Part 126: NIER Backstory: Timeline 2008
NIER Backstory: Part 4 - Timeline 2008----- 2008 -----

- February:
- The Wall of Jericho around Shinjuku is destroyed from within. At the time of the barrier's destruction, sounds similar to the ones heard during the 6-12 Incident are also heard.
- A massive number of berserking white creatures (later dubbed "The Legion") pour out from behind the wall. They begin slaughtering all humans they come into contact with.
- A creature with crimson eyes (later designated "Red Eye") is observed leading the Legion's movements.
- The JSDF immediately begins an operation to repel the Legion's assault.
- The operation encounters difficulties and amasses many casualties due to the Red Eye's organization of the Legion's attack.

- May:
- White Chlorination Syndrome re-emerges and rapidly spreads.
- First cases of WCS outside of Tokyo reported.
- WCS spreads to the rest of the Kantō region by the end of the month.

- August:
- The research facility studying the Dragon is secretly re-located outside Japan. The new location is classified, but a popular theory stated its new location was in the United States.
- With the mounting danger in Tokyo due to the Legion, a decision is made to relocate the Japanese government and Imperial residence to the relatively unscathed Kyushu region.

- October:
- Cases of WCS rise dramatically across region, as do those transforming into Legion.
- Battles between the JSDF and The Legion erupt all across Honshu. The JSDF suffers heavy casualties due to the Legion's resistance to available weaponry.
- A mass exodus by civilians from Honshu into Kyushu and Hokkaido occurs. Many more try to flee Japan entirely.
- Several countries across the globe enact policies barring Japanese refugees due to fear of WCS spreading outside Japan.
- Crime skyrockets amidst the chaos. The Japanese government is hampered by increasing interference from overseas.
- A military alliance with America is suggested, but its terms are unfavorable to Japan; other allies of the nation advise against the proposal...