Part 2: Benjamin Goes on a Fetch Quest
2: Benjamin Goes on a Fetch Quest

Uh, hello to you, too?

That's just what happens, man. Don't let it get you down!

Ohhh, well, thats much worse.

Gee, I wonder whats over there in that not all conspicuous backyard?

Magic. Magic is whats over there. Those red chests are special and always have something important or worthwhile in them.

Heres our menu. To the left is our inventory and below it are our magic points.
Mystic Quest operates on a stock point style of magic use. At his wussiest, Benjamin gets three white spell casts before hes out. Hell get more as he levels up but for now thats what he has to work with.

In the customize menu, we can also change our party members control and go from that weird bar thing representative for health to the aesthetically superior numbers. Really, I wouldnt mind the bar but its just sort of odd and unpleasant to look at. Im not even sure what sort of purpose it servesit doesnt seem particularly clearer.
Maybe for the aspiring RPG player who hasnt figured out fractions yet, I dunno.

Below the stump/house where we found Cure is our first inn of the game. Bens a big dork so he does a little dance after every nap.
The bed is free so I guess thats cause for celebration?

Look up a little thing called please and get back to me on that.

But weve delayed long enough. Lets go show this withered branch to Kaeli.

Kaelis mom is understandably more than a little upset that some dude just barged in to her house and now is trying to drag her daughter into the monster-ridden forest. Ben, where are your manners?

Yeah, whats the worst that could happen??

Kaelis mom buries her face in her hands as she realizes her daughter is leaving with the worlds biggest nerd

So Kaelis pretty cool. Theres not much else to her character beyond loves nature, wields an axe though. I like the European artwork of herkinda gives her a cool viking-esque vibe. Im not sure why her hair is suddenly silver but there you go.
Shes considerably tougher than Ben at the moment at two levels higher but stats are honestly sort of useless, I guess you could say, in this game. Is your level higher? Congrats, youre good to go. Your party members wont level with you, which is sort of a bummer, but their levels serve as a good metric for where you should be. Those little symbols in the lower right window are elements or status effects that she happens to resist. We will see exactly zero of these effects until like the halfway point of the game.
She does come with the Life spell though, which is basically your cure-all. Death, damage, status effects you name it, Life cures it.
Then again, in retrospect, literally everything in the game is better than Ben right now.

In any case, Ben and Kaeli trek back to the forest and she just levels that fucking tree like it was nothing.

But first, monsters!

Our first proper battle. Brownies are about as threatening as you might expect. Theyll hit for around 6 damage and we have 40 health so unless they decide to bully someone youll be fine.
Even if they do decide to bully someone youll be fine unless you get hit with a bunch of criticals in a row. Kaeli is killing these chumps in one hit. Ben is a weakling and needs two swings of his sword.

Once youve beaten them up enough, theyll take off their hats. That little blue spark over Ben is a Cure spell in action.
Ben got bullied in this fight, is what Im saying.

The Level Forest is also infested with slimes as per JRPG tradition. Here they are both somewhat smushed and in good health.
Thats basically all for the Level Forest, so we kill enough enemies that Ben isnt such an embarrassment.

Sure, I can see how that might look evil.

I sort of have the feeling he was hiding behind the tree.

Heres the North American manual's depiction of the event. Not sure what the hell is going on with the tree here but its fucking enormous, look at it!

Kaeli gets back to her feet after spinning around and falling to the ground. Time for our first real boss battle.

First things first, you could just cast Kaelis Life spell on this guy and win instantly. But thats too easy so were going to do this the old-fashioned way.

If you just walked straight up to this guy at level 1, youd be in for a rough ride. Possibly an unwinnable one if you didnt just go the Life route. But other than that, its not at all a problem. He can hit you from anywhere between 30 damage to 80.
The minotaur especially hated Kaeli this run.

No, seriously, I wasnt kidding.

Then, mustering up a newfound strength from his marginally bulkier arms, Ben got such an amazing critical hit that he obliterated the jerk.

I think this is supposed to be a depiction of this fight? Where did the ruins come from? What's the deal with Benjamin apparently having a huge braid?

Oh boy, there's no good way to answer this one.

I imagine Kaelis mom is just about ready to smack this dumb idiot kid that got her daughter poisoned

Kaeli gives us her axe before shes taken away. Youre good people, Kaeli.

The axe is pretty much a complete upgrade from our sword but its a pretty marginal boost. Switching weapons is another one of my favorite things about Mystic Quest.
At this point, were free to chop down trees and collect those treasure chests that have been taunting us... but those brown treasure chests are frankly boring. Each of them contains one of two potions:

Cure potions are exactly the same as the Cure spell only, predictably, worse. Cure potions heal for your level x 10 so they get better as you level up but are always pretty meh.

Heal potions on the other hand just get rid of your status effects, which were going to be running into very soon!
The thing is, these are basically the contents of all these boring brown boxes. There are obviously some exceptions, by which I mean you won't get these two potions and instead two different types of healing items.

Well, hey, at least that wasnt a huge hassle.

What sort of asshole closes an empty treasure chest? Thats pretty messed up

Suddenly, sick beats permeate the shrine and I guess Ben can hear them too?

Thats your conversation starter? Shouldnt you be in the back of an alleyway somewhere?

Next time: Benjamin reveals an embarrassing detail about his childhood and we tackle our first actual dungeon
Were still really early in the game so Im holding off on a name on the off chance people want to pop in with more suggestions! Thanks to those of you have tossed one out there!