The Let's Play Archive

Myth III

by GuavaMoment

Part 47: The Heartstone of Nyx recap

Previously on Myth III

We destroyed the Heartstone of Nyx, and delivered a blow to the Trow Empire that they will never recover from.

I first played Myth 3 about 3 years ago. I played it once, saving mid-mission as many times as needed focusing only on beating the level, casualties be damned. After deciding to show off this game as an LP and in the same style as Johnny Law's LP (minimal casualties, no mid-mission saves) I knew there would be certain levels that would pose problems. Bonds of the Oghre and Rebellion, obviously, but I was also worried about Gates of Mygard, Siege of Llancarfan, the fight with Syrkrosh in The Spider God - and this level. Oh man this level is nearly impossible to play straight up. I was really, really worried I'd be stuck here playing over and over until a miraculous run by my one surviving dwarf or Warlock makes it to the Heartstone and blows it up. The time comes and I begin playing the level for the LP off-camera to learn its intricacies. One of the hints states to "lead the Trow away from your units", so I try that. I didn't expect the Trow to fucking stop once led away from their path. Once I found that out, instead of being one of the hardest levels, this is one of the easiest. I've already done the whole 'pretending not to know what to do' with Trow Iron Warriors in all the levels before the real Bonds of the Oghre video, and I'm not going to do that again. This level sucks. And not in an entertaining way like the other Trow levels. This one just blows. I think it's better to rush through it to get to the last four levels, which are all pretty good. It's really a shame this level sucks because Rhi'anon is a cool looking level with all the giant Trow decorations. We could have really used those in Bonds of the Oghre and The SunHammer. But there's no defending the gameplay here. Moving on.


Game film:

I love the simplicity of the kills. Three deaths total. Apologies to Dementedghost and Grigori R, who wanted to be Warlocks. They missed all the previous opportunities to be named as Warlocks, and I was going to name them here - but the level sucked too much and now we don't get any more Warlocks the whole game. Sorry guys. Blame Chunky for taking your spot.

There's no failure video but we're not quite done with this level. I extract slightly more entertainment from it, but I'll be posting that video with the fail video from the next level. It'll make sense why when we get there.

Heron Guard heroes make their first appearance.

"Name an enemy we have not vanquished in battle? Name an evil that we have not overcome with the strength of our will? Name a horror that we have not purified from our soul? You must first master your mind and hone your skill. When you achieve this awareness, the battlefield will seem like a dance - where no evil can take hold of your being..."

"Why do we not fear death? All life will end, yet we seek to be immortal. There are but two ways to achieve this. The first is through vile necromancies, whose evil is a blight upon the world. The second is the route which we labor. Why should we fear our death when we can live immortal among the great deeds of men..."


Next time on Myth III
With no more distractions threatening Llancarfan, Connacht gathers a grand army to hunt down Moagim and his armies. The first great battle in the conflict will see a Dream Duel between two of the most powerful magic users in the world - the Avatara Myrdred versus Bahl'al The Watcher, and his hordes of undead.