Part 53: Engineered Solutions
Part 53 - Engineered Solutions

We've concluded that the banged-up corpse in the other room had likely ended up getting a bit too into an especially intense type of BTL chip, likely the same kind we managed to retrieve from the courier drone before it self-destructed and which our ill-mannered friend on the floor here also seems pretty keen on.

[Eiger glances up from your manic captive and looks you in the eye.]

Surprisingly expressive for a dead guy, really.

[The Engineer lets out a chuckle. It's a hoarse, barking sound.]

[She waves the chip in front of his eyes.]

Okay... Getting the feeling this guy's less "hooked" and more "already on the cleaning table and offering his belly for the fillet knife". Eagerly, at that.
[Eiger stares at him, her expression flat. The Engineer sneers.]

Well he's sure gone off the deep end in a hurry. We're obviously holding a real strong bargaining chip in more ways than one, so now looks like our best chance to go on the offensive.

[There is a moment of silence. Finally, Eiger speaks.]

Yeah you sure are looking as tight as they come right now buddy.
[His body begins to tremble. It looks like the drugs are wearing off.]


Guy definitely got one thing right, as far as Eiger's concerned he was dead the moment we caught him. Understandable from all we've heard, and doubt anyone halfway decent would shed a tear for a scumbucket this rank getting thrown overboard, but we did certainly make a deal.
After all if the man whose electronic bits have been disabled wants to slot a BTL chip this badly, then we can certainly oblige at least that much.

If we were feeling real soft we could claim that it's not right to coldly murder a captive even as rotten as him, but suffice it to say that it's not a plan Eiger is really onboard with when she already has him within stabbing distance.

[He licks his lips and nods feverishly.]

[Eiger looks back over to you and raises an eyebrow.]

This is basically our last chance to decide which one of two potential pieces of equipment we'll walk away with. Coming this far and making this deal is the only way to obtain a unique assault rifle for Eiger, while any other path (including failing to retrieve the chip intact in the first place) nets her a unique grenade instead.
For a min-maxer the grenade might be better since it deals major AP damage and one can always loan a store-bought rifle to a crew member, but we've never bothered doing that so a rifle suits our purposes quite well.

Let no one say we don't keep our deals. Well, unless said deals really screw over someone undeserving and we're not paid quite enough to look the other way.

Real shame for our man here that him and "undeserving" went their separate ways a long time ago.

Bet you don't even know how to input that Fatality.

[Eiger takes a step back.]

...Well that doesn't seem right. Did this guy just reactivate his electronics with the power of sheer anger?

[She reaches for her shotgun.]

Oh fuck!

Well... guess that's one way to take care of any potential moral dilemmas regarding murdering prisoners. Good thing it wasn't a bigger bomb, decorating the walls of an old warehouse in the middle of Piss City isn't our first choice for a final resting place.

Things took a bit of a turn there, but end of the day we can consider our mission a success and success should be rewarded.

We don't have the option to keep it for ourselves, even if we were interested in something as crude as guns instead of taking a much cooler and more literal approach to the concept of firearms.
[She takes the bag from you and unzips it. Her eyes go wide.]

[Gingerly, she reaches into the bag and pulls out a sleek, angular shape.]

Pull the small lever on the side and it'll play some relaxing jazz and pour you a nice warm cup of chai. Oh, and the gun itself obviously doesn't have a 2-turn cooldown, that refers to the cooldown of its unique ability. Probably ended up listed among the other stats by mistake.

Nothing like simultaneously carrying a shotgun, an assault rifle and a sniper rifle to make it clear that distance is never an obstacle for having a good time.
[She slings the rifle, then claps you on the shoulder.]

Time to get out of here. Pretty nice and simple run where things more or less worked as expected for once. Gotta enjoy those when we can.

As tends to be the case for side runs like these, our karmic rewards are low and monetary ones non-existent. We do have a fair amount of Karma saved up at this point though, so we might as well take this opportunity to beef up our stats some.

We spend all of our 26 Karma and increase our Body by 2 and our Intelligence, Biotech and Charisma by 1, the latter allowing us to pick up the Academic etiquette. We're still wearing the suit providing us with +2 Charisma but that's entirely redundant so we're only really sticking to it for style reasons.

Alright, let's go hash out our conclusions about what happened in Schattennest and then see what's next on our plate.

The contents of this discussion obviously vary depending on what we learned during the run (or what Eiger learned if she handled it alone) but we'll cover the other versions later.

[She frowns.]

Quick work considering we literally just arrived back home, but passage of time can get a bit weird when you can have these conversations at any point.

