The Let's Play Archive

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

by Luisfe

Part 39

Update 38: Amala and new dialogs in Asakusa

Strenght it was.

Goddamn slow talking ghost of blargh.


Time to go in. Time to confront the dude. Time to kick his ass out of the Amala Network.

Isamu's gone through changes.

Well. That was futile. Too bad.
Let's see what Hijiri has to say.

"I'll go after him, you don't have to go inside Amala anymore. Sorry, but I can't help you right now. I need to concentrate on this. If there is somewhere you want to go, don't wait for me. If not, why don't you check Asakusa? Who knows? You might find something new!"
Bah. Well, whatever. He is trying to do things on his own. That's not going to end well

"I'll take care of Sidekick, so don't worry. I'll track him down and kick him out of the Network."
Uh huh. Clearly, Hijiri just got infected with the STUPIDITY virus.

Let's see what stuff is new in Asakusa, well, one conversation in Asakusa, and then let's see if there is something new about the FIENDS.

"But we weren't the first ones here... Well, we're still pumped up. I am going to help restore the city too."

A quick trip to the first Kalpa.

"Um. I sense the presence of a Fiend in the third Kalpa of this Labyrinth. I think you should stay away from there. But something feels kinda weird. This one feels different from the others. I wonder why?"
No. No tag. Not yet. No. No. NO.

Back to Asakusa.

"I want to open up soon. Well, better get back to work."

"Strange things are happening at Ikebukuro and the Amala Network. Now, what's going to happen?"
Clearly not the end of the world. That already happened.

"Isn't this bad for Nihilo?"
Yes, yes it is.

Time to go in. Supposedly they cleaned the "north" part.

"It's full of demons, though."
like if that was going to be a problem

"We believe in coexistence, so there's no vilence here."
HIPPY demons.

"Oh well. Futomimi should be ready to give his prophecy at Mifunashiro. I think I'll go there. Are you going?"
Not yet. Have to check other stuffs first, apparently


"I heard that someone saw Hikawa by the building that used to be the Mantra's headquarters."
Hikawa, eh?

"Then you should drop by once in a while, to check up on him. Take advice from a long-time Asakusa resident!"
Uuuh, it has not been YEARS since the world ended. It's been very little time. Creep

"You visiting them?"

Lame treasure is better than no treasure.

Last area.


Time to check Mifunashiro.



Screw you.

God damn it. Need to do something else before visiting this manikin.

Maybe to check that rumor that Hikawa is in Ikebukuro. Maybe.

OPTIONS: Go to Ikebukuro and check stuffs.
OR go to the Third Kalpa to see what the hell that spiky soul was talking about.