The Let's Play Archive

Silent Hill: Mobile

by Choco1980

Part 4: Scenario Two: Moon Part 2

Scenario Two: Moon-part two

When last we left Moon, she was just transfering over to the Otherworld through the bathroom portal, just as Ben had done. We learned that Moon was handed over to the Orphanage for her repeated suicide attempts at age three (!) and The Voice has urged her to kill herself for It. Earlier we found Ben's body in the showers, where The Voice had guided him to go. I think it's safe to assume it's intentions are murky at best.

Before we leave to explore the Otherworld, let's see if Moon has anything new to say in here. What does she see in mirror?

Is that mirror bleeding? It's broken and distorts my reflection, reminding me of something...

Hmm. If I recall, Ben thought it looked like himself as a child. Also, he thought there was something hiding in the closed stall.

For some reason that booth makes me uneasy.

And that, I'm afraid, is all that's new in here. For now. Let's move on with the usual room-by-room style of exploration. Staying upstairs, we next check out the first dorm room.

uh...that wasn't there before. Also, it's breathing. Should-should we touch it?

Someone is lying under the blanked (sic) on the lower bunk. The feet are sticking out. I have a bad feeling about touching that.

Me too. Let's go move on and see what's going on in the other-

Oh for crying out loud. To make matters worse, the monsters are now stronger than they were when Ben was alive. They now take 4 shots instead of 2. With the shakey aim system, it is almost a sure thing you'll miss shots now, increasing the chances of getting hit. Fortunately the infinitely spawning ammo and first aid kits are still present. To make matters worse, heading past this lovely guy, the other two dorm rooms are empty, and the two classrooms are still locked. I've been a little coy up to this point, not pointing out where the game wants us to go, but if you've been paying attention it's not too tough to figure out:


Sometimes it's something small, like the locked cabinet I overlooked with Ben,

I wonder what's inside


I left something for you in the cabinet in my world. It should do the trick...

Yes, The Voice wants us to go to the Dining Room here in the Otherworld, which was shut off from Ben, and take a look in its version of the china cabinet that was sitting on the left-hand side of the room. Fair enough, let's go there now.

Seriously? Okay fine, let's shoot another naked flesh-spider in the face, and then have a look around the room.

Well isn't this just lovely. Why, just look at those hooks hanging from the ceiling!

It's rusty but sharp. I might hurt myself if I touch that.

I'm sure. But what about the ones with stuff covering the hooks?

There is meat on the hook.

It's...probably for the best not to think about what kind of meat. Let's instead see what's written on the wall over blood...

Someone wrote "It's all her fault!" in blood. What is who's fault?

Hmm...isn't that interesting. And nothing else here either? Huh.


Oh alright, fine, let's look at that creepiness over where the cabinet should be.

It's the contours of a girl coming out of the wall. Weird... It feels warm.

Moon, what is wrong with you? Why are you touching that??

It looks like there's a key in her mouth.

Okay ew. Moon, you're gross. Anyways, we get a perfectly normal cabinet key, and that's it for here. That's right, the key goes to the Regular World cabinet. Oh goody, let's tromp all the way back up to the portal and-

White Screen


I want to die.
Dad... look...
I'm bleeding...
Why the sad face?

Okay, that just happened. Moving on.

We use the key on the cabinet, and inside we find a first aid kit, as well as-

A pair of scissors?

There you go Moon... Now go finish what you started...

What is this place?

Well after that, let's head back out and-

No way, are you serious? This is back?!

This time the puzzle is a different outcome, and there's also a nasty new surprise. I don't know what that added thing on the bottom is supposed to be, walkthroughs refer to it as a "gauge" of some sort, but the bottom line is that if you take too long trying to figure out the puzzle (and it doesn't take very long for that to happen), you start to lose health. I don't know if it's supposed to be a blade, or what. Anyways, the combination is now 5-2-6-12-9, and once again, trial and error seem to be the only way to know that. Now then, we have business upstairs, as we have something perfect to cut with these scissors. No, not that! You stop that thinking right now. I know what the title says to the LP, but I'm not willingly killing myself in this game, and that's final! No, our business is up in the dorm room.


