The Let's Play Archive

Myst (RealMyst)

by SeriousSirrus

Part 1: Where Am I?

Update 1

Things that went wrong in this video


#1: Where Am I?:


These will be listed as they are introduced to us.


A mysterious and incredibly handsome man who, while swimming his daily laps around the universe discovered a mysterious book.
Upon touching the book he was sucked into the world of Myst. (We are not Catherine.)


The face that appears inside of the DIMENSIONAL SPACE IMAGER.

Supposedly the writer of every book on the island. He is the Husband of Catherine and the father of Sirrus and Achenar.


One of Atrus' sons.
He is imprisoned in the red book of static and though showing to be more forceful than his brother Achenar he still has the same desire for pages. In his case he wants red pages. Little more is known about the brother, save that he may have partaken in the burning of Atrus' library.


Another one of Atrus' sons.
He is imprisoned in the blue book of static.
Though not as demanding as his brother Sirrus, he appears to have gone insane from his experience in the book and has a one track mind. He wants more pages. Blue pages to be exact. Little is known about the brother, save that he may have partaken in the burning of Atrus' library.

*End of Content*