The Let's Play Archive


by Quackles

Part 70: Sun Haotian's Book Club: Beyond the Clockwork

Recommendation: Beyond the Clockwork

This is interesting. I didn't know I'd be subscribed to Sun Haotian's book club when I got this email address, but it beats getting spam every day. I'll have to check the book out.
That said, I can't think we'll ever have completely 'solved for our bodies', as Sun puts it. Suppose, for example, we find a way to prevent aging. We'll still be at risk of one kind of disease or another. And then there's the issue of inequality - a lot of people go hungry that our modern food system has the capacity for, etc.

Of course, for all I know, Sun could have considered inequality as part of doing this solving. Maybe he's got a building full of political scientists and a herd of lobbyists ready to go.
I wonder if he has looked in that direction, as well as at technological solutions?