The Let's Play Archive

Shadow of Destiny

by Mystic Mongol

Part 17

You guys are never ending wells of irony. You'll understand why I said that in another two or three endings.

Anyway! Time for the Dana-centric ending.

Let's pick up right after the conversation with Dana. She just asked for Eike to tell her boss she's sorry she didn't show up for work.

Maybe he's still up.

Guess not. But he wrote a nice little note as a belated birthday card.

Fun fact: There's no way to find out what the birthday present is. I find this incredibly frustrating.

Back to the past, there's Dana. Finding her again is the hardest part of this ending... she's not near the artist's workshop you found her at, and she has natural camouflage.

She took that well. I'd be kinda upset to find out the time traveler who stranded me in the past hadn't stopped to sleep yet.

What a touching scene... actually, I find it kind of inspiring.

Alright, goons, too often people feel neglected and unwanted, regardless of the truth. So sometime tomorrow, make a point of telling someone you don't thank enough how much you appreciate them. Not a family member, they see too much of you already.

It takes so little effort, and means so much.


Eike's an interesting date, isn't he.

You guys... turning your back on Margarete, just because she's Eike's daughter. That's so sad.

I'm pretty sure her figure developed a bit since chapter 2, which is cool.


If you'll excuse me, I have DESTINY to shape!

Drop off the jewel, jump forwards ten days, and...

Huh, that's different. I guess Hugo's going to have his final showdown without a hostage.

That's not comforting at all!

"I'm off to go to another time period. We'll probably never meet again. Thanks for the sea hare antidote."

Back in the present, we get the same phone conversation as last time... except for the tail end.

That's not good. Well, no matter. To the town square!

Hugo gives pretty much the same speech as last time. He demands Homunculus to be brought to him seven times, blames Eike three, says he's going to resurect his mom five times, and wildly assumes there's a philosopher's stone in Homunculus four. The whole evil rant sounds like a broken record, honestly... and Eike doesn't help by sounding shocked each time.

Bring me Homunculus!
You want me to bring you Homunculus?
Yes! He has the Philosopher's stone in him, I've decided. So--bring me Homunculus!
What? Homunculus?
He's the only source of the Philosopher's stone. So if you want to get Dana back... bring me Homunculus!
You want Homunculus!? What do you think that will do!?

And so on.

Protip: Never bail on a date with a hot chick to practice alchemy.

So, how will Eike save Dana? Could the secret for stopping Hugo lie... IN THE PAST!?  Yes.  Time for THIS ending's FINAL PUZZLE!