The Let's Play Archive

Quest for Glory 1-5

by Bobbin Threadbare

Part 110: The Rite of Conquest

Chapter 17: The Rite of Conquest

Famous Adventurer posted:

I think my last paragraph requires a little more explanation. You see, an
evil wizard had orchestrated the takeover of the Kattas’ hometown, and he
was the one sending the elementals to destroy this other town they were all
staying at. Now evil wizards are a dime a dozen in the hero profession, but
this one was a little more subtle than most. Instead of taking power directly,
he installed a puppet emir and hired the most despicable, vicious, sadistic
person he could find to run the city guard. It wasn’t long until the populace
was feeling fairly oppressed, and to top it all off, the wizard siphoned off the
water elemental driving the magic fountain (the only local source of water,
mind you) and used it to attack the second city.

Even as evil wizards go, you’d have to admit this guy must have been pretty
rotten. But this was actually all part of his big master plan: according to the
kid, the wizard had uncovered an old prophecy that told about the freeing of
an ancient evil spirit. Like most evil wizards, this one thought he had the
power to command ancient evil spirits (not likely), but there was a problem.
Although the wizard had mistranslated the prophecy to say what he wanted it
to say, he couldn’t get over the fact that he needed a hero to fulfill it. Thus,
everything from the coup to the oppression to attacking a city with elementals
was all simply to bring a hero around to save the day. I have to admit, it takes
a real nasty evil wizard to consider taking over a town and trying to destroy a
second to be a means to an end. Hearing about guys like this makes me glad
I picked this profession.

Today, we are having macaroni and cheese. Plain, old macaroni and cheese.
So it’s not…
I gave the cooks the day off!
And this stuff actually tastes pretty good. I think today will be a good day.

I’d like to withdraw all my money today.
Really? But why?
I…er…I’m going to go make an investment…out of town.
Oh, alright. Good luck with that.

This here is why you don’t want to run around with all your drachmas on you at once. And keep in mind that only around 7000 of that is Nike’s equipment, so it is no exaggeration that Nike has more money than he could ever possibly carry. I’m not even sure that Strength boosted to 600 could handle that much weight. Thankfully, there is a place where we can put the cash.

For once, you don’t get a “don’t tempt the wait service!” message if you try to store money in your room’s chest. You also find out that for some reason money stored outside of the hero’s inventory likes to be broken up into 250 coin increments. And yes, that’s a lot of money right there. The only other thing in the chest right now is the second Mystic Magnet.

First thing’s first; the stationary guard is the easiest to clock.

And since we don’t want anyone interrupting our business at the bank, the patrolling guard goes down next. Something important to note is that he stops several times when traveling to the right, but never when going back left. This makes him much easier to catch up to when he’s going right.

After the last time the bank was robbed, a third guard was placed in front of the bank itself, and must be knocked out in order to get in. It’s still possible to only deal with him and ignore the other two, but this way requires less exact timing.

The bank’s interior hasn’t changed at all, except that the trap has been upgraded to the second hardest type. This type shows the dancing men in a random order, but still only activates once you press the center button.

Sadly, the safe only contained 2800 drachmas this time. Since the number is suspiciously close to the number of days between robberies, I get the feeling that 100 drachmas is added to the safe for every day that passes between the first and second attempts. No way I’m waiting 50 days for a full safe, though.

I’ve got enough for Ugarte, but I think I’d better round up to 5000 in case the little bastard tries to raise the price on me again.

This whole scene is actually very easy to miss. You have to pass by the adventurer’s guild at night at least a day after talking to Ugarte, both during the Rite of Conquest.

Ugarte? I was just looking for you. What are you doing out here?
Greetings. It is so very good to see you. I have been waiting for some time, and I was beginning to worry that I had missed you. I hope that you were not followed.
Why would I be followed? Is this about our arrangement?
Yes, it is about the old acquaintance of yours. I think he is watching me, but I have not been certain. He is very good at hiding, after all.
So are we, so what? And why would he be watching you?
He is looking for his next victim, as it is almost time. You must be very cautious, for I do not believe he is fond of you. And we both know he is very good with daggers. I would not like to meet him in a dark alleyway.
We’re not in an alleyway. So what do you know about him? It’s about time you spilled it.
Wait just a moment, Nike. I am a businessman, of course. You will be most interested in my information, and we must first come to a final arrangement about the price before I will say anything.
So you have it now? Where did you even get it?
I just happened to be in the right place the other night and I overheard a very interesting conversation. I know that you—since you are a hero—will want to find out more about the assassin, and the one who hired him.
Wait, so the “old acquaintance” is the assassin? And you know who hired him? Fuck, that is useful. Well, come on then, out with it!
First, we must discuss payment. If you will pay me 5000 drachmas, I will be willing to give you this information. I know you will gladly make such a deal considering how important this information is.
What a coincidence, I happen to have 5000 drachmas with me right now. Spill. It.
Oh, thank goodness! I was hoping to be rid of this information quickly. I am glad you think so far ahead. The assassin is—

Behind you…

It’s you, that mystery guy from the tavern!

