hopper chugs it.

This makes him twitch violently. Eventually the twitching subsides and Hopper beams, a new man. Er, frog.

: Golly, that's good Hopper broth! I feel like my old self again! SPROING!

He puts the rest of the broth away for later.

: Thanks! Now I can go play with all of my froggie friends!

Sam turns to see these frogs. For a moment, there is silence. Then, from the depths of the koi pond:

: Wait a second... something's wrong. Something's very wrong. What has happened here? My froggie friends, they've...


So they have.

: Oh no! SPROING! We gotta do something to help them!

After a moment, he has an idea.

: Thanks for helping me escape that curse, ribbit! Can you help me get all these rascally frogs back home into the pond? It's this way, ribbit!

Hopper heads for the pond. As Sam moves to follow, evil black frogs burst from the bushes and pounce!



Next time on MySims Kingdom: Fine, fine, we'll save some more frogs.


Video: Frog Broth/Evil Frogs

Covers both the socialization with Hopper and the evil-frog cutscene that follows. If you are only interested in the evil frogs, that cutscene starts around 2:13.