The Let's Play Archive

Shadow of Destiny

by Mystic Mongol

Part 9

So, let's try chapter six again. We can pick up right after Eike sees Miriam die for the first time.

Back to before the shooting!

And she goes a different way. That wasn't too hard!

And then as soon as Eike leaves, she goes the way she was going in the first place. Gah!

Yeah, good job defying fate THERE.

Wait, Eike approached her from the north, while that guy checking the body came from the south. Wouldn't one of us have seen the attacker?

Hmm, looks like the attacker approached from the alley to the east. Now I'll win the Shadow of Destiny trivia contest for sure!

Blah blah blah, no one trusts the stranger seen talking to the victim, we've seen all this. Anyway, Eike's digipad gives the little "no time" alarm. We can't go to a different time period without dying, we can't reset this time period again...

I guess there's only one choice.

Shit, my best friend just lost his wife. WAIT A MINUTE! This gives me a great idea for a movie! Never mind the time traveler I just saw who gave me the exact same idea!

No wonder he's a terrible director, he has the memory of a goldfish.

That's the time stream... normally it's the loading screen for when you time travel. This is the only time in the game you actually see anyone in it.

Yeah, I've kinda figured that out.

Oh, Homunculus, don't you know? when you tell someone what they're doing is a bad idea, all you'll do is get them angry at you. Then they'll do it anyway, and feel even worse since someone told them not to.

Translation: "Step off, bitch. You don't know what the hell you're doing."

He sure is demanding on poor Eike. That red stone must be important.

Here I am in the present and... what? The end chapter animation didn't start? I can use the time machine again?

I can't give up on Mr. Eckart!

She won't listen to reason! Chase her down and wrestle her to the ground, it's the only way!

The snow slows Eike's movement, making this the world's least exciting chase scene.

Poorly screenshotted action! In my defense, you don't really get to see much in the game, either. There are gunshots, though.

Fate defied!

I knew I forgot something.

That's as good an ending to this unfortunate event as you can get, so... guess we're done here.

Looks like you've gained the trust of some losers you'll never see again!

Screw 'em. If they knew anything, they'd have different character models in the present.

But have we saved ourself?

Yes... yes...

YES! A crowd! Fate defied!

Man, this movie looks almost as cool as Time Ego Trip World Conquest. Trenchcoat, tie, time travel, a hot babe in a sweater clinging on to him... if only he had stubble, it would be perfect.

And apparently having a good idea for a single movie was all it took to unlock Oleg's inner genius. The world has many more good movies in it now. Who says Eike isn't using time travel for all mankind?

Hmm... Mr. Eckard sounds a little strange over the phone here... he must be having some kind of problem. I guess we should see what's bothering him.

Side note... did you know that apparently recognizes frogsiren as a word?

Next chapter: The world's most irritating rope!