The Let's Play Archive

Railroad Ink

by That Italian Guy

Part 1: 1st Round

Warm up your engines! Then cool them off, cause we aren't really driving anywhere - there are no Roads OR Railroads. YET.

Welcome to the 1st SA Railroad Ink Tournament! We have contenders from all over the internet, ready to recreate that M6 planning story from Good Omens plan the best possible infrastructure for their lovely towns. In a few minutes, each player will receive a PM/E-mail to officially start their planning career. Each player is free to use whatever medium they prefer to fill up their board (TTS mod, MS Paint, pictures from a real Railroad Ink set, etc) as long as the Routes and the Round number can be easily recognised. So without further ado, let's roll some dice! (right click > show controls > unmute if you want to hear the lovely sound of digital dice)

As a reminder:

City Planners, you have a week to return a filled in game sheet to me! Remember that you can still sign up for the game up until the 1st Round results have been published!

Even if you don't want to participate in the tournament, you are more than welcome to play along! Feel free to use these boards:

EDIT: SporkChan you are unable to receive PMs at the moment! Maybe your inbox is full? Please let me know when I can try again (or send an email to if you prefer to be contacted via email)