The Let's Play Archive

Quest for Glory 1-5

by Bobbin Threadbare

Part 30: Another Brick in the Wall

Chapter 9: Another Brick in the Wall

QfG2 Manual posted:

Advanced Thieving Techniques

Warning: If you have not studied the F.A.C.S. Cutpurses' Curriculum, do NOT
read this section! This contains classified, top-secret information for
Thieves' eyes only.

You have your toolkit and the skill to unlock the securest safe, the stealth
to sneak by the surliest security guards, and the dexterity to direct your
dagger to your desired destination. You practice daily; honing your skills
every chance you get to create that finely tuned machine that is your body.
Now it is time to talk about the other tools of the trade.

Rope - In the words of the immortal Sam 'the Man' Ganges, "You gotta scope
the rope if you wanta cope."

Oil - This is often overlooked as an essential part of the thief's equipment,
but it happens to be very handy. Squeaky hinges on cabinets and doors can
create the creak that causes the cops to capture a crook. Oiling hinges
reduces the noise considerably. Oil is also useful for moving heavy objects.
Well, it’s finally come: I’ve gotten to one of the slow days in Quest for Glory 2. After making introductions, there really isn’t much to do in Shapier aside from training, and future events are triggered on specific days, leaving fairly long stretches in which to practice. That said, there are still a few things left to do.

It is good that you returned; there is much I need to tell you.
It wouldn’t happen to be good news, would it?
Alas, never before have I read such troubling signs as those which guide you. Your future is very dark.

Darkness will lead you into a tomb. You will walk in fire, earth, water, and air, through temptation, and at last into despair and desolation. Darkness will triumph unless you stop the last light.
So what the heck does all of that mean and how could it possibly help me?
I haven’t the faintest clue.
Do you have anything useful to tell me at all?
Maybe you should consider a new line of work and get out of this hero business. Have you considered accounting?
Yeah, but it’s way too expensive. The Famous Accountant’s Correspondence Course wants you to pass tests and become “accredited.” Just a money making scheme, if you ask me.
Ah, I…see. Goodbye, and may the stars see you successful (especially since we will all die if you are not).
What? Did you say something?
Just making a mental note about the stars. Goodbye, Nike.

Rumor has it that a thief broke into the Metal Worker’s house the other night. There will be extra guards patrolling the streets tonight. It will be a good night to sleep in. By the way, did you happen to pick up the little item I mentioned before?
Wait, you mean Issur’s place? Because I wasn’t anywhere near the Fighter’s Plaza last night.
Obviously, then, your own indiscretions were much quieter than a certain other thief in town.
Oh, right, I keep forgetting that I’m not the only active burglar in town anymore. Last place I was at was a fair bit smaller than Shapier.
You must enjoy being in a city, then, since only a place as big as Shapier could be large enough to accommodate you extraordinary…talent.
…I’m not sure how I feel about that double entendre. Right, anyway, here’s the tea service you wanted, plus a silver dagger and a nice, expensive bowl.
Oh, you know just what to get a girl. Your cut should come to…45 dinars.
Great, I’ve got enough to buy that awesome rope now! So, would you mind me getting a hold some hot tips?
You might like to know where a certain someone (who shall be nameless, yet for whom I have little love) conceals his safe.
Go on.
There is a weapon shop in this city which has a trapdoor beneath its anvil. If you can but move the anvil and open the trapdoor, you shall be richly rewarded. I shall also be rewarded, knowing that I have contributed to the fall of the weaponer’s house.
The house of Usher?
Why do you hate Issur so much, though? You seem like the type to flirt with everybody.
There is an important distinction between one who ardently fences for the heart of a lady and one who believes his victory is already assured.
Ooooohhh. Hey, wait a minute, if a thief broke into Issur’s place, why would the money still be there?
Not every thief is endowed with muscles enough to move an anvil.
Good point. I’ll see you later, then.

Thinking again, the “Metal Worker” probably was referring to the hero’s exploits. But eh, whatever.

And right here is how I spend most of my time in Quest for Glory 2. Uhura can exercise you to exhaustion quite proficiently until fairly late into the game, and it never becomes even close to deadly combat, so you can keep fighting her over and over again. This becomes even more efficient when you start to use stamina pills as well, since her own health bar always refills between combats. She doesn’t drop money when you defeat her, however, so you can only keep it up for so long before you have to head out into the desert to make some cash off the beasts.

Finally, here is an image from the remake's version of the WIT tests: this is where the wizards send you if you request the redacted sponsor. I figure this makes little enough sense to those of you who don't know what the reference is, while those of you who do can get the joke.