The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 143: December 3 Part 4 - March 21: Sanzo Genjo, Spineless Numpty

Here's the second bad ending you can get in Namatame's room.

-Who's There?-

What...? Are you saying you forgive this bastard!?
I thought you'd feel the same way we do...Senpai.
You're gonna let this go!? Didn't you see what happened to Nanako-chan!?
Look, just think about this...Are you sure about that?
Don't do this.
Thank goodness...I knew you'd say so.
How the hell can you be so half-assed about this...? Are you okay with what that bastard did...!?
Of course we're not! But can you look me in the eye and say you're okay with doing the same thing this guy did!? It's just like how you feel right now...that you can't turn your back and do nothing...We're not gonna sit back and watch while our friend becomes a murderer, you moron!
To kill someone because they killed someone first...I can't decide on something that serious...But...But still! If you have it in you to be this angry for someone who was close to you...then you mustn't kill...! That's something you can never take back!
So we leave it to the cops? You trust them to handle it!?
Even if we can't trust them, from here on is no longer our battle...It's Dojima-san and his fellow officers' fight to convict the suspect...Is that what you're trying to say...?
I'm proud that I could protect this town with you all. That's why I don't want to make this terrible situation even worse by doing something like this. I want to keep going to school with you all...and make more memories with my friends. I don't want one of those memories to be of us killing someone...So what if there's another crime!? We can still save people, like we always have! Nothing has happened yet...Then why assume that our future will be filled with misfortune...?
Nothing's happened yet...Our future hasn't been decided...Let's go back to Nanako-chan's room.


Huh...? Wh-What did you just say!?

A-Are you serious!?
Doctor: It's very rare to be resuscitated after one's heart and lungs fail, but it does happen. But until I know why she collapsed in the first place, I can't say for sure how well she'll recover from here on...Still, Nanako-chan's a fighter, and she's trying desperately to stay alive.
S-So this isn't a joke...? You're actually telling the truth...!?
Oh my God...I...I...!
Haha...This is amazing...
Miracles do happen...I'm so glad...
I-I didn't know what I was gonna do...*sniff* *sob*
C'mon...Stop crying, you two...*sob*
Doctor: You all should go home for the night. I'll speak with Dojima-san tomorrow about Nanako-chan's treatment. It's rather chilly outside...If it starts snowing, be careful not to catch a cold.
...Wait a second, where's Teddie? I noticed he didn't come with us when we went to Namatame's room.
*sniff* You're right...That's weird. I figured he wouldn't move from Nanako-chan's side...
Teddie...Where did you go...?

> found the note that Teddie left behind.

I'm going back to my own world. It's not easy to live there now, but it's my reality...I'm really, really thankful for everything all of you did for me. Well...Goodbye.

> Everyone avoided talking about the case and waited for the severe winter to end...And so, time passed...

> Spring has once again come to Inaba.

> Dojima residence...

Announcer: Defendant Taro Namatame has confessed to committing the multiple kidnappings that previously seemed irrelevant. However, he continues to flatly deny his involvement in the first two murders. Namatame also maintains his strange insistence that he, quote, "placed them inside the TV to save them"...With so much unknown regarding his motives and methods, many are hoping his trial will shed some light on these mysteries. Up next is our fog forecast for today...
Weather reporter: Fog is still covering the town, but it should soften somewhat this week with the coming of spring. Today and tomorrow will see fairly light amounts of fog, as usual. Saturation from then on is still to be determined. If you have travel plans, please be mindful of visibility conditions.

Too bad Nanako couldn't leave the hospital in time to say goodbye. A little more time and maybe she could've come outside...Free free to visit anytime, okay? And say hi to your parents for me.

I might end up testifying in court, but otherwise I'll just be observing to see how things play out. I don't imagine he'll get that harsh of a sentence, given the evidence...or lack thereof. Well, so it goes. Hey...Mind if I ask you something? It's only been a year since you got here, but a lot's happened since then...What do you think about your time here? Are you satisfied with the things you did...the choices you made?
I have my regrets.
I see...Life has a way of going places you never wanted it to...
Well, we should get going. Your friends are probably waiting at the station. C'mon.

You really are leaving us. You know...It was over too quick.

It's going to get boring without you around, Senpai.

You will visit...won't you?

We'll come immediately if anything happens on your end. Be sure to take good care of yourself.

Take care...Keep in touch, okay? I'll reserve a room for you at the Amagi Inn the next time you come.

Well, I'll see ya. You've really helped us out with lots of stuff. Thanks, partner.
