The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 74: Second Time Around: Capital Island, Part 1


Second Time Around: Capital Island, Part 1

So: here we are. Barney asked us to do him this extra favor as soon as we hit Wandolier Level 4, and now we're going to do it.

When Barney says 'Harbor Gate', he means this little area, where we first learned about gears. Now it's going to be all painted up and Natural and stuff.

Sam therefore builds a fancy badger-viewing platform and adds a few nice bushes.

But we're not done with Barney. Ohhh no.

: It's the secret... of the ultimate knot! Every sailor worth his salt knows it... and that means I'm the only one! HAHA!

Barney goes all thoughtful on us.

: I'm not sure if I should tell you now, even being as close as we are, Sam...

We'll need to convince him to teach us the ultimate knot via the power of Socialization.

Even as Sam steps up to do just that, though, Barney is teleported away! Marlon?!

No, the game just wanted Barney to be outside for some reason. I don't even know. I still blame Marlon.

If there's one thing Sam has learned in his travels, it's that starting out slow is the way to go. Let's Chat.

Prrrrrobably Barney cares more about Houseboats.

And he's definitely more interested in Elmira than in Princess Butter, thank goodness.

I would be remiss if I did not take this chance to compliment his awesome sideburns

seriously look at those

Hooray! Teach us a thing, Sailor Salt Barney!

Barney pulls out a hank of rope. Sam pulls out his pencil and prepares to take notes.

Barney fiddles with the rope for a moment and then shows off the knot. We have learned something!

And thus, Barney gives us a reward for being his newest Best Friend.

Quite acceptable.

That's how it's always going to go. First Sam has to build, decorate, and paint things until the quest-giver gets bored with making him run around, which is usually about twenty minutes after my head starts hurting. Sam then has to Socialize with the person briefly, at which point he will become their Best Friend. Sam's newest Best Friend will then give him a present--usually clothing but not always--after which Sam will generally never speak to them again.

Also you can totally be someone's Best Friend without them actually liking you all that much.

Anyway! Let's go lord it over Elmira some.

: Don't answer that. Just get to work on the rooms inside my house.

Well, she hasn't changed. And she wants Elegant stuff, because Elegance is the watchword amongst pig-keepers.

There. Elegant. Some paints fulfill Interests like furniture does, which helps to keep me sane.

: Oh, and while you're here, you might as well make yourself useful, Captain Fancy-Pants Wandolier.

they are pretty fancy pants, aren't they

: Pigglez wants some new stuff in the yard. He may be small in stature, but he has large demands.

Sam can do that.

awww who's a good piggy did you miss me

Elmira--I mean Pigglez--wants stuff, basically. Nature stuff.

Fencing and fancy new windows mostly handle that. Well, Elmira?

: Pigglez tells me he loves his new yard.

She seems to have something else on her mind--

: Oh, hi there Sam. I'll admit it--I've kinda been missing the noise you always used to make. I guess a little company goes a long way. Hmph! At least I still have my pigs!


Elmira doesn't seem like the joke kind. We're just going to Chat.

She's a swineherd or whatever. She probably has opinions on Dirt.

She does! She is now Delighted about dirt! Sam attempts to High-Five her...

... but she s at his upraised hand until he gives up.

Well, she and Barney kind of have a thing for one another...

Aw, Sam brought up Barney and Elmira got all giggly.

We know she likes Pigglez!

yaaaaay pigglez

Long story short: pig snouts make Elmira Surly. Piggie tails, on the other hand, Delight her, at which point Sam takes a risk and blows her a kiss...

... woo hoo!

Aww, hugs for Elmira.

Now we have to repeat this process for every person in the world!!