The Let's Play Archive

Ninja Gaiden II & Sigma 2

by ArclightBorealis, PSWII60

Part 13: Ninja Gaiden II - Chapter 6

We begin the second half of Ryu's visit to the Aqua Capital, and it all culminates in quite possibly one of the most amazingly stupid things to entertain me in a video game. Is it the Drunken Skeleton? Is it the boss fight with Volf? Or is it everything else after that? Maybe all three. I fucking love this chapter.

Eclipse Scythe
A giant scythe handed down in the Lycanthrope tribe of Fiends.

The designated heavy weapon of Ninja Gaiden II. We don't get a big Berserk style great sword like in the last game, but this is more than a worthy substitute due to the different types of moves available. The Dabilahro and War Hammer in Ninja Gaiden 1 were very clearly ground weapons, but the Eclipse Scythe makes up for this with decent air combo potential, and its primary gimmick of being able to impale and throw enemies caught on its blade serves as a good connective tissue for transitioning between multiple combos. Plus the sheer power of it all. You want this if everything in your path needs to die fast. Even the big, heavy Fiends we've faced thus far, and then some.


Drunken Skeleton
I don't care if this thing has an official name. In fact, I could probably look it up and list what it is, but I'm not gonna, because Tomonobu Itagaki had such a strong vision for how he wanted this lumbering ass hat to behave that he opted to do the motion capture for the Drunken Skeleton. It even gets its own spot in the credits at the end of the game. I fucking love this guy.

But for the actual boss now. It's large enemy obviously, comparable to the likes of Godomus all the way back in Chapter 4, though here the main approach to it is based around wailing on its ankles to make it fall over. A classic video game boss design trope. Though any damage you deal is still damage, your goal is to get it either lowered or launch yourself high enough with a large weapon that you can hit its exposed core to make it lose health real fast. Its attacks though? Not difficult to deal with if you're not rushing yourself to hit it every second.


... a fucking jobber.

For real, for as much as he's talked up a big game leading up, Volf is the easiest of the Four Greater Fiends to fight. The big reason being that despite having hard hitting attacks he is slow. Slow relative to the default speed that the game operates at, but it still means you can get in full combos on his ass more consistently than you could with Alexei, who was constantly mixing you up and keeping you on your toes.


Inokuma's Notebook

March 18th
I go forth with resolve, knowing that death surely awaits me.
My fate shall be no different than that of the brave souls who
lie in rest beneath the plains at the foot of Mt. Fuji; countless
swords plunged in the ground to serve as gravestones at this,
the graveyard of the Black Spider.

March 25th
I fight not for justice, nor for evil.
I only refuse to venture from my destined path.

April 2nd
I find it hard to believe that a man as powerful as Master
Genshin would allow himself to be treated as a pawn by the
Fiends. While it is true that our clan is a distant relative of
the Fiend bloodline, I cannot help but wonder if it is proper
for us to assist them like this. I am as close to an apprentice
of Master Genshin as anyone in our clan, and the more I learn
of him, the more he puzzles me.

April 13th
I do not agree with the elder Koshimaru. Koshimaru may have
the "Inner Eye," but the Master Genshin that I know is not
afraid of anything. He is confident in his vast power. Nothing
can faze him.

April 15th
I found Hachijuro collapsed on the ground after suffering
a grievous injury. I forcibly fed him the last of my Herb of
Spiritual Life.
I hope that he might survive, just as I know that he may not.
Just as I know that I may soon suffer the same.

April 16th
What poor fortune. Attacked from behind by a Lesser Fiend.
Though they lack intelligence, they make up for it with their
irrepressible ferocity. It appears to be instinct for them to
attack humans.
This is Fiend territory. It was no stretch of the imagination to
think something like this would happen. It pains me to know
that I will leave this world without even laying a finger on
the Dragon Ninja.
I am beginning to lose all strength in my hands.


The Four Greater Fiends, Part 3

The great philosopher Dagra Dai roamed the ravaged land,
detached from teh destruction he saw about him.
Wandering while lost in thought, he stumbled to the bottom
of a deep, dark pit, and found himself staring directly into the
evil eye of the Archfiend Vazdah. The horrible light of the
Archfiend's gaze burned into his forehead.

When Dagra Dai awoke, he found himself cursed with a
third eye and a horrific epiphany. The human philosopher
was no more.

Now known as the Infernal Priest Dagra Dai, his ferocity and
wickedness nearly matched that of the Archfiends. With this
new-found strength, he forced the four Fiend rules to do his

He dubbed them the Four Greater Fiends, and took the throne
to rule over them. Thus was born the era of the Infernal Priest.