The Let's Play Archive


by Hwurmp

Part 66: Forbidden Memory: The First Memory

The First Memory

The old woman is facing her god, alone. Nearby, a shallow stream is reflecting a soft light from an invisible moon.

"Is this the afterlife?"

Yarbog cocks his head, slightly amused.

"This is a workaround."

"I do not understand."

"I chose you. Loyalty is in your heart. You will keep my secret - and this place's secret."

"Me? What about your priests? Or Iontrek?"

"Iontrek has an Empire to build. And the priests... They know nothing of true solitude." Yarbog locks eyes with the old woman, staring at her bare soul. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"I uh... I was praying by my husband's grave."

"All these years... Do you tire of it?"

She stares back, resolute, as if saying, "you know the answer."

Yarbog nods, and closes his eyes. He suddenly looks very fragile.

"Who would have thought that fusing part of your essence with the soul of a mortal could be so exhausting?"

"The mortal... is it that Godless-Priestess everyone is talking about?"

Yarbog smiles, and the old woman is filled with sadness.

"You are... dying."

"Don't cry, remember what I said about this place. I will be watching. In time, my strength may even grow back. Now... Goodbye!"

And just like that, Yarbog is gone. In his place stands a small white tree, with several naked branches, and a single silvery leaf.

With a trembling hand the woman touches the tree. Slowly, her fingers slide up and reach the leaf. Then, she is seized by a vision. She is standing in this very place, facing Yarbog, listening to his final words. She pulls her hand back. The vision stops.

"I will guard this memory, and the ones to come."

The woman cups her hands and collects water from the stream. She gently pours it at the base of the tree. She thinks of the life she has just left behind. The recluse old woman in the forest. The witch, they used to call her. "Huh, the Witch... I think I will keep the name."