Probably learned their lesson and won't ever bother anyone again.

Gotta be at least twelve different Norwegian metal bands with lyrics about that exact combination of things.

Yeah thanks Eiger, that little problem had almost slipped our mind.
So since we're done talking about them, it's probably worth explaining the significance of Winternight for the setting which is primarily that, 10 years after the events of this game, they would team up with the Matrix cult Ex Pacis who'd at their behest develop a powerful dissonance virus dubbed Jormungand which would bring about the desruction of most of the globe's wired Matrix network in an event that would become known as Crash 2.0 (named so as the first internet crash already happened in 2029).
This was fueled by Winternight's belief that the Matrix held their god Loki prisoner and freeing the ol' trickster by blowing up the internet (alongside other fun things like terrorist attacks, inducing destructive earthquakes and causing a prolonged nuclear winter) was necessary to bring about Ragnarok. Also tried to redirect the Halley comet so that it'd collide with the Earth once, didn't work though.
The so-called "God" chips that we got an early preview of were one of the methods used to control the key individuals which made such a large-scale operation possible. The actual leader of Winternight was a toxic Raven shaman known as Wednesday because of course it was, dig deep enough and you'll find some toxic shaman or another behind every damn problem. In fact a number of them were involved with Winternight, something of a rarity since they're not usually team players.
Ultimately they managed to wreak quite a bit of havoc but full-on apocalyptic levels of damage were averted and both Wednesday and Winternight were brought to their end, but obviously the world would never be the same after.
There's a lot more to the whole business of course, an AI wanting to become an internet god was also involved and the Matrix would eventually be rebuilt in wireless form, but that's outside the scope of this LP where Rosa & co. are still blissfully ignorant about all the nonsense to come. Speaking of, let's get back to it.

...Glad we managed to put our initial differences aside, Eiger.

Polish towns really never catch a break.

This offer comes with the caveat that we're not smouldering corpses on the ground by then, obviously.

[She folds her arms across her chest.]

[She nods appreciatively.]

Don't know much about rifles but it shooting bullets in a straight line definitely sounds like a feature you'd want in one.

In practice the tracer shot increases a target's chance to be hit by 10% for a turn, which indeed is basically a lesser version of deckers' Mark Target. Nothing earth-shaking but it's as damaging and accurate as a normal shot so it is a consistent performer.

Of course for us who don't bother buying weapons for crew members, the real prize is Eiger gaining an assault rifle which is pretty much the best weapon type in the game and eliminates Eiger's last remaining blind spot. All in all she wrecks house even better than before and she didn't leave many walls standing to begin with.
[She pats the Engineer's rifle.]

Alright, time to take a moment to relax from all this serious business and see what the Shadowland community is chatting about today.

That sounds... vaguely familiar...
- Tolstoi <18:42:39/11-15-54>
[So we've all seen this one floating about the 'trix, this is some serious stuff. It's got heavy-duty corp written all over it. Not a lot of players could be behind something like this... Ares, or S-K, or maybe one of the big pharma corps? Say Schering, or AGC?]
- Ruby <20:19:11/11-15-54>
['Course, you can never totally discount the Azzies either.]
- The Smiling Bandit <Strikes Again!/Ha-Ha-Ha>
[Tolstoi, my esteemed colleague, this is indeed a recipe for some top-shelf drek. Whispers from the shadows say that this is sourced straight from the F-State.]
- Brewmeister <22:43:52/11-15-54>
[Hello, boys! I'm a big fan! You know, long time reader, first time poster. Quite an interesting concoction you have here, I'm just itching to cook some up! So many interesting properties to play with, I've already got a few tweaks in mind for my own special version 2.0!]
- The Smiling Bandit <Strikes Again!/Ha-Ha-Ha>
[You sure that you want to do that? This stuff doesn't play nice, and Corps are really bad at sharing their toys.]
- Clockwork <22:49:23/11-15-54>
[You can, of course, always share their secrets for them! Just gotta make sure that you run a little faster than them.]
- The Smiling Bandit <Strikes Again!/Ha-Ha-Ha>
[Always running, eh CW?]
- Clockwork <23:02:41/11-15-54>
[Like clockwork!]
- Brewmeister <23:51:09/11-15-54>
[Bandit, I'm touched by your concern. But don't you worry about little 'ole me. I do declare, this shall be ever such fun!]
...It'll probably be fine. This discussion is only here because we sold the data to the Schockwellenreiter, by the way. Speaking of those guys...

