Part 8: Act One Chapter Five - Neeshka
Calliope and her new friend Khelgar are still on their way to Neverwinter. So far we've reached Fort Locke, a military outpost that's having a few problems with bandits, lizardlings and a missing commander.
You can't see it due to the

Someone's made camp in the gully here. Hey, it's Galen and Co.! They're always good for a barrel of laughs!


Little cut content for you here. What we're missing is an alternative track that let you side with the brothers to kill Galen, then split the proceeds between yourselves (with option to kill the other two and take everything).

So far we haven't really done anything evil. There was slitting the injured dwarf's throat in West Harbor, but that's it. 'Suggesting' a nice reward from all those victims in the inn attack was merely Chaotic at most, not Evil.

So we're mugging Galen.

I was going to say 'Ugh, it really sucks having to act like a lunatic just to get evil points' but holy shit look at all that gold. 1600gp is enough to buy a whole suit of full plate and pretty much doubles our treasury.
Okay, so when I said there was a little cut content here, I lied. There's two whole areas and a whole other encounter with Galen, presumably coming before Fort Locke but after the Weeping Willow Inn. There's a lizardling lair in the swamp, still in the toolset but not in the game, in which you would find Galen and his guards fighting off a lizardling ambush. You'd save the day and Khelgar would boast about it to the guards, almost starting a fight and giving you an opportunity to gain or lose influence. It was cut because the swamp sequence is long enough as is and because we've got an almost identical area coming up later in Act 1.
If you're still feeling bad about us killing Galen, there was also a journal entry that says he knew a secret shortcut through the swamp but refused to let us use it because he didn't want to risk his profit margin. Now we can pretend this is a revenge killing instead.

Continuing on our way to Fort Locke, we fight about a million wolves; the area is infested with them.

Oh God, a band of thugs are threatening some poor helpless nobody. Let's not get involved.

Keep walking...

Keep walking...

fucking bullshit

Goddamnit why do people keep saying that? I don't know this person!

This looks to be an orderly, and entirely lawful, trial-by-lynching. We'll just be moving along.

Aw, c'mon. I gave you an out. I tried to give you an out.

Now look what you've done. I can't stop the dwarf once he gets started, you know.

This is the female-player version of this line. If you're playing a male, Neeshka suddenly becomes a lot more grateful - and flirtatious. "Oh, thank you for rescuing me! Who are you? What's that, a handsome adventurer you say?"
In fact, there's a whole assortment of lines - for Neeshka, and Khelgar, and each of the thugs harassing the two of them - that account for your race and subrace. It's almost excessive.

Ahahaha, just our little joke.

If that merchant's name was Galen, well, I've got some good news...

Hey, that sounds like a pretty good thing they've got going here. Maybe we can sign on with Fort Locke and get free license to harrass and rob merchants on the road!

* * *
Meet Neeshka.

Neeshka is voiced by Robyn Kramer (Listen here).
We're picking up party members in order of low-level utility. Khelgar was our first companion because weak spellcasting classes need a meatshield to take hits. Neeshka is our second companion because she's a Rogue, and only Rogue characters have the skill points and selection that lets them pick locks and disarm traps.
- likes stealing, looting and making money
- likes people who are kind to her
- dislikes laws and the concept of property
- dislikes mean people who bully her
- dislikes certain bossy she-elves we meet later on
Do we approve or disapprove? She's not Evil, but she's 'Evil-friendly'; she doesn't balk at taking bribes or demanding payment for stuff, and in fact even encourages it. On the other hand, she's a Rogue just like us, which makes her slightly redundant.
(Reaction to Neeshka was fairly ambiguous - some found her endearing, others irritating - Ed.)

Her character sheet. She's a level behind us due to her race, which (as you may have gathered from the horns, the tail, the spots and the eyes) is Tiefling.
Tieflings are originally from Planescape, a highly-imaginative and unorthodox campaign setting from 2nd Edition. Tieflings (and their celestial counterpart, Aasimar) are the mongrel descendants of mortals and planar creatures - in this case, one of the fiends. They were incorporated into mainstream D&D in 3rd Edition, along with new classes and the like.
Tieflings get a number of statistic bonuses and other perks - elemental resistance and spell-like abilities - so they also receive an experience penalty. To be honest, the Tiefling bonuses aren't really worth the penalty, although there are other races out there with even worse level adjustment. Deep gnomes (svirfneblin) are stuck four levels behind everyone else, which is ridiculous.
There's a couple of ways Rogues can be developed. Rogues are primarily reliant on Dexterity, for Armour Class and Rogue skill bonuses, but they can also take high Intelligence (like Calliope and Neeshka have) to get lots of skill points to spread around elsewhere. This is better for Calliope because of all the dialogue skills we can use; Neeshka is a companion and cannot use skills in dialogue, and so is less useful.
If she had high Strength we could turn her into more of a sneaky-thug-type. Whenever they flank someone or attack from stealth, Rogues trigger a Sneak Attack that multiplies their normal damage by a massive amount. This build generally requires more Strength, since you're often attacking up close. It's not quite so useful in the later game, when you face lots of powerful undead and elementals which are immune to Sneak Attack, but at low levels it's lethal.
* * *

Here we are: Fort Locke.

It's not strictly lying, per se, though we do have the option of feigning complete ignorance.

Georg briefly mentioned Cormick during the West Harbor tutorial. He's also one of the first few encounters that tells us Harbormen have an identity outside of the village.
That soldier who called us 'dirty' was the other one.

Is he saying what I think he's saying? Daeghun used to be an adventurer?

Stop guilt-tripping us, damnit.

So we go talk to Vallis, the guy in charge.

There are hints here and there that Obsidian may have intended for more or all conversations to be in the cinematic KOTOR style - voice-acted close-ups, lots of opportunity for detailed facial expressions and body animations. By this dialogue node I found remains of a sequence in which a soldier ('Hawkeye') returns from patrol and is bawled out by Vallis for improper appearance.

Shit. There goes our plan.

Yeah, I know. But we could do with the reward money - and if we help Vallis, he'll be able to restart the patrols, making the road to Highcliff safer.
Actually, that's a lie, restarting the patrols does nothing to help us. Gosh, I'm just full of lies today!

Oh, a graveyard? Yeah, probably nothing to do with it at all.

Well, then. No sense standing about. We've got a Quest to complete!
Let's go!