The Let's Play Archive

Quest for Glory 1-5

by Bobbin Threadbare

Part 51: Bargaining at the Bazaar

Chapter 4: Bargaining at the Bazaar

QfG3 Manual posted:

Pointers for Potential Explorers

"F. E. here. Just thought I'd share a few secrets to scouting the savanna
and suggestions for jaunting through the jungle. I remember the time when
I discovered the Great Lost City of the Brass Bikini where I.... well, uh,
where was I? Oh yeah, anyway, if you want to be an experienced adventurer
like me, you've got to learn how to get along in the exploring biz.

For instance, always observe local customs -- many tribes have customs worth
observing. I mean, the way those women don't wear, well, you know what I
mean. At any rate, try to obey the villagers' quaint rules and never annoy
the locals. While there may be a few tribes you can still favorably impress
by flicking your bic at them, some will spear you for using magic in front
of them and others will counter your fire with some flame magic of their
own, and then where will you be?

Feeling better? The thief has been declared “honorless” now, whatever that means.
Oh yes, a most fitting punishment for his crime. And thank you for aiding his capture, even if the guards would have captured him anyway. I am the money changer, Dahab Khalis. Do you wish to exchange some foreign coin for the money of Tarna?
I got a stack of dinars here for you.
The money of Shapeir, eh? I was the money changer of Raseir for a long time, until the actions of the new Emir and Khaveen forced me to move my family here. What is the news from my homeland?
Well, I overthrew Khaveen and his master Ad Avis and got the old Emir put back in place. Oh, and I got declared a Prince of Shapeir for doing so.
That is very good news indeed. You warm my heart, my prince.
Warm enough to offer a discount?
Sorry, effendi, but my margins are thin enough without offering such things.
It was worth a shot. Here’s two hundred.
Kattir khairak mamnunm, effendi. Here are your royals. They are also worth one hundred commons.
How about you? Heard any good rumors?
Rumors, hmm, they say that there is tremendous inflation in Silmaria, and that the exchange rate has bottomed out for the Mordavian coinage, since no one can travel in or out of the country now. Oh, did you mean local rumors? Sorry, I have not heard any today.
Oh well. See you around.

Hujambo, bwana.
So…furs, then?
Yes, and things of leather.
…No sales pitch?
You buy or you do not, bwana.
…Alright. Get me some waterskins, will you? This savanna is still too dry for me.

Welcome to the purchasing screen for Quest for Glory 3. The first thing you need to do is select a product to buy.

With that done, you can choose the quantity, as well as decide whether to buy outright or bargain for the goods.

Bargaining is a tricky process in this game. If your offer is too low, the merchant gets offended and won’t go quite as low as he might have before, until he finally won’t budge at all. If it’s not low enough, however, you don’t get a second opportunity to go even lower. I suppose you could reset the merchant by leaving and reentering the room, but that’s being cheap in more ways than one, especially since 180 royals is more than enough to beat the game with.

Mzuri, bwana, it is good.

Fruit, fruit, the finest of fruit! Does your mouth not crave the sweet juices of a passion fruit, effendi?
What do you carry?
Ah, what fruit do you desire? All that you could ever wish, I have here. Pineapples, papayas, passion fruit! Coconuts and limes! Bananas, dates, and oranges! Purchase and eat to your heart’s delight! The price of the fruit is a mere pittance compared to the pleasure the fruit gives. You may have six of the fruits of your choice for but 50 commons.
Maybe later; I’m gonna run out this SPIM first.
If you say so, effendi. My fruit stand shall be here when you return.

Ah, I see that you are in need of a new weapon. I have one just right for you! Here is the finest of daggers! It too is made of Damascus steel. It too is sharper than a serpent’s tooth. It is small enough to be concealed up your sleeve, to be ready when your foe least expects it. I have, without a doubt, the best weapons for sale in all of Tarna! If you will be needing a weapon, I am the man you should see. Come, take a look, and buy what you like.
You really love your job, don’t you?
I am the most well protected merchant in the bazaar, bwana, and I sell that protection to others. What isn’t to like?
Fair enough. What kinds of weapons do you sell?
I have many spears to offer you. The standard spear is a most trusty weapon and can be useful for hunting. I also have a fine spear for those special occasions like formal weddings and ritual monster killings. I have two types of daggers to fill the needs of the most expert dagger user. I have throwing daggers for damage at a distance, perfectly balanced and sharpened. They are made by the Amanra tribe. I also have a very fine dagger, for when combat gets too close for comfort.
How about those bows in the back?
You have a most excellent eye. Those are good, strong bows, handmade by the Lara tribe. I can make you a good deal on a Lara bow and the daggers of Amanra. I also carry Conquest brand arrows, but they are only for the longbow.

