The Let's Play Archive


by Hwurmp

Part 27: Memory of Ludomir: Friendship in Strange Places

Friendship in Strange Places

Ludomir stares at the ground below, the dizzying height nauseates him. To admit that he was stuck--suspended in midair on the commuter's rope-bridge--was too shameful. So. He simply stays put, pretending to admire the view. A passerby carrying a heavy load approaches. The bridge wobbles and Ludomir struggles in silence. Suddenly the passerby turns to Ludomir, his face mildly curious. "Are you Pygarian by chance?"

Ludomir snorts loudly. "Never."

"I didn't mean to offend, of course. I'm Fyobor by the way."

"I'm Ludomir. I'm guessing you're not Pygarian either, so why are you heading there?"

"A new calling. A new life."

"That's not something you hear often in Urralia."

"The future is unpredictable. You never know what you'll begin to hear."

"Fair enough. Well, good luck to you."

"Thanks. Where are you headed?"

Ludomir chuckles. "Nowhere right now."

"I've got quite a load here," Fyobor begins. "If you wouldn't mind helping me steady this rig, I'd be much obliged."

Ludomir thinks a moment, eyeing the length of a heavy-duty pole jutting out of Fyobor's pack. That pole could be the saving grace Ludomir needs to get off this wobbly, rickety menace! "Alright," Ludomir agrees. "I've got some free time."

"Splendid! If you don't mind, let's get going. These flimsy rope-bridges put me on edge. You know what I mean?"

Ludomir smirks. "Not at all."