Oh, shit, Ugarte…

Come on, man, you gotta swallow this pill. Don’t you dare die on me after leaving me one word away!

You better not be suspecting me just because I’m crouched over the body.
What? Of course not. I came as soon as I could. I’ve dispatched the other guards to follow the assassin. We need to get this man to a healer, and to report to the Hall of Kings.

Your friend, Ugarte, is unconscious but alive, thanks to your actions. It will be considerable time before he is well, though. We still do not have a true counter-poison to the assassin’s blade.

In other words, Ugarte is gone for the rest of the game whether you feed him the poison cure pills or not. It is entirely possible for him to die at this point if you don’t have any pills or don’t get them to him in time. And if you don’t meet him at this point, he is simply gone without any explanation.

Ugarte was right, I do think ahead. And here I thought I would need those pills.
Our guards are on the streets, searching for the assassin. Hopefully we can stop him now.
Not very likely, actually. He teleported in, threw the knife, then teleported back out. There won’t even be any footprints to follow.
A shame if that’s true. I don’t understand why this Ugarte was a target, though. He doesn’t seem to be connected with the others in any way.
He isn’t. He just happened to learn who the assassin is and who hired him, so he was silenced. And Ugarte was just about to tell me his name, too.
Ugarte was trying to tell you something? That would explain why he was the target, and not you. At any rate, you have our thanks and appreciation for your actions.
I only wish I could have done more.
Your description of the assassin is being given to all the guards in town. We will soon be increasing our patrols everywhere. This murderer must be stopped. Three dead—the king, a respected businessman–
–a challenger for the throne—and another would be dead if you hadn’t been there to aid him. Until the assassin is captured, I am certain there will be more death. We don’t know what his purpose is, or why. We can only hope we stop him soon.
Too bad the only person with anything on him is unconscious.
We will do what we can to bring Ugarte to wakefulness. We need to know what information almost cost him his life. Be careful, Prince Nike. Do not become a victim of the assassin yourself.
Oh, I don’t need reminding.

It is most unfortunate that the assassin managed to poison Ugarte. Even with the aid you gave him, he will not be of any use for some time.
Plus the whole almost dying thing.
Ah, yes, indeed. I should add that I do have knowledge of some of the information Ugarte was trying to sell you. I, however, will not be greedy. I will give it to you for free. You will, of course, owe me for this favor.
You know who the assassin is?
Assassin? I am afraid I don’t know what you are talking about. I intend to let you in on a little scheme that Ugarte and I were working upon.
You do recall the last time we met, how I was fond of birds?
The Blackbird. I had heard the real one was in the area.
I have as well, which is the sole reason I am in Silmaria. I had hoped that Ugarte would learn more about where the Blackbird was to be found. It was in the city recently, and must still be nearby. I want that Blackbird!
So what’s changed?
Ugarte can no longer help me, so I find myself once again bringing you into my confidence. You performed admirably last time; only the bird itself was lacking. If anyone can find where the Blackbird is hidden in Silmaria, it will be you. Bring it to me, and I am certain we can make a business arrangement that will satisfy both of us.
And the guild contest?
I’m sure my price can defer any aspirations you have in that regard.
I’ll think about it. Good night, Ferrari.
Farewell, Prince Nike, and I wish us both the best of luck in our mutual business endeavors.

I suppose you’ve heard the news too?
You’re quite the hero around here. Ugarte would be dead, if you hadn’t been there to help him. I’ve always had this thing for heroes…
Ugarte is unconscious, but he’s still alive. You were quite a hero for him.
He’s quite a hero for me, too.
Thanks, girls. It’s good to feel appreciated.
I’m sure there are other things you’d like to feel, too.
Um, right. So, uh, anything new?
The drink of the evening is called “Dragon’s Breath.” Don’t even think of drinking it unless you’re really hot stuff.
Dragon’s Breath? I think…I think I want to risk it.


*Wow. As tough as you are, that Dragon’s Breath still packs a wallop.*

It took the length of five games, but Nike is finally tough enough to drink something served in the very first tavern. Speaking of things from the first tavern, I think now is a good time to show off what happens when you drink too much of Budar’s brews.


