Part 6: Act One Chapter Three - Swamp Ruins Are Just Another Kind Of Sewer Level
West Harbor has been saved from the dwarven menace, but our problems are only just beginning. Our father, Daeghun, hid something important and/or dangerous in the nearby swamp ruins, and it's up to us to retrieve it.

Oh, Bevil. How wrong you are. It's lizardlings all the way down.

Okay, so up until now I've been pretty busy just explaining the game and following what's going on. Time for some commentary.
Perhaps it's just me (and everybody else I've asked on the subject) but beginnings in RPGs always seem to be the worst part. They're slow and boring and tedious... I've never seen a Baldur's Gate thread go by without someone complaining about wanting to play through BG2 again but not being able to stomach facing the starting dungeon for the eleventh time.

In most games, they seem to fit one of two scenarios:
1) The Cloistered Village. The player is free to run around in a safe, secure and boring environment, performing banal tasks for measly rewards which are nonetheless required to ensure your character is strong enough to survive the game proper. Candlekeep in Baldur's Gate is the quintessential example.

2) Fischer-Price Dungeon. The player must run through several !exciting! and !dangerous! hostile areas, learning the mechanics of the game through trying them out on hapless minions. Of course, because it's the first dungeon, everything is padded with no sharp corners so the player doesn't kill himself.

Although the second scenario sounds a lot better, remember that some of the most hated sequences in RPG history - the Temple of Trials in Fallout 2, Torment's Mortuary, the aforementioned Irenicus sewer dungeon - fall into this category.

"Gee, that's helpful," you're thinking. Well, there are games that do it right. Icewind Dale 2's Targos is a mixture of the two - a 'safe' town under attack by a 'dangerous' goblin horde. As soon as you get tired of mindless fetch-quests, bam! you discover a band of goblins holed up in a warehouse. The gameplay avoids becoming stale while still handholding you through learning the game's mechanics.

The other good thing about Targos is that at the end of the sequence, you've accomplished something: the goblin horde is beaten back and Targos is secured permanently, all thanks to you. Compare to any other game, where beginnings are losses - you can no longer return to the destroyed Eden Prime/Easthaven/Taris, you have been exiled permanently from Candlekeep/Vault 101. No wonder RPG beginnings are so disappointing.

NWN2 is reasonably good about this - again, the mixture of safe 'free play' in the Harvest Fair and the dangerous objective-based gameplay of defending the village - but I'll say now that the expansion pack Mask of the Betrayer has the best introductory sequence in any game I've played to date. I can't explain it here without spoiling the plot of both NWN2 and MotB, but I will get back to it.

Now, this is the entrance to the ruins that Daeghun mentioned. Inside we'll find whatever it is that he thinks the dwarves are after.
Hrm... a bunch of dwarves and a wizard show up unannounced on our countryside paradise's doorstep, forcing us into an adventure to recover something of great worth. This is sort of like the beginning to The Hobbit.

Oh, and who's this? Someone tailing us through the swamp?

* * *

The other problem with RPG beginnings is D20, of course.

(Naturally this doesn't quite apply so much to other gaming systems but sometimes there are shared principles.)

Your basic adventurer could have anywhere from four to twelve starting hitpoints, not including special constitution bonuses. Now, this is depending on which class you are, so let's say it averages out at about, oh, I don't know, eight.

Your basic longsword does up to eight points in damage.
Do you see where this is going?

Low-level combat in D&D is incredibly lethal. Any character that isn't a warrior type - Wizards, Sorcerers, Rogues, Bards, etc. - can potentially be killed in a single strike by a simple short sword. Worse, most of these classes are restricted from wearing armor, making them very easy to hit and kill.

Now, when you're playing the board game, this is fine. You've got three other buddies ready to take hits for you. But when you're playing on the computer, on your own or in a two, especially with dodgy model collision like NWN2, your life is in the dice's hands. Uh, I mean... well, you get the drift.

So every RPG beginning has to be incredibly easy because otherwise you're just not going to make it past the first encounter. I call this 'Dire Wolf Syndrome', after losing dozens of characters to the Dire Wolf (a tough low/mid-level monster) that lurks by the road out of Candlekeep in BG1.

NWN2 kind of cheats past this (although the dwarves we fought were all terrible hits anyway) by giving your character lots of experience before you ever have to fight anyone. Level 3 characters are literally three times as tough as Level 1 characters!

That said... currently we're Level 4. NWN2 has a level cap of 20. By all rights we should be a fifth- to a quarter-through the whole game. I'd be reluctant to say we're even 1% done at this point.

We've battled through the lizardling-infested ruins and finally come to this... the deepest, darkest, swampiest room in the whole starting dungeon.

True to narrative form, the biggest and baddest lizardlings have congregated here to give us a suitably-climactic Final Encounter.

Except these lizardlings are different, because they can talk. Those lizardlings before, they were just dumb animals... but these ones can think, and killing sentient beings is wrong.

Because it's much more fun to lie to them instead.

Oh yeah. We successfully outwitted a tribe of coldblooded outcast loser lizardmen.

What was this place? I don't think this was originally intended to be the First Church of Our Savior The Stone God.

This must be what Daeghun was talking about.

It doesn't. Daeghun and I are definitely going to have a little talk about this.

* * *

So it's 'the shard' now, is it?

Urgh. Dwarves and elves, elves and dwarves. Where are my ancient godlike halfling empires that made the Realms tremble long ago?

Oh God, so many questions. Why did you not tell us any of this before Daeghun

Our family sucks. Daeghun is a prick and our only other relative is a delinquint.

Daeghun, some advice... never take to the stage.

Yes, finally! Our character calls Daeghun on his bullshit.

Ooh, shut down.

We'll make a quick tour of the village before we leave. Almost everyone is waiting outside.
Georg first.

We don't use shields - like Daeghun, we're an archer at heart. But maybe Georg has a good story for us instead.

Someone at Obsidian is severely messed up in the head.

Other villagers give us some other items too. Orlen has a nice healing potion for us, while Bevil gives us his share of the loot from the ruins and a bit of his militia pay too. Thanks, guys!
Tarmas has something more intriguing:

You know, in a lot of other games, big battles against terrible evils that took place long ago are always hugely celebrated affairs. Then at some point in the game (occuring on some anniversary of the original event) there's a bit plot twist, like the evil demons were the good guys all along or the great big memorial to the battle is actually the capstone that keeps the evil sealed away.
But finding stuff out about this big mysterious battle is like pulling teeth.

Finally, Bevil's mum has a favour to ask:

That's it, we're done. Let's go.

Well, here it begins. The adventure finally kicks off - and about time, too. We've hit all of the epic high fantasy cliches:
- Childhood home attacked and burned to the ground
- Beloved friend murdered by evil forces
- An ancient artifact that must be protected
- Callow orphan youth sent off alone into the world

So what shall we be? A mighty warrior with sinews of steel? A daring rogue that can merge with the shadows? A powerful arcanist that commands the fundamental forces of the universe itself?

Aw, crap.