Part 15: The Worst Kind of Phoenix
15. The Worst Kind of Phoenix
Wow, very smooth. A master of persuasion if Ive ever seen one.

Hmm, must have died in the fight with Pazuzu and now Shrugs in hell?

Another bridge to fall off of? I hope?

I guess you could fall from that...

Oh, wait, he might seriously be confused by the idea of a stairway.

Shrug, you fool! No!

what are you saying you stupid fucker

This is pretty much the biggest step back imaginable. Hes weaker than Kaeli in literally every single way besides HP and even then hes only ahead by 40 HP. Shrug, of all people, hits harder than him. Sure, he picked up White, but thats not enough.
Just... lets just go to Fireburg. Maybe Reuben will get hit by a boulder or something.

Speaking of boulders, have you been in bed this whole time?

Were you just sleeping with this thing or...?

Were accomplishing things!?

Yeah. Like father, like son.


Ha ha ha fuck you Reuben

Sounds great! Ill let you handle that. Ill, uh... supervise.


But before we go get Captain Mac, theres something grab way in the back here.

Unlike the Gemini Crest, we need this to finish the game.

Youre telling me that this all came from Aquaria??
And that this is a lake???

Before we head back to Otto, I remembered that TooMuchAbstraction in the thread mentioned theres a Chocobo hidden in Windia. This is all it does though, so I think its here just in case you forgot this is a Final Fantasy game!!

How do you know this? Also shes stronger than both of you, you douchebag.

Your family is weird, Kaeli.

Windia is really pretty when the lake is restored

The teleporter to reach the ship dock is in the seed vendors house. ...I dont know why?

Okay, this is really more of a dinghy.
Next time: The elusive Captain Mac and timely, revolutionary internet memes