He also carries swords, and I believe he can upgrade the fighter’s weapon if he never got one from Issur.

Well, I’m plenty full on weapons, but thanks anyway.
If you are ever without protection, you know where to find me.

Hello again, sir.
Are you going to buy something, or do I have to charge you for sightseeing?
Don’t worry; I’ve got some local coins this time. So what have you got back there?
Young man, prepare to be amazed. I’m An Forda, this dummy here is my son, and you’re currently standing in An Forda and Son’s Mostly New Item Emporium! A lot of people around here are worried about a war coming, but I’m prepared! Did you want a World War II gas mask? Or how about—
How about this tinderbox? How much for it?
I guess I could let that go for two royals.
Would you take 1.25?
1.25?! This tinderbox has real sentimental value. It was given to Caesar by Cleopatra. It was inscribed on the cover “To Caesar, with love, Cleo.” The lettering has just been worn off because Caesar used it so much lighting bonfires.
That’s not true, Pop! You picked it up just yesterday; it hasn’t even been used.
How about 1.50?
We’ll take it.
What do you mean, we’ll take it? You want to lose us all our money, dummy? I’m coming, Lizbeth. I’m coming soon. Our only son is trying to give away all the things we worked for. This is it, it’s the big one!
Oh Pop!
So do I get it?
Go ahead and take the box, I’ll calm Pop down.

They also sell the Blackbird if you’re a thief. Obviously it’s one of the fakes (it’s not the last game yet, after all), but you get puzzle points just the same.

That depends on what you mean by “sweeten.”
Honey, effendi. Do you not want its sweetness to fill your life?
Honey, eh? So how do you get honey in Fricana?
This honey is taken from the hives of wild bees, effendi. My men travel all around the savanna watching for the honey bird to guide them to a hive. They stun the bees with smoke and take the honey. I strain it and bottle it and sell the work of five men for only 80 commons.
Tell me more about the bird. You say it can lead you to a hive?
The honey bird loves honey, effendi. He tries to get people in the savanna to follow him to a hive. There he will wait for the person to rob the hive and leave the honey bird a gift of honey. When the person is gone, the honey bird flies down and eats the sticky, golden honey. A most useful and cunning little bird is the honey bird, effendi.
Well, I suppose that might just work. Give me small jar, please.

Oil, sahib, oil of all types and uses. Make your hair stay out of your eyes with oil. I am Zaituni bin Duhn. May I sell you some oil, effendi?
Oil is all you sell, then?
Extra virgin olive oil sells itself, effendi.
I’ll just have to take your word for it.

The thief lost his oil at some point in the past three months, so he needs to stop by here to get some more.

I think the drumming’s getting louder.

Beads! Beads! Very fine beads!
What kind of beads do you have here?
Very good beads. Very pretty, effendi. You buy pretty beads.
Exactly how does one go about creating, carving and dying such lively colored beads, madam?
Hm? Ma fhim’tish, effendi.
So you are not as familiar with my language as the other merchants?
Hm? Ma fhim’tish, effendi.
As I thought. Good day, madam.

Tell me, sir, all you merchants around here seem quite familiar with my tongue, but visits from people such as myself seem as though they would be an annual affair at best. How is it that so many of you can communicate with me?
In an ironic twist of fate, your language mimics exactly that used by the liontaurs.
How is that possible?
Beats me. Fresh fish! Get ‘em while they’re still cold!

Greetings of a glorious day! Buy a rope, effendi? I am Rashid, and I make the finest ropes in all the land. All who adventure can sometimes use a rope.
You’d think, but that’s what Levitate is for.
Ah, one of the magical bent, are we? I sometimes see your kind when I sell ropes to the caravans. Alas, the caravans have stopped coming because of the rumors of war, and I must sell my precious ropes in the bazaar. They are really quite good, effendi, and they are resistant to water and even fire.
That’s nice, but I still don’t need any.

Hey, you look like you’re on the level. Hmm…

Oho, one of the brethren, eh? I am not, but when I was younger, I knew many in your profession. I was a tightrope acrobat in my youth, and many with your skills would come to have me teach them acrobatics.

