Part 22: Dawn of the Wizard Age
Part 22 - Dawn of the Wizard Age

We've slipped from the greasy paws of the Crew Background Zone, but we're out of the dialogue woods yet. Laine here has never been big on long conversations though.

[Leaning to one side, Laine's crutch is caked in more blood and what appears to be bits of hair.]

Next we'll check if "Simmy" Kim is lucid enough today to hold a conversation.

What, is everyone getting beat up tonight? What kind of lawless neighborhood... oh, right.

The only part that you repeat forever in real life is that incredibly cringeworthy memory of yourself that always pops up out of nowhere, no matter how many years its been.

Medicine, huh. We know Monika seemed to have encouraged her BTL use and Zaak is her provider, but it's still a little unclear what the connection between her and the crooked doc is. Based on what we've heard about the man, it's probably nothing good.

Since we're right next to the place we stop by Der Weinkeller, once again finding Lucky Strike at the counter. Might as well ask her about the Lodge too, maybe she's done work for them.

[She tips back her glass and swallows.]

I can't imagine any amount of money would be enough for us to start taking that guy's potato face seriously.

We could ask her to get a network by joining our crew, but she's not interested. Which is just as well, our safe house is pretty cramped as is, plus those glowing tattoos look like they'd make it hard to sleep at night.

Right. Of the three people we've met today only two have been beaten recently, no doubt putting us well below the municipal average.

[She tilts her glass, swirling the amber liquid inside.]

Okay, hint taken.

We next find ourselves near Cafe Cezve, with Kami keeping watch outside.

[The girl taps a finger thoughtfully against her chin.]

To be honest I'd be more shocked if she had somehow stayed in the dark about that one. Hell, I'm pretty sure there was a detailed breakdown of everything that went down in the local newspaper while we were still fighting our way out of the manor.

[She glances away briefly before returning her gaze to you.]

[Her eyes narrow only for the briefest moment at the word.]

Might as well slip inside for a cup while we're here. No hookah options for us, sadly.

Jan is in his usual seat, and perhaps he has been since the last time we visited. Or perhaps since the dawn of time itself. Perhaps we're all just figments of Jan Goldschmidt's caffeine-riddled imagination. Would explain why everything's such a damn mess.

Everyone's been so depressing lately that it's comforting to see the little cafe family still being their usual selves.

A big soykaf AND a scone later, we now have the necessary energy to deal with the suffocating smugness inside Aljernon's magic store. All shops have upgraded their wares by the way, but for us it's only really relevant in here.

Though it wasn't really made obvious, the Humanis compound was the school building she mentioned the previous time.

[She blinks, then looks away.]

Whatever, lady. Luckily Aljernon's cryptic wisdom howitzers are still undergoing maintenance, so we manage to avoid that particular shelling and can jump straight to shopping.

Before we do that though, we burn through most of the Karma we've accumulated over the last couple of missions and increase our Willpower and Spellcasting to 7, in the process unlocking the final spell slot and the ability to illegally peep on Ley Lines even through walls and fog. The reason we do this now is...

...the fact that it gives us access to most of Aljernon's spell selection which has gone up not just one, but two tiers from before! In fact he now sells the strongest possible versions of quite a few spells, about 25% into the game. Truly, balance is for non-wizards. Who don't use rifles, anyway.

Here are the completely new faces. Blindness is damn near identical to Mind Wipe, that is to say borderline broken, but on a separate cooldown. Glue is far too situational, it'll ruin melee enemies but there aren't nearly enough of them to justify using a valuable slot on it. Plus throwing some glue on the ground is just a real lame use of magical power in general.
Stunball II is nice on paper but it kind of costs 3 AP to cast which we don't and won't have for a very long time to come, and even if we did it's not so good as to burn an entire turn on. In addition to Manaball, Ball Lightning and Fireball are the two big AoE damage contenders, both with enormously long cooldowns but different damage focuses. I like to pick Ball Lightning because AP damage is just too valuable, but obviously nothing's stopping you from just taking both and going to town like some fucked up nightmare version of Merlin.

We'll opt for a balanced mix of utility and damage, keeping one slot for Mind Wipe and upgrading our basic Powerbolt while we're at it. As I mentioned back when we shopped here last, high-rank Armor spells are incredibly handy as they in most cases either cap or remove armor completely in a single cast. We were no slouch in combat before, but now we're now practically kitted for endgame.
Between the various merchants there are also a whole bunch of different outfits available now, but we'll stick to our business suit for the time being. Oh, and we also sell all the old junk while we're here, it's always good to have some spending money in case something comes up.

As we wonder where to find unwilling targets for our new and improved spell arsenal, an opportunity presents itself in the form of a maintenance worker reeking of side quest and excrement hanging around near the southern U-Bahn station.

From the face this guy's making, I'm not entirely convinced about that "nearly" part. It's like he's trying to do his best Max Payne impression and failing tragically.

That sure ain't much, but we did just burn through most of our cash reserves in a shopping spree, so...

Well we managed to avoid a sewer level for this long, but our luck was bound to run out sooner or later. You stay in this line of business long enough and those stinkin' tunnels will always come for ya in the end.

The sewer system is one of the few places around which seems unlikely to require any Matrix knowledge, so we'll take this opportunity to leave Blitz out and give Glory a chance to stretch her claws a bit.

Alright, let's get this done then. But hey, at least there are no random battles in this game so it's physically impossible for this to be worse than most other examples of the ol' classic.