The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 86: Second Time Around: Rocket Reef, Part 2

Second Time Around: Rocket Reef, Part 2

Superconductivity sounds so... not mad science.

of course we're going to implode some test monkeys

Well, yes, imploding test monkeys is destructive. To absolute zero!

Crap! Oh, well, I screwed up, let's destroy the universe and start over.

Destroying the universe makes Dr. F Sad and boots us out of the conversation. Meanwhile, Sam is missing out on campfire times, which makes him Sad too.

Sam tries again, choosing to talk about superconductivity instead. Unsurprisingly, superconductivity bores Dr. F to tears. Let's talk about fenergy to flatter him a bit.

... INVENT A MATTER COLLAPSER wait that's what my wand is

Being reminded of my wand just makes him angry again. Oh, well. Let's do science!

Reverse the polarity!

Repair that toaster oven, doc!

Dr. F says woo hoo! and we succeed!

In addition to the glasses, Dr. F drops this figure of Battle Suit Roland.


Might as well turn in this action figure, since we're right here and all.

: That figure was made to commemorate one of the greatest disasters of our time.

Oh, do tell.

: Dr. F made King Roland a robotic battle suit to help him defend the kingdom. However, it went out of control and he accidently blew up half of Capital Island! It took practically everything Marlon could do to settle down the rampant thing.

Man, why didn't I get to play that game?

: Weirdest part is, Roland has had a craving for cupcakes ever since... coincidence, or strange direct result of faulty Dr. F science?! No one will ever know!

We collect some Simoleons to go with our excellent story, then head across the bridge to the diner.

And by 'work', he means 'paint'.

Everything is now checkers.

: Now THAT'S a bridge I can get behind. Or over, as the case may be.

Sure! Humans like checkered rockets and random metal platforms.

: Okay, Sam. I'm having a thought here. I'm seeing you, my diner's interior, your wand, some Mana. You know the drill.

By now? I should damn well hope so.

Sam paints everything in shades of glass brick and tile. Also, blue.

: Wow, this looks great! You even managed to paint over the grease stains!

whoops spasm

... that's sad. Of course we can!

Oooor we can reinforce those selfsame stereotypes while Lyndsay invades the fourth wall. Whatever. Let's talk about TOBOR's diner, since he seems to be proud of it.

He's been robotically fixated on sandwiches for a while...

Let's be mean to Alexa!

hmm, hmm, make notes, hmm

We should definitely mock humanity.

Sam pretends to freak out at every little thing while TOBOR giggles mechanically.

Do the robot, TOBOR!

: It's true, I AM really good at that. Thanks for getting me back to my roots, Sam!

And with that, we are done with Rocket Reef! Next up: Candypalooza!