The Let's Play Archive

Police Quest 1

by idonotlikepeas

Part 17: Theatre of Failure Part Eight: Thirty-six views of Lytton City Park by Detective Robinson

Welcome, cadets! Today we have a special treat. On the... suggestion of Lieutenant Morgan, we've set up a little scenario to show you some of the do's and don'ts of stakeouts.

I couldn't be more excited!

(Did I miss anything? I was just smoking a quick one.)

(Not yet. They're still getting set up.)

(Why do we have to even be here if we pre-recorded all this, anyway?)

(In case people have questions for us, I guess.)

(Has anyone ever asked any questions?)


Here we are outside of Lytton City Park. You've heard there's a drug deal is planned, and you and your partner have rushed out to stop it.

Well, time to bust some drug dealers! HELLO DRUG DEALERS! I AM COMING TO GET YOU!

Nice place. Been a while since I was here last. Hey, guys, do I have time for a quick cigarette before we start shooting?

We're shooting already.

Yeah, yeah, keep your shirt on, Laura. Or don't! Hah!

Alright, alright, whatever, I'll hide.

Here's a tip for when you're on a stakeout: do not be seen. This seems like an obvious one, but you'd be surprised how hard it can be, especially if you need to be in a position to see your target. Luckily, the environment makes it relatively easy in today's example. Skulking in bushes may not feel like what you signed up for, but it's all part of the job.

(Sonny, didn't you do a bust in this park a few months back?)

(Yeah, Dooley based most of these on what happened to me during that Death Angel case.)

(Aw, man, the way that one ended wasn't too pretty.)

Hey, I've got to take a leak!

Once you've chosen your ground, stay put. Wandering around everywhere just makes it more likely you'll be seen, or lose your target.

Well, I've got the target now. Let's just take care of him.

A key component here would be making sure that you've seen something actually illegal happen before you try to arrest anybody. "He looked like he was going to deal drugs" is not a very strong argument in court. Let's try that again.

God, how long is this going to take?

Fifty-seven seconds.

It feels like so much longer.

In a real stakeout you might have to do this for hours. Be grateful.

Oh, here comes his connection. Finally.

Ah, shit.

I told you not to move around.

You aren't going to get away that easily! Let's see you punks run with holes in your chests!

Waving around your weapon and firing wildly around the park might seem like a great idea. If you're some kind of massive idiot. I shouldn't even need to explain why this one is a bad plan. So, you wait patiently until you see them exchange the drugs. Now what?

NOW I can use the gun! I'm gonna get you punks!

That's right, buddy, you're going down.

Agh! Stupid... dealers. Dammit.

Rule number two of gun safety: never point your gun at anyone or anything if you are not willing to pull the trigger and okay with the consequences of that action.

Oh, hell yeah. Let's try that trigger-pulling thing out.

Keith, you're supposed to play dead, not st-

Well, yes. Alright. This is also not a good plan. The man thought he was defending himself against you and you shot him down. The best possible consequence here is that you get thrown off the force. More likely, you're looking at murder charges. So let's do this again the right way: when you're about to apprehend some suspects, make sure you announce that you are a police officer FIRST so they know you are not just some random idiot with a gun.

OK, so, I may have just told you not to kill everyone in sight, but that doesn't mean you don't even DRAW the gun. In order to control the situation, you need to present a credible threat, especially when you appear to be outnumbered.

(I can't believe they actually called it the PIG.)

(That's why we call it the "Police Indoctrination Guide" and don't use the acronym. Hey, you tell Dooley it was a bad idea.)

(Nah, I get in the neck often enough from Hamilton as it is.)

So, what next, Officer Rufus?

Rufus? You there?

You should probably start the next scene.

Aaaaanytime now.

Oh, sorry, I was taking a smoke break. What're they doing?



Pay attention. You may only have a few seconds to take action. Don't be busy with something else when they arrive or you'll miss them.

How many times are we going to do this, Sonny?

Until you get it right, Rufus.

Alright... Durant. Let's do this.

Stay where you are, punk.

You're under arrest. You have the right to remain si-

What? What did I do wrong that time?

You didn't let your partner know you needed her help. We don't work alone. Our best asset is our fellow members of the police force, and if you don't make use of that asset, you're never going to get anywhere, assuming you even survive.

Ah, well. So I radio my partner next time. Ta-da. Are we done?

Yes, that'll be it for today.

And there you have it, cadets. I hoped you enjoyed this week's movie. Please file out in an orderly manner.

(Man, I thought they'd never leave. I'm glad we've only got a couple more of these scheduled.)

(I'll be happy to spend more time on the streets and less doing these films, yeah.)

John, did you seriously just have them shooting blanks at each other all over the park? Do you know exactly how dangerous that is?

We had it all under control, James.

I don't think you did, John. Especially since I've been looking over the old movies you made with Steve. You were really not treating that man with the respect and care due to an officer under your command.

He deserved it! They all deserve it. Crap all over my desk... mace...

John, are you STILL going on about the Gremlin? For heaven's sake, man, we all know who it is by now.


Look, if it'll make you feel any better, we'll have a little sting operation and get it taken care of. In the meantime, we need to talk about these movies...