The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 78: October 13 - October 20: The Killer's Warning

-The Path is Open-

The initial draft of Chie Satonaka's design. You can see that her silhouette is quite different from the finalized design.

The finalized design for Kanji Tatsumi. The skull T-shirt and the jacket worn on the shoulders help sell Kanji's tough guy act.

The finalized design for Take-Mikazuchi, Kanji Tatsumi's Persona. This design was produced with the idea of something Kanji himself would like, with elements of lightning incorporated.

-Your Affection-

> You overhear students talking.

Lazy student: I can't believe you're so hardcore about studying for the exams, Senpai. Are you sure you're gonna need to know all this stuff in the future?
Calm girl: Well, you probably won't. By the way, would you not say the word "lazy" around me, especially this early in the morning?
Lazy student: Whatever...After exams, we have the Culture Festival. There are more first-year students this year, so the festival could be more fun than it was last year.

-Youthful Lunch-

You're not doing anything later today, are you? Are you!?
Yeah, that's right. Let's meet up at your place, 'k? I've got a lot of stuff to bring!

> Kanji is coming to your house after school...


I won't say who, but isn't that just wrong? I mean...
Who cares about a high school girl's measurements? It would've been much more interesting if they were mine, huh? But, man, middle-aged dudes are so perverted. I can feel them looking at me in the faculty lounge...Hee hee. By the way, speaking of middle-aged men, there's a cute little fish called the ojisan. Isn't that a cute name? Too bad there's no fish called the obasan. I guess that's because no matter how old we get, women are still women. Oh? Sanzo-kun? Were you listening to what I just said?

Hehehe, I'm glad you were listening to me. It's actually called the goatfish, but it's commonly called the ojisan. It's called that because it has whiskers and looks just like a middle-aged man. I want you to remember that, so I'll be putting it on the test that starts tomorrow.

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Your room...You brought Kanji here at his insistence.

Oh, first though...There's one more thing I figured out. Rise stopped by our store the other day...She said the dolls were cute, so I told her I made 'em.
Then she said that was creepy...It kinda stung, but I kept on showing her the other stuff I made...And in the end, she said, "Maybe you're an amazing guy after all." It pissed me off the way she said it, but that aside...
I get it now...This is what he was talking about...


I've just been throwin' in the towel all this time. Of course no one could understand me...I been keepin' my distance outta fear.
So I decided that I'd do things my way, no matter how tough, but...It ain't just about hanging out with guys who understand you and telling the rest to get bent. You gotta make an effort if you want people to understand you. I wasn't even trying. Not just about my hobby. But like, when the police suspected me--it didn't even cross my mind to try to tell 'em my story. I let 'em think whatever they want. And because of that, you, Ma, and that kid all got dragged into it.
I didn't put in the slightest effort to try and make 'em understand. It's easier for me to act tough...

> Kanji is smiling wryly...

So from now on I got two rules: Rule one! Be myself. Rule two! Get people to understand me. I want you to have this, Senpai.

> You obtained Cute Strap.

This thing's me being me. Now I can say it straight out...That "other me" is me.

-Strength of Heart-

> Kanji's strong will that allowed him to accept and overcome his weakness has awakened his heart's true power...

> Kanji's Persona has been reborn...! Take-Mikazuchi has transfigured into Rokuten Maoh!

Dairoku-Tenmaou, the demon king of the sixth heaven. A powerful figure of temptation in Japanese Buddhism, who inflames mortals' worldly ambitions. The warlord Nobunaga used this name during his conquest of Japan in the sixteenth century.


This...For reals!? I get it...So I've become a little "stronger," huh...? You're my hero, dude...And my best bud!

> You can sense Kanji's straightforward feelings...You feel a tight bond between you and Kanji...

-The Path is Open-

After a long struggle, Kanji has finally earned the acceptance he needed most:

His own.


So, as far as gettin' other people to understand me...Today I'm holding the "Oven Mitt Puppets 101" class, right here! Don't worry, even you can do it! It'll be reeeal cute! Believe me!

> You spent more time than you planned with Kanji. It has gotten dark, so you said goodbye to Kanji...

My suspension wasn't very long. Having everyone staring at me hurt, though...It's my own fault. I need to change.

> Shu looks hopeful...

Mom bought me cake. For my birthday. She said, "I lost my temper and said terrible things to you, but I didn't mean any of it. I'll always be proud of you, dear." That's what she said.
...I also told her...Why I cheated...About what I was thinking, about the transfer student, about not wanting her to hate me...
Then, she said..."Let's start over. Let's start a family." I always thought a family was something that is already "there"...That it's something "finished." But it looks like you can try to start it over again...
...I wasn't paying attention to Mom this whole time. I thought that if I wasn't the best, she'd look down on me...Because of that, I must have thought that I needed to be number one in order to be loved...But that wasn't true. It didn't matter. She loved me this whole time.

> Shu holds back tears...

I have to thank you...And your friends, too...Thank you for recognizing..."me." I wouldn't have been able to talk to Mom if you hadn't.
No, it's all you.
...Thank you.

> Shu smiles...

About this...

> You obtained Test Results.

I got this for getting the best score in a mock exam a while ago. I thought that this...was my only bond with Mom. wasn't something I can see. So...please take it away. Until I can laugh at how I thought about myself...I cheated on a test, I got suspended...My permanent record must be a wreck. I've gone right off the rails leading into a good college and a good company. But...I can see now that I don't have to be on that straight and narrow path. If I'd stayed on that rail, not thinking, not seeing anything except what was right in front of me...My life would've been empty.
...I'm going to think about my life and set my own path. I my life is just beginning. Not because I'm young...Because I just realized that.

> Shu laughs, embarrassed. You feel a tight bond between yourself and Shu...

-The Path is Open-

What does not kill you, makes you stronger.


I have a favor to ask of you...Starting today, I want to stop. The tutoring, I mean.
I was thinking of joining a club. baseball team. I've never played baseball before, but I've always wanted to...I don't really know the rules, though.

> Shu laughs like a child...

I only had my studies...I had to be number one...That's what I thought all this time. But if I think that, then I'll never have anything...
So I want to try a bunch of things.
I'm sorry, but please let me quit.
...We can play baseball together sometime, though.
It's probably for the best. Sanzo's a pretty shitty tutor. Just look at how long it took him to get the most basic lessons across.

> You spent your last session as a tutor talking with Shu...

> Your second term midterms begin today and continue until next Tuesday. You should hurry to school...

-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-

Oh, morning. Hey...How much studying did you get done after we met up? Actually...Have you studied at all?
What about you?
Ahahahahahaha! Me? How much did you think I would study?...Arrrgh! If I'm gonna die, at least I'll go down fighting! Just like Ryoma Sakamoto!...Wait, was that Shinsengumi...?

-Specialist: Reincarnation-

-Signs of Love-

> You have the day off from school today. Without any clues, all you can do for now is wait for the culprit to make a move. What should you do today...?

Do you wanna make a study group today? We've got four more days of exams!
Cool! Don't forget it!

-Junes Theme-

> Junes, Food court...

But that aside, can I borrow your notes?
Borrowing notes is getting to be a custom too...
Alright, let's get started. But first, I want a melon soda.
Is that your way of saying you'll lend me your notes if I buy you a melon soda...?
Could be.
Hmhm, Yosuke-san and Chie-san seem to get along well.
Why don't you two date?
That was quick...!
You too, Naoto-kun! You could go out with Kanji!
Please, stop it!
Aww, how cute. Hey, Senpai...Wouldn't Kanji and Naoto-kun make a good couple?
Come now, Sanzo-senpai...
That's enough, guys...Let's get back to studying!

> It promises to be an entertaining day. You didn't make any progress with your studies, but you spent a fun afternoon with the group.

-Specialist: Reincarnation-

Hey, about question 8...

> Chie and Yukiko are completely absorbed in reviewing the exam...

I pulled an all-nighter last night, so I'm ready to collapse any second now...I'm gonna head home.
See ya later.

> Yosuke left...At last, the long midterms are finally over.

-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-

Timid female student: I don't know anything about the hotel, or the crying, or the grudge, or Yamano's ghost! Why does everyone want to talk to me about it!? I don't know anything at all!

> You gave her the Charmed Veil.

Timid female student: It's amazing...I feel different just having this veil near me...! Oh, but...If I put it on, suddenly I'll stand out and everybody will look at me like I'm crazy...Oh, no...! Oh, I'm sorry! I'm just thinking about myself again...P-Please, take this!

> Received 5 beautifully wrapped Chest Keys.

Timid female student: Really, thank you so much!

