The Let's Play Archive

Sprung Flash Game

by Wolfshirt

Part 22

revengeanceful posted:

I fail to see the problem. Rip it off and do her already!

Kunster posted:

I'm with this.

Jale posted:

Please, like you care. *action*Put on adult diaper.

Tortolia posted:

It's not like Josh has shown any sort of indication that he can afford to be picky, and he killed the alien chick.

Volatile Penguin posted:

A score is a score.

*Action* Hey there's still a vagina under that suit.

CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! You've beaten the game and gotten the second best ending. I hope you've enjoyed this real LP and how real it's been.

Now just for posterity I'll reload state and show you guys the other two endings.

This is the best ending, where you hook up with the hot alien chick. You accomplish this one by flat out seducing her and not hooking her up with elvis.

And the worst ending...


Drawrings: Wolfshirt
Letter arrangement: Wolfshirt
Concept and programming: Wolfshirt
Funding: Viewers like you.

Thank you and goodnight!