The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 3: Operation Torskblast: Turns 3-4

Operation Torskblast: Turns 3-4

I couldn't help it, that suggestion was just too awesome.

The second Strv 121 (Sam.) captures a good portion of the second objective without prompting an overwatch attack. The first Main Battle Tank (pimpmust) moves up to the first objective to soldifify the armoured line.

The infantry blob trudges forward a little further. All in all, nothing too eventful happens during our third turn.

However, this is the first time we see any Norweigan activity. An 81mm smoke barrage is launched at the northern edge of the screen.

And another barrage was launched towards the south. Additionally, we can see that the southern objective is still neutral.

Perhaps the most unrealistic aspect of this game is that you can tell where your opponent has made a significant advance by watching the flags change colour, because the flags are still neutral, we can assume that the Norweigans have not made any progress towards the south (although the smoke barrage implies they probably intend to).

Here is the current position of our armoured forces as they wait for enemy troops to show up. I should warn you again that visibility and cover from the objective points is low, and that they should be evacuated once captured.

Now that the frontline has stabilised a bit, the infantry unit is approaching the main site of the battle.

Our unit south of the road is advancing similarly.

It's the end of turn 4, and we still haven't seen anything from the Norweigans other than a smoke barrage that seemingly wