The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 75: Second Time Around: Capital Island, Part 2

Second Time Around: Capital Island, Part 2

So! Who's next--oh.

: Oh Sam, I'm so happy you're back! Listen, Daddy's going to get me a unicorn, so I need you to make the castle suitable for Mr. Sparklehorn.

well, okay, I guess I can





There. The castle is now made of pigs. It's delicious.

: Thank you so much, Sam!

: Now don't look at me like that, Sam. I'm a princess in distress, after all! I need you to brighten up those dreary old stairs by the Harbor Gate. I want to be in a good mood when I visit the badgers.

She means these stairs. The first stairs Sam ever built.

There. Schmancy.

: Thank you for brightening up my day!

Aww, Butthead.

: Sam, I could really use some cheering up.

Well, she wanted to be cheered up. That was simple!

Oh, okay, not done. ... okay, mocking her dad is really tempting, but I know how much forced Socialization is in Sam's future, so I aim him directly at the goal and talk to her about tiaras.

And I miss! Apparently Sam doesn't know enough about tiaras for her tastes. Let's mock Barney instead.

In retrospect, it is killing me that I didn't imitate Butter to her face. Sam hugged her instead.

Mr. Princess Samanthacorn!


Two pairs, in fact!

And what about King Roland himself? (Note that Marlon, alone amongst all the Sims in the land, already considers Sam a wonderful person and has no need to send him running frantically about. Bless you, Marlon.)

: Ho ho! I'm glad you've come back, Sam! I could use your help. I need you to decorate my rather ramshackle bridge outside the castle.

This bridge, in fact. The first real thing Sam ever built with his new wand. Mem'ries~

Sam widens the bridge, adds guardrails, and puts in some arbors. Not put in: much effort.

: Oh, well done, Sam! I shall think of you every time I cross my bridge.

He ponders for a moment.

: Say, Sam, do you think my throne room looks good enough? I think it could use more things that remind me of cupcakes!

Sam solves the problem with fountains, canned goods, and bacon paint. So many of Sam's problems can be solved with bacon paint. It's kind of nice.

: Thanks, Sam! My throne room certainly looks more fitting now!

Just then!

: My life is filled with sadness, now. I just wish I could eat a delicious cupcake one more time!

Sam starts with chatting, which is generally the safe option.

... yeeeah, we're gonna go with monarchy here. (Can you imagine letting all these Sims rule themselves? Yikes.)

All praise King Roland, who is certainly not tubby at all! We definitely did not even consider making fun of his daughter to his face!

The King and his Wandolier belly-bump in solidarity.

Too moved for words--seriously, he doesn't say anything--King Roland gives us a Best Friend Reward.


... is... is he mocking us?

That's all for Capital Island! Next up: Renee's Nature Preserve! And then Cowboy Junction! And then I will be merciful to everyone, including myself, and actually do some plot!