The Let's Play Archive

Splinter Cell

by Erenthal

Part 1: Police Station

Welcome to our first mission! Two CIA agents have vanished without a trace in T'Bilisi, Georgia, and Third Echelons maiden mission is to find out what has happened to them.


Files, data and e-mails collected:


Subject: Case File
Uploaded: 16/10/04
Source: Grimsdottir
Name: Thomas G Gurgenidze
AKA: None
DOB: 08/11/60
Citizenship: Georgian
AO: T'Bilisi, Georgia
Associations: CIA Informant
Occupation: 4th T'Bilisi Precinct Police Booking Clerk

Relevant History:

Recruited by Special Agent Tanahill

Secures Clerical employment in T'Bilisi Police Force

First Contact with Sergeant Lortkipanidze


Promotion, gains access to Lortkipanidzes PC through server

Agent Tanahill request GRANTED: Increased funding for Gurgenidzes salary

Weekly transmission of Sgt. Lortkipanidzes files.

Negative report on CIA Agent Alice Madison



Subject: Case File
Uploaded: 16/10/04
Source: Grimsdottir
Name: William R Blaustein
AKA: None
DOB: 04/08/62
Citizenship: American
AO: T'Bilisi, Georgia
Associations: CIA
Occupation: Special Agent

Relevant History:
Arrives in T'Bilisi to begin investigation of Agent Madison's disappearance.

First contact with Thomas Gurgenidze.

Reports harassment from local police and near-incarceration (Ref: Sgt. Lortkipanidze)

Report of possible security breach at Blaustein's base of operations.

Missed daily report to Langley.

CIA-implanted tracking subdermal motion is reduced to less than 10 meters per day.

Missed daily report to Langley.

Missed daily report to Langley.

CIA-implanted tracking subdermal microchip go offline.

NOTES: A real cowboy, a good example of the old guard at Langley. (Author: Grimsdottir)


Subject: Case File
Uploaded: 16/10/04
Source: Grimsdottir
Name: Alice McCarthy Madison
AKA: None
DOB: 29/08/68
Citizenship: American
AO: T'Bilisi, Georgia
Associations: CIA
Occupation: Special Agent

Relevant History:

Transferred to Georgia

Secures administrative position in Georgian Secretary of Defense Chokhelis's office.

"Donation" to Nikoladze's campaign secures employment in T'Bilisi statehouse.

Report of "suspicious data traffic" between Nikoladze's deputies.

Paperwork submitted for the transferal of Nikoladze's encrypted files to NSA analysts. (Request as yet unprocessed)

Missed daily report to Langley.

Missed daily report to Langley.

CIA-implanted tracking subdermal motion is reduced to less than 20 meters per day.

CIA-implanted tracking subdermal microchip go offline.

Status request made of contact Thomas Gurgenidze. (Ref: S.A Tanahill)

Negative report from Gurgenidze.

NOTES: She's sharp but timid. She's worked herself deep into Nikoladze's government in a short time; quickly enough to make me wonder at her methods. (Author: Grimsdottir)


From: David
To: William
Sent: 15/10/2004 17:22
Subject: FW: drop dead


Got the following from our man Gurgenidze.

'I got the envelope thank you very much. I'll have the police station information in our dead drop behind the bushes in Morevi square.'

I'm sure it'll be there. Tom's a trustworthy type. If I can safely make the drop, I may leave a toy or two. Walk softly.

-David T.


From: William
To: Johnathan
Sent: 14/10/2004 05:32
Subject: RE: Madison

Mr. Sutton,

I think we can stop dancing around the words 'Agent Madison is dead.' Our only real question is why, or more importantly why Nikoladze thought he could hide it from us.

Your theory about her disappearance as a way to keep secret the connections between the Georgian politics and the Russian Mafia works, but it's too easy. It wouldn't justify murdering a U.S agent. And Nikoladze knows we know how dirty he is.

I think I'm being followed, though it's hard to separate paranoia from reason in this part of the world. I suggest we start swapping digital singatures more often, maybe twice a week.

Forward Gurgenidze this keypad code for the backdoor: 091772. I'll expect the pick-up by 10AM.

Say happy birthday to Kaye for me. Hopefully I'll be back in VA for the next one.

-B.B. Blaustein


From: Thomas
To: David
Sent: 16/10/04 03:09
Subject: Precinct back door

You can be getting into the police station with the keypad combination of 5929. This way goes by the back way into the holding cells. You are best for go at night, when the drunks are all passed out.


From: Phillip
To: Tristan
Sent: 15/10/04 12:14
Subject: RE: RE: cut rate third world flophouse

Go go Gadget Beridze,

it's a pain in my ass to leave my work for half a week to have some hush-hush pow-wow with Nick and V.G., but it's an INSULT to have to deal with morons like the concierge at this dump you guys put me up in. I'm serious, I don't want to see his face again.

I need to get back out to the rig and back to my work, especially in the middle of our you-know-what out in you-know-where. Idle hands are the Great Satan's playground.

-pHilliP maSSE


From Officer Beso Cheishvili
To: Officer Givi Kavsadze
Sent: 11/10/04 10:34
Subject: RE: Evidence????

Givi, I know you are new here so I'm not going to have your thumbs broken. Don't question Lortkipanidze, not if you want to keep your job and breathing priviliges. Let's have a drink tonight, I'll explain some things to you.


From: Doctor Slava Konipodze
To: Sgt. Ramaz Lrtkipanidze
Sent: 12/10/04 09:13
Subject: Morgue Security Cameras.


While I appreciate your newfound zeal in securing the station, I wonder at the need for a surveillance camera in the morgue. In my near forty years as a medical examiner, I have never once seen a cadaver commit a crime.

I am certain that there are other places in this very buidling where security cameras might do a much better job of spotting criminals. I am not speaking of the holding cells either.

Why, just last week I tagged some poor soul whose skull had been caved in by an object distinctly similar to the batons issued to our officers. Had there been security cameras in the research lab instead of the morgue itself, we might have caught the party responsible for destroying the evidence in that case.

Dr S. Konipodze
M.E PhD.


From: Sgt Ramaz Lortkipanidze
To: Officer Giza Giorgobiani
Sent: 15/10/04 04:36
Subject: Resisting arrest


I need you to stop by and pick up the concierge at the Hotel Berugebi for questioning. Make up whatever charges you see fit, somthing he won't be inclined to talk about. Once you get him back to the station have him resist arrest and break something painful.

It's a favor for a very influential friend. Do it well and we'll both be a little richer for it.

R. Lortkipanidze


From: Officer Beso Cheisvili
To: Sgt Ramaz Lortkipanidze
Sent: 15/10/04 23:53
Subject: Three in traction

Lortkipanidze Sir,

I just returned from the hospital, where about to and three-quarters men remain in critical condition. The beat cop taking statements from the doctors had a picture perfect description of the men's attackers: your friend Grinko and some ogre named Nikolai.

You may want to put in a call to the commissioner over at the eastern precinct if you want to keep our friends from drawing more attention than they need right now.



From: Sgt Ramaz Lortkipanidze
To: Officer Giza Giorgobiani
Sent: 14/10/04 11:56
Subject: RE: Givi


I don't trust Kavsadze, I don't care who he's related to. I don't want him within throwing distance of our horse.

R. Lortkipanidze