Impressive, but how does that help me?
Acrobatics are simple, really. You need to train your body to move correctly. Once you have mastered that, you can jump and do tricks to amuse yourself and others. More than that, someday you may need to quickly avoid something, and your body will know how to react. If you are interested, I will be happy to teach you for fifty royals. It is a skill worth knowing.



I really don’t know if going through this training is required to win or not, but I do know this:

Paying out 50 royals for 30 instant points of Agility is a good deal. Oh yeah, and it goes without saying that the thief needs Rashid's rope to go with the grappling hook.

Wonder why there are so many useless merchants around?

Greetings, effendi. May I interest you in my carvings of wood?
Are you Shallah? Sheema said you’d be the only Katta around.
Sheema? You have word from my aunt?
I have a letter, in fact. And there are probably some things you should know about that have happened since you left. It all began when I hastily agreed to an arrangement made to me by the merchant Abdulla Doo over a transaction involving basic sustenance. Little did I then know what mysteries and trials awaited me in the near future…

*Hours Pass*

…Which is when I then had to turn to Erasmus as my sponsor. The man has had centuries to study his craft, but based upon the structure of his riddles, it seemed quite clear to me that his time had been squandered on mundane projects and inane activities…

*More Hours Pass*

…In retrospect, the Charm spell was actually quite well built, and I should have endeavored to study it if Ad Avis had not been casting it at the time upon me. My memory is unfortunately vague with regards to the following events, but as I have reconstructed it, it seems that…

*Even More Hours Pass*

…And I believe it to be little exaggeration to say that pure adrenaline was running through my veins during that battle. Based on his ever-hastening movements, I could tell I had but a few seconds to act, and it was at that moment that I recalled a passing comment made to me which rumored that Ad Avis was deathly afraid of fire. That is why I—are you still listening?
Sorry, what? Oh yes, but I was reading this letter at the same time. In gratitude for your gift of news of my home, please accept one of my carvings, free of charge.
Really? Why, thank you. I believe I should take the leopard; I get the feeling that it may come in handy.

And this, dear drummer, is for your continued well-being.

The wizard, fighter, and paladin (especially the paladin) all get puzzle points for giving money to the drummer. The thief gets points for secretly exchanging a common with a royal without getting noticed.

Good day, Master. How may this worthless son of a dog serve you? Perhaps you would like some meat? May I sell you some meat, please?
What sorts of meat do you have?
Meat? You want to know about my meat? You actually want to know about my meat? How wonderful! How glorious! You’re asking ME, miserable mongrel of a meat merchant me, about my meat?! Yes! This is the meat for you! It’s the flesh for a pharaoh, meat made for monarchs, the sustenance of sultans!
We have rump roast of rhino, withers of wildebeest, and aged ankle of antelope! There’s the stew of the gnu, and the zebu too! There’s filet of frog, and the foot of a warthog, the tongue of a tapir, done in by a rapier! I’ve the brain of a baboon, the lungs of a loon, the heart of a hippopotamus, and the pancreas of a platypus! Choose from cold cuts of camel, sliced slivers of sloth, my choice chops of cheetah, or bushbucks in broth. Care for elephant fritters, or porcupine pie? An ounce of fresh ostrich, or bandicoot thigh? They’re all to be eaten, if only you’ll buy! (But if you won’t buy them, I swear that I’ll cry.)

Want to know a secret?

Kalb here never says no, no matter how low your Communication score is.


Amulets! Amulets to solve all your troubles. Anything can be accomplished with the right amulet.
Interesting. Would you happen to have any amulets to amplify magical power?
“Amplify?” Amulets are magical power, bwana. I have amulets of protection and prevention. I have amulets of attraction. All amulets are guaranteed to work correctly. I sell these magical items for a mere 30 royals. Would you like an amulet that prevents scurvy?
I believe the fruit merchant has that market fairly well cornered. What would you say if I were to tell you that I believe your amulets to be precisely as heavily enchanted as this leopard figurine I bought, which was carved and ritually imbued this morning?
Tell me the name of my competition, bwana. I can’t have anyone else trying to sell talismans against animal attack while I’m in town.
I thought so. Good day, sir.
But wait! You haven’t bought any amulets yet!

How about you? What do you sell?
Cloth and robes, effendi.
What’s the range on those?
The clothes I sell are fit for a prince, effendi. The robes are more suited to the natives of this land. The Simbani wear them for special ceremonies and events.
If you say so. Not that I particularly care, to be honest.
Such it may be, effendi. If you’ll excuse me, it’s getting late and I must begin closing the shop.
Is it really that late?

Wow, I guess it is. I guess I should be finding that inn now.