Mrs. Nakayama: I-I didn't forget about it! Th-Thank you so much! I can't believe you found it for me!

> You gave her the Crystal Ball.

Mrs. Nakayama: Amazing! Hm, it looks like it could be used to tell fortunes...Maybe I'll go home and study fortune telling. Oh, here's a token of my thanks. After all, you did go through all that trouble for me, didn't you?

> Received 35,000 yen.

Principal: Just imagine the excitement of firing it...Fuhohoho! You actually found it for me! I've never had a student as diligent as you! I was in a similar situation when I was young...Ah, this brings back memories. Do you know of a writer who once said, "Life is like a box of matches?" You know, those words...

> You were rewarded with the principal's special lecture...Your Diligence has greatly increased. Your Understanding has increased. At last, the principal concluded his long lecture...

Principal: Fuhohoho, I can't wait to put this with the rest of my collection.

Ms. Sofue: How did you come upon a metal as rare as this?...No, don't tell me. There's no need for me to know. With this, the accuracy of my dowsing will increase ten fold. Sanzo, I extend to you my sincerest gratitude. Please accept this as my thanks.

> Obtained Mystical Scarab x 2.

Girl in glasses: I don't feel like I did too bad...

> You handed her a High-Speed Gear.

Girl in glasses: This is it! I don't believe it! Thank you so much, Senpai! I'm so glad I can finally complete my art piece! Please accept this as a token of my gratitude!

> Obtained Physical Mirror x 3.

I'll do my best to be helpful! So if anything happens, you tell me, okay?

> You feel that the strong bond you have with Kanji is something that cannot be replaced...

Refreshed old man: Burn this into your mind, sonny...You'll never see the same scenery twice. This time next year, I may not be standin' here lookin' at the leaves with you. Am I right?

> You gave him the Eternal Lamp.

Refreshed old man: Is this it...? Hmmm...Yeah, it doesn't really go out, and it doesn't run on electricity...Ah, listen to me. I'm goin' on about it like it's some kind of amazing contraption...But whatever you may think, it's pretty amazing to me. Well, here ya go. This is a token of my gratitude.

> Obtained 30,000 yen.

Younger twin: ...But I don't want to. I don't want to help out packing stuff. I like this riverbank so much...Why do I have to move...? Oh, you found a Leaf Pochette! Thank you!...Sorry for always asking you for things. Uh, I don't know if this is much of a reward, but...

> Received Macca Leaf x 3, tied together with a ribbon.
It's just one sentence of fluff, but I really like how so many of these quest rewards come gift-wrapped.

Younger twin: Um...I don't want to be bothering you, but there's something I want to ask you. Are you free? Umm...We're moving soon, so I made up my mind. I'm going to stop being exactly like my sister! I think changing my appearance would be a good first step. So I want to wear a headband! A cute one would be best, so can you find a Branch Headband for me? If it's something that you find, it'll be something that no one else has, right? Do you think you could find one for me? Thank you! I'm so glad that you can help me out!

Woman: I'm done for...I'm so hungry, I'm seeing illusions...Aren't you handsome...O-Oh, I'm sorry. You actually are handsome. Ahahaha...I lost my wallet the other day. I can't find it anywhere...My entire fortune...Even my seal...It was all in there. How unlucky I must be...My luck has left me, I really wish I had food. How my stomach growls...*sigh* I made another haiku...

> The woman smiles and stares off into the distance. Perhaps she's the one who wrote the ema request the fox showed you. She wants to get back the money she lost.

Wallet misplacer: *sigh* I'm hungry. Withering, no food/memories of days gone by,/rejected tender words./O, why did I deny you?/Another stupid mistake. *sigh* I made another tanka...

> The woman smiles and stares off into the distance.

Wallet misplacer: Where did I lose that darn thing...? If I wasn't so hungry, I'd search every nook and cranny...Maybe I lost it by the river? Those rocks look like they're hiding bugs...Maybe they're edible.

> It's a wallet. Obtained Round Wallet.

Wallet misplacer: Some people have said:/"Prosperity is fleeting."/It is very true./I should be happy right now,/But I am dismayed. Haha, thank you for your hard work...But sadly, that wallet isn't mine. Get that wallet away from me! I'm fighting the urge to take it with all my will! If I take that money and eat, my conscience will just drive me crazy!

> It seems the wallet you found at Samegawa isn't this woman's...

