Part 26: Continued
Chapter 6 Continued

Turning away from the half-cyclopse half-insect, I take a good look at the attrocities surrounding me.

This puzzle is based on sound - each of the bulbs produces a different tone when clicked. Clicking on the caged children causes them to sing a 6-note tune (the same one you can faintly hear in the Gromna cinematic above when he opens the door), which, in addition to being horribly

I duplicate the tune, and the tendrils blocking the door slide away.

Stepping into the tube causes it to spit me out one level higher. Here, for the first time, I witness the true horror of this opperation: cyclopian children, tied to the enormous insectoid queen, bleeding while she absorbs and feeds on their blood.

There's not enough

Luckilly, I still have the tools I picked up earlier.

Quickly, I hurry back down to where Gravin was working.

But as I arrive, the previously-fragile walkway collapses entirely.


I throw him the part I took from above...

...and he installs it into the machine.

He finishes installing the part, and a swirling purple portal opens up on the platform near him.

I return quickly to the upper levels the same way I went before.

Climbing the rope, I find a horrific sight.

Gromna himself, along with the insectoid queen, and some sort of video broadcast.

Not if I have anything to say about it!

This must be what Gravin was looking for.

As I pull it free, another portal springs to life!
Cinematic: Max's Discovery, Part 2

I quickly step through the portal, and find myself back down with Gravin.

Gravin redirects the portal, and we step through, recanting the events of the past hours. A nuclear strike on the Hive is ordered immediately. We've put an end to a great threat this day, but I will not allow myself to forget the rest of the team, who's lives were lost to make this possible.
Cinematic: Destruction of the Hive
Chapter 7: The Morgue and Cemetary

To Be Continued...