Like the first game, drinking too much drops you outside nursing a hangover and with all the money on you gone. Luckily, most of it is still safe back at the inn, but the 5k I had on me is gone, making this night a net loss. Oh well, still 20k to burn through after getting the best sword in the game.

*Your head feels like Abdul sat on it. Your mouth tastes like you’ve been eating sand. Your stomach is rolling like the waves of a storm. In general, you have a terrible hangover.*

Do you always sleep outside on nights like this?
Nawar? You’re…oh man, now this is embarrassing.
You need someone to keep you in bed at night. It’s not safe out here all alone.
Yeah, I know. All my money’s gone, too. At least they didn’t take anything else. Is the inn already closed?
Yes. I was feeling a little lonely all by myself tonight. I love to watch the rocking and rolling of the waves in the moonlight. I wouldn’t mind a little rock and roll, myself.
I…um…that would be good, I guess.
What’s the matter? You used to be much better at…keeping up.
That was before someone told me…I thought we were just playing around, you know, trying to outdo each other. But then someone said…maybe it meant more than just the words.
What can I say? A man like you does a lot to a girl like me. Are you trying to say you’re not interested? You don’t want to flirt because you think I’ll get hurt?
No! I mean, how could I not be interested? You’re beautiful, you dance great, you can stay awake during my stories…
You think that I am lovely? Flattery will definitely get you somewhere. Oh, but, does that make you feel uncomfortable?
Not uncomfortable, no.
Then can you try to keep up? Please? For me?
Yeah, I’ll try. Oh, did you want some jewelry?
How lovely. You do know the way to win a woman’s heart, don’t you? And you have given me so many gifts. You are very generous. I am very fond of generous people.
If we ever end up in a quiet room together, I’m sure you’ll find out just how generous I am.
Ah, much better. I love a man with a ready wit. Nothing risqué, nothing gained, after all.
Heh. Well, it’s getting really late, and I should be heading to bed. This next Rite is going to be a real killer, after all.
Leaving already? Isn’t that just like a man? Always coming, and going too soon.

*The Next Day*

Yassas! I am to be a healer! Julanar has spoken to me. She said that you told her of my dream. I thank you so much, my friend.
So she talked to you?
I am so thrilled. I am to study with Julanar in the spring. I cannot thank you enough for this. I would never have dared to speak with a healer.
It wasn’t that hard, you know. She’s really a nice person.
Julanar is a wonderful woman. She told me what I need to learn before I become her apprentice. I will be studying very hard before I go to learn from her. It is so much better than fishing.
Fishing can’t be that bad, though.
I am a fisherman because my father and grandfather were fishermen. I will become a healer because I want to become one. It is good to know that dreams can come true, if you work to make it so.

He proved that dreams can be real, if you work to make them so.

I’ve heard that before. So, will you still take boat rides?
Certainly, but only so far out. There are a string of islands not far from the coast of Marete. Some are full islands and have names. Some are no more than rocks sticking out of the water. The main islands are Psara, Piperi, Kea, Sifnos, and Spetsai. There is another string of islands a little farther out, but it is too dangerous to go there right now.
Have you seen anything like a mercenary camp while you were out there?
I have heard some rumors about it, and I am attacked by mercenaries whenever I approach the area by day.
Well, you won’t have to worry about them while I’m on board. Was that how it went?
Yes, I heard about what has been happening with the Rites. Driving away the mercenaries by yourself seems to be an impossible task, but it seemed impossible that one person could take on all the mercenaries in a fishing village, and yet you proved that this could be done five times over. I am very impressed.
Thanks. It wasn’t that hard, really. How about we cast off immediately?
Great! We shall go for a boat ride together. You guide the way, and I’ll sail.

This is the first and only time you are ever told which island the mercenaries might be on. And, once again, you need to use the eye if you don’t want to guess which island is Sifnos. That said, the boat’s small range makes blind guessing a viable option.

I could show you how to infiltrate the base one screenshot at a time, but why not do this Rite in style?

The direct approach is much more straightforward; all the mercs see you, and you have to slaughter your way through the whole lot of them before the centaur wizard and the general teleport in. Oh, and Rakeesh’s advice about asking for a surrender? Useless. The paladin can even use his Sense Aura ability to discover that “the general’s sense of honor is completely gone now,” allowing you to kill him without consequence. I get the feeling that a peaceful solution was cut out at some point. Oh, and make sure you have a Mystic Magnet by now, because Andre will not be coming back for you, and if you didn't get a set, you are officially screwed.

Also, remember not to return to the Hall of Kings immediately with the general’s shield. While we were gone, the situation back in Silmaria…changed.