Wallet misplacer: It's no use. I give up. In order to feed my hungry kid brother, I'm gonna go work in the city...In the turbulent neon sea, I'll wander the dangerous streets...Tears and memories/within my pulsating heart;/I must now set sail./I'll sadly voyage afar;/O wind, see me off nobly. So long, Inaba...I loved you so.

> The woman has completely given up. You wish you could find it for her...Perhaps looking in other locations will prove fruitful.

Wallet misplacer: *sigh* Maybe I dropped it when I went to check out the field...That scrooge, he coulda let me have one. Isn't that land part of the shrine, anyway?

> It's a wallet. Obtained Square Wallet.

Loud old man: I don't know who it is, but they must truly care about this here town! People...They're frightening things, aren't they? Once they find something they like, they'll keep asking for it. I am well and truly impressed by your kindness, boy. I think I understand you, but...I want to get into the best sauna ever made. I think I could do it, too, if I had Fine Coal! Youngster...Would you bring some to me?
Sure thing, gramps.
Loud old man: Really!? Is it okay? Aren't you busy with school and all that jazz?...Ah, no, never mind. Thank you, boy. I'm looking forward to it.

Wallet misplacer: I was too worried about leaving my brother...Inaba city Is far from being peaceful. Woe is Inaba...I guess I'll find a side job here. *sigh* If only I had my wallet...That! In your hands! That that that that!! That's my wallet! You found it for me!?

> You gave the woman her wallet. She's frantically checking inside...

Wallet misplacer: Th-This is it! My precious wallet! My seal! My contract and deed, they're all here! Hooray! Now I can go back to buying up plots of land! The land of others/If I want, it is my land/Happens in a flash/That is the law of the world./My world, my way...I'm short one syllable. Maybe I've lost my knack for tanka. I'll just stick to composing haiku. Thank you so much! Oh, yeah! I need to go say thanks to the shrine, too!

> You accomplished the request written on the ema! You should report back to the fox...

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Central shopping district, in front of Chinese Diner Aiya...You finished today's training and decided to stop by with Chie.

Kid's voice: I-I don't have any more...

-Border of Insanity-

D-Don't tell me they're at it again!? Let's go!

Punk: Huh? Aw, not her again.

Punk: Huhuhuh! You look like you got something planned!
Crying kid: H-Help...
Punk leader: Hear that, "Chie-chan?" He wants help.
How do you know my name...?
Punk leader: We ran into the guy you saved last time...Had a friendly conversation. He told us all kindsa stuff. Like where you live, and about that precious "Yukiko-san" of yours.
...What are you trying to pull!?
Punk leader: Oh, I'm just gonna have a little chat with this kid. Stay put, okay? 'Cause who knows what'll happen to "Yukiko-san" if you get in our way...?
Punk: Huhuhuh! Man, that's nasty!
Why, you...!!
Crying kid: *sniff*

> Things aren't looking good...

(Fight with Chie)
Yeah...We can't let these guys get away!

> Chie is spitting mad...

Punk leader: You sure about that? So you don't care what happens to your loved ones?
Rrrgh...Fine, then hit me! You're pissed at me, right!? Then why don't you just take a swing at me? I won't fight back. Be my guest! The face, the gut, just pick a target! As hard as you want!

Punk leader: ...Freak.
Punk: What's with this bitch...She for real? Whatever man...Let's go...


...Huh? Oh, no, don't worry about it!

> The child ran off...

...Was that stupid of me?
You protected that kid.

> It seems Chie is embarrassed...

It might've been stupid, but I wanted to save them...That kid, Yukiko...
How I feel about this isn't fake. I really want to protect them...

> Chie is smiling gently...

...Um, well...I also want to protect you...I might be a little flaky...And maybe you don't even need protecting...But...I...I want to protect you...

> ...The mood is right. What should you do...?

...Yep. I'm counting on you! So, let's have some steak!

> You ate with Chie and went home together.

I'm home.
Okay never mind.

There was a letter in the mailbox for you.

> The letter is addressed, "To Mr. Sanzo Genjo"...But the sender's name and address are nowhere to be found. There is only one sentence printed...

-Who's There?-

Oh, my show is almost on!

> Could this be a warning from the killer...? Or is it just a prank? You should discuss this with the group tomorrow...

??? I'll protect you all...

??? ...from the madness of this world.

??? I'll take you to a place where you can be at peace...

??? Yes...It's much more peaceful than here...