The Let's Play Archive

Secret of Mana

by Ryushikaze, QB

Part 47: Magic Overview #3- The Shadow Spirit, Shade.

We got a new Spirit, so it's time for a Magic rundown!

Upon beating the shit out of the largest unicellular organism you ever did see, we freed the Shadow spirit


Official Art

and more recently

In Game Sprite

Shade is the spirit of Darkness, and for some reason, only the Sprite can use his magic. That means there's no Dark Saber. Oh no..... Instead, you get a debuff and two attack spells.

Sprite's spells

Dark Force: 2MP to cast, deals dark elemental magic..

Dispel Magic: 4 MP to cast, gets rid of enemy buffs. At level six and higher can dispel Wall.

Evil Gate: 8 MP to cast, extreme dark elemental damage. Seems to do more damage the more HP the enemy has.

Shade isn't very interesting spells wise, but Dispel is useful right til the end of the game and worth levelling ASAP for the added utility.