The Let's Play Archive

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

by kethryveris

Part 92: Ishimura's Plot

...Why'd they have to open up the scene with Garan?!

So the lab has been destroyed...Hojo has been killed...

And Kato has gone missing chasing after a monster?
Hojo, that miserable failure!

Yes, Master.

Fools! All of th-them!

Ishimura doubles over into a horrible coughing fit.

Minister! Are you all right?
...Yes. *wheeze**cough*
Please! You must relax! Think of your health!
Quiet! This is nothing...
Please! Minister, you must relax!

...This young thug, Yuri...who is he, anyway?
I believe he is the man who stopped Rasputin's plan to conquer Russia. After that, he came to Japan chasing after Nicolai.
Special Agent Kato tells me he is the son of Hyuga from the Secret Service.
This man is the son of a patriot, so why..? I do not understand; WHY does he insist on causing me pain like this?

...Because you've gone mad with the lust for power?

Even though I only have a short time left in this body of mine...
Minister! You mustn't say such things!
Garan, destroy this Yuri. I cannot allow anyone to stand in the way of my plans for a new Empire.
Trust me, my lord. I, Garan, shall put forth my best effort.
Just go.

Garan bows his head and teleports away.

Hyuga, don't be angry with me. But I will not show mercy to an enemy...

Even if he is the son of a cherished friend.