The shoelaces are tied together. I remember this prank of tying the shoelaces together. Sometimes the knots were so complicated we had to cut them apart so to put our shoes on.

Yep, we cut the shoelaces with the scissors.

I got something for you in my world.

Oh for crying out loud. That's right, we're in the middle of a busywork fetch quest. Now that we cut those shoes, we have to go back to the Otherworld dormroom.

It looks like someone's been lying here.

Left behind is the classroom key. The Otherworld version of the door was just plain stuck, so this key obviously belongs to the Realworld classroom door.

Look at that nice window,

There's a fire escape here.

And here lies a prank I hadn't seen my first time I played through the game. If you check out the window with the USE command, it'll take you all the way back to the lobby--on the opposite end of the game! Considering this is the Regular World, without monsters, it's harmless, but the time it takes to get back here will make you mad! Anyways, let's take a look at the desk.

We used to sit by these desks, locked in, and take the educational torture.

No, I meant the teacher's desk, Miss Overdramatic.

It's the teacher's desk. Our teacher was obsessed with keeping it clean but now it's dirty and littered with torn text-books and broken pens. A chalk for writing on the blackboard lies here.

Don't mind if we do. Taking the chalk, let's look a the blackboard.

Something is written on the blackboard, but it's not complete. That's odd. The door was locked during the class and was never opened before every task was finished.

Oh, you weren't being overdramatic. Anyways, if we use the chalk on the blackboard, our next puzzle comes up.

This puzzle is fairly simple, but is still one mildly challenging to those not paying attention. Obviously, our job is to fill in the blank where the hand is hovering, which we do by selecting the letters in the bottom two rows. I hope you remembered your homework from earlier! The word is "DEDIT"

That should be about right...

Moon, I have a message for you in my world.

You guessed it, now we have to go to the Otherworld classroom, which we now opened with the blackboard puzzle. We'll just zip through the portal-

White Screen


Why do you look so sad Moon...?
You wanted to die...
Don't you want to die anymore...?
I think you should...

Uh...Okay, I'm starting to get a pretty bad feeling here...anyways, on to the Otherworld Classroom (Luckily, the monster didn't respawn for me. That is NOT a guarantee).

Well. There's just the one desk here in this class?

There's blood all over it. There's a piece of paper lying in the blood. There is some blood on the chair as well.

[i]If we look close, we can see there's some nails sticking to the desk in the bloodstain.

It looks like someone had their hands nailed to the desk but somehow managed to rip them free. It must have been painful!

[i]I'm sure it very much was, considering the blood loss. Well, it's pretty obvious that we're supposed to be picking up the note on the ground, so let's go ahead and grab it.


I'm sorry about everything I did. I know it's my fault entirely. It has been tormenting me since I was a small child and I tried to put things right all those times. Finally you grew tired of me, but how could you understand how I felt? Through the years I forgot what I had to do but now its all clear again. This time I'll do it right and do what has to be done. I will leave this life and everything will be good again. I know it's best for everyone and that is what you all truly want deep inside. To who ever finds this note - my life will end in the boys' washroom. Good bye mom. Good bye dad.

What?! I never wrote this!

[i]Well, now we face a problem. It's very obvious at this point that we're being goaded back into the bathroom, but at the same time, remember we're stuck in the Otherworld right now. The only way back to reality is the portal there. Unlike the uncertainty of the last scenario with Ben, we find ourselves facing the deep dread that is unavoidable. Well, I guess with that note, we have no choice but to go back in and face the inevitable.

White Screen


Hello there Moon...

Who... Who are you?

My name is Alessa...

Don't come any closer!

Do not fear me Moon. You need to feel this...

No!! Get away from me! Get awa...