Part 27: Act One Chapter Twenty-Four - The Bitch Is Back
That's it, we're done with the mountains. We're back in Neverwinter for the foreseeable future.I got a joke for you.

Hey, Axle, I just walked back from the Sword Mountains - and boy, are my feet tired!
Because, you know, there are no horses in NWN2.

I didn't say it was a very good joke.

This is the guy that told on our warehouse in the Back Alley. Looks like Axle and Moire were busy while we were away.

I can do that, that's easy. Even if your conversation file is bugged, Axle.

You can tell she's hurt we sided with Axle. It's underneath all the anger, but it's there.

Fihelis' house is out on the edge of the Merchant Quarter, right by the city park. Yes, Neverwinter has a park.

Deliveryman. I got two daggers for a Mister Fihelis?

Crap. So much for the sneaky way.

Or is it? I have an idea...

Lieutenant Calliope, reporting for duty!

Lo and behold, all of the Watchmen are non-aggressive. Our disguise is working!

It even holds up under close inspection.

Why are we pretending to relieve this Watchman in particular?

Because he's guarding Fihelis' treasure vault. Free money!
Wearing the City Watch cloak gives us free license to strip Fihelis' house clean, apparently.

"What are you doing with that chest?"

"Should you be messing with that?"
"Relax, I'm a trained prof-"

Nobody actually cares what you do in Fihelis' house, so long as you're wearing the cloak. If you aren't wearing it, of course, you have to kill all these Watchmen.

The City Watch path gets this quest before you go to Old Owl Well, instead of after. In that quest, Shadow Thieves led by Moire have attacked Fihelis in force, and it's up to the player to save the Watch's informant from assassination. You end up killing Moire in the bargain as well, which is a pleasant bonus.
It's a lot tougher than the Shadow Thief version. Not only are you lower in level, but Moire's goons are all Rogues, so you end up getting Sneak Attacked every round. It's also weirdly intimidating, watching a group of stealthed Rogues walking steadily down the corridor towards you.

Bollocks. Well, I suppose it couldn't last.

At least we can put our Harvest cloak back on.

Qara's a godsend for this section. City Watchmen are all tough, heavily-armoured fighters with big swords; Khelgar can only do so much against them. A few Lightning Arcs make short work of these clunky warriors (and Khelgar as well, for that matter).

Confusion is also a perfectly adequate response.

Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm is good too. Fighters are damage sinks (I believe the technical term is 'tank') so anything that allows you to do massive damage in a short time or incapacitate them entirely is a good thing.

Fihelis is hiding alone in the corner of his massive mansion.

Aside from the fact that I've already looted your treasure vault on the ground floor.


And we let Fihelis go. I'm almost positive this has no repercussions later down the line.

The guards don't seem to have noticed we're out of uniform (not that they noticed one of their guardsmen was being followed everywhere by a dwarf, a demon and a rogue mageling).

The Hero of Neverwinter. This was the PC of the original NWN1 campaign - we can assume he was turned into a male human fighter of some sort.
You know, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about letting Fihelis go. Did you ever play Mafia? Because Tommy Angelo got brought down when the Mafia discovered he'd let a couple of people marked for death leave the city. I mean, Axle's a scary guy. What if he

Never mind.
* * *

Aha! Got you there, Axle! Neither of those things are true!
I don't think this is a bug so much as cut content; after checking through the City Watch path, I think the game just doesn't check for how you did things and just assumes you took the violent path. Captain Brelaina (Axle's counterpart in the City Watch) makes the same noises no matter how you approach her quests as well.

At last! A quest that I can't screw up!
* * *

* * *

Ah, the Neverwinter Docks. Ships rocking in the tide, beautiful and serene in the pale moonlight.

Strange... that ship wasn't there before.

Oh no you did not just say that

The important thing to remember about Luskan is that every single one of them is a lowly scum-sucking pirate. I don't think I've ever seen a Luskan character that wasn't a brutish thug.

This guy is no exception. Ahja the Azure, Garius' apprentice.

Remember Darth Bandon from Knights of the Old Republic? Remember how underwhelming he was?
Ahja's pretty much the same. At least Obsidian don't try to build him up into a super-badass villain or whatever.

Anyway, there's only one way to deal with a Wizard - a duel! May the best man win, Ahja!


We just about manage to defeat him by the skin of our teeth.

This doesn't make any sense. There are only four Hosttowers in the Arcane Brotherhood. For someone to become a major power in the Brotherhood from outside the hierarchy is... unprecedented. This Maugrim foe must be dangerous indeed.
Shit! I mean Garius. Garius, not Maugrim. Shit, sorry... shit.

And Ahja is dead. Pretty unimpressive.
For the sake of completeness: Ahja was supposed to be our Luskan nemesis in the cut Hollows subplot. He would have led the Luskan attack on the Hollows at the end of the questline, trying to burn it down with arcane power. You'd counterattack and destroy his base in the Neverwinter slums, and he'd run off back to Luskan. Although he was Garius' apprentice, he was under the command of Torio.
* * *
The following conversation is available in audio

We've seen Lorne and Torio pop up a few times now. Obviously they're a double act - the dull-but-sturdy oaf and the weak-but-clever manipulator. Masculine v. feminine, strength v. speed, beauty v. the beast... I'm sure you know your binary oppositions.

Originally they were supposed to alternate plots - Lorne commanded Old Owl Well, Torio the Neverwinter Wood - but all of Torio's plots got cut, so when their plans inevitably fail (as they do), we only ever get to see Lorne get a bollocking.

Anyway, I just thought you'd like to say goodbye to them. Big Bad Garius doesn't trust his minions to handle shit anymore, so he's putting them away while we get on with finishing the Act.
Don't worry, we'll see them again soon. In fact, they're critical to the first half of Act Two.