The Let's Play Archive

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

by kethryveris

Part 114: The Bell Tolls

Asuka Stone Platform is now available.

A cutscene opens with an image of a field of red spider lilies.

The day rapidly speeds by until sunset.

A figure waits at the other end of the field.

The group approaches.

So, you've come.

That's right!

Did you meet...Alice?
Yeah. Thank you. Do you still plan to destroy the world?


I plan to remake this world by bringing us one hundred years into the past.
One hundred years?
Yes. One hundred years. When the people that have warped this world have not yet been born.

Then, I will be able to guide this world to a whole new future!

Kato is not a big fan of chaos theory, I see.

You think big.

Ha hahahaha. So you're satisfied with the miserable state of the world? You're happy just to let things continue the way they've been?
No, I'm not. The future I want, is the one that I create for myself! Even if it costs me my own soul!
So you fight because of your beliefs?

No. Because destiny!

Kato nods and smiles.

The ground begins to shake and split apart.

The stone rises.

Spires of rock shoot up from the ground.


Then, as the sun touches the horizon...

It flares.

A beam of light shoots out from the platform.

It strikes the clouds.

...Soul of the Ancient Gods. Soul of the Land of Nippon. Return beyond the Gate of Time!

A stone monument appears in mid-air.

Yoriwara, vessel of Yamato. I'll be there, at its peak! One hundred and eight tolls of the bell! Space will be torn, and time warped!

I got it.

With a flourish of his cape, Kato disappears.

The final dungeon is open.