The Let's Play Archive

Shadow of Destiny

by Mystic Mongol

Part 27

I'm a bit loopy from bloodloss, so we'll just do the end of chapter eight for now, and the epilogue later.

Ending C

Alright, this time, after the twenty minute ultimatum form Hugo, I'll march off to 1580. Maybe I can stop him from traveling through time somehow!

Eike's big plan? Play it by ear!

He hears the footsteps of Hugo and Margarete and quickly hides behind a huge chunk of rubble.

Yugi plays swords of revealing light, flipping all of his opponent's monsters face up for three turns!

Wait, no, my bad, that's just the light show of an arriving time machine.

A completely pimp time machine! Eike has some Japaneese piece of crap thing with two transistors soldered together using a melted coin someone found in the couch. This one is an enormous brass machine with rotating rings, and probably much better for picking up chicks with.

The older version of Hugo... a Hugold, if you will.

If only it were this easy to get a time machine.

That's a step up from Eike's... Eike doesn't have any control over where it goes at all.

Hugold made half this shit up.

I remember earlier in the thread, when we though science fixed things, too! Turns out it's just demons.

Who could have figured this out!?

Eike's big plan? Step out in front of two people who want him dead and say hi.

Hugold makes a break for it.

Hugold takes a cane to Margarete, which doesn't make Hugo happy at all.

Ooooh, that was probably a mistake.

And Margarete, faced with her brother being completely destroyed from the time line, faints.

How does being erased from the time line work, anyway? Did Hugo ever exist now? Did he just die at this age? So why is there still a time machine in the room, clearly he lived on to make it... only he didn't. I don't feel this concept was adequately explored.

Nope, she's out cold. You have control over Eike here, but you can't leave, because Margarete's blocking the stairs. (This was a problem for Hugold too, remember)

I took advantage of this to take a few shots of the time machine, but that's about all you can do.

What was that big clock that was left behind when it traveled, anyway? Where is that?

Yup, everone's gone. Nothing there but Eike's statue of himself.

It's official... in ending C, Eike is worse than Homunculus.

Fate defied!