- SCHOCKWELLEN_REITERS <18:40:19/11-15-54>
[The Reiters have it on good authority that the Winternight Cult is eyeing Schattennest for expansion. We do not have any information as to what purpose they have for Berlin yet, but for the good of the Flux, we should keep a watchful eye on this situation. See attached files for more details...]
- Tolstoi <19:01:29/11-15-54>
[Cant track down much about these guys. Whats the big deal?]
- ProShot <19:17:06/11-15-54>
[Have a friend out in Cal Free State who swears that he's worked for them before. Says that they're the real deal - an honest-to-God global conspiracy. I thought he was full of drek... a Norwegian cult with money and influence to rival the big corps? Come on.]
- Tolstoi <19:17:54/11-15-54>
[Yeah, sounds a bit far-fetched.]
- ProShot <19:18:32/11-15-54>
[...That said, my buddy *is* rolling in nuyen, and hell if I know where it came from. Or maybe I should say "was."]
- Tolstoi <19:17:54/11-15-54>
[As in, past tense. So what happened?]
- ProShot <19:18:32/11-15-54>
[He went on a shooting rampage a few weeks back. Took out his entire family and a couple of neighbors before Lone Star managed to bring him down. He'll be sitting in one of their supermax facilities for the rest of his life, and the money got seized as evidence.]
- Tolstoi <19:18:45/11-15-54>
[Whoa. That's horrible, man.]
- ProShot <19:18:32/11-15-54>
[Yeah, it was. Thing is, I've read his arrest records. At the time that Lone Star tackled him, he was screaming crazy things... things about the world burning and a moon made of blood. So maybe there's something to all of this after all.]

- AlanAltbit <14:32:07/11-15-54>
[Ive got solar panels like everybody, but does anyone have experience with these mana-turbine services? Im off the grid, so there are some times when I need to do some late night decking, or maintenance on my telescoping limbs.]
- WraithLike44 <18:01:54/11-15-54>
[Is that the thing where a mage comes by and drops some juice into a generator? My buddy was telling me about them last week. The turbine spins the mana around and the charge lasts for weeks, he said.]
- Tolstoi <18:40:01/11-15-54>
[Theyre a scam, chummer. That mage is going to be out of there with your money before you realize how much power youve actually got. Youre better off pedaling a bike-battery.]
And that'll more or less do it for today. Next time we'll take a trip to the ~Non-Canon Zone~ and see the less conclusive result to the Engineer job. Until then.

There's one potential discussion about stopping Winternight at the end of the mission which I opted not to take in the update proper. Just felt a bit out of character for Rosa who doesn't really have a personal stake in stopping them and has a pressing dragon issue besides, but there's enough to it that it's worth including here.
Come on, fearless leader. Let's get back home.
Hang on, Eiger... I'm not comfortable leaving Winternight to the Flux State. I think that we should handle them ourselves.
What you're suggesting is beyond the scope of our capabilities. I don't have any contacts in Norway. We wouldn't even know where to begin looking for Winternight, and if we found them, what then?
The two of us aren't going to stop an international conspiracy on our own. We're good, but we're not *that* good.
Speak for yourself.
The hell with that, we can't trust a bunch of strangers with this.
I understand where you're coming from, Rosa... believe me, I do. I like a clear resolution as much as anyone else. But out in the field, you almost never get one.
There are no easy fixes in my line of work. You don't kill the bad guy and have everyone live happily ever after - that's a fairy tale, not real life. The real world is more complicated than that.
That's something, I guess.
It's a lot, Rosa. Believe me. Come on, fearless leader. We're still in gang territory. Let's drop this and get moving.
Also this kind of funny way to skip the whole discussion about what the Engineer said to Eiger in the post-mission conversation:
When I left that room to search for clues, the Engineer told you something. Something that pushed you over the edge.
[Her eyes narrow.] That son of a bitch said a lot of things. What of it?
Oh, nothing. I just wanted to thank you for knocking him down a peg.
[Her lip curls into a smirk.] He did need it, didn't he? You're welcome, fearless leader. It was my pleasure.
I don't have a follow-up. Just expressing my appreciation.
[She blinks.] Uh. Well, okay... thank you, Rosa. Was there something else that you wanted to ask about?
Finally, the quick and efficient alternative to agreeing to the rifle deal.
I... I have a stash, here in this warehouse. A custom rifle. It's all yours if you give me what is mine.
[Eiger looks back over to you and raises an eyebrow.]
I could use a new rifle. What do you think, fearless leader?
To be perfectly honest, I was just toying with him. You can kill him now if you want to.
Good riddance.