The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 87: Second Time Around: Candypalooza

Second Time Around: Candypalooza

Fun fact: nobody on Candypalooza does anything during the day. In order to take these bonus quests, Sam has to wait around until night falls and the party starts jumping.

Anyway! Apparently the Nature and Tasty stuff just won't do for the afterparty. Now it's all tech, all the time.

Sam rips out all the boring old Nature stuff and powers up Candy's DJ booth to the max.

A furniture grouping to rest on and some satellites to pull in the deep-space sound, and we're pretty much good to go.

Well, okay, Sam put in a platform to highlight our fancy wiring job, too.

No surprise: Zack gives us Tripp pants from his own personal wardrobe. Nice.

This requires paint. Sam paints all the wooden things a slightly different shade of wood, which is completely invisible in the darkness. Good enough!

You keep on with your bad self, Saph.

Sapphire also drops this figure of Chef Gino for our collection!

She gave us party goggles from Zach's own personal wardrobe. Also nice.

Candy is tired of Tasty and Nature, but she wants Cute and Fun. Can do.


also pirate it


I know this mad scientist, I can hook you up

Sam starts by talking about the event that has just ended, mentioning what worked and what didn't.

He then mentions the crabs, but is sure to remind Candy of the exodus.


Sam busts out his awesomest moves...

... which happen to be Candy's own moves, Sam being no fool...

Let's go for it. Let's bring up the idea of locale.

Candy is down with it!


That's pretty sweet. Let's roll with it for a while.

Candypalooza was a pushover! Next time: the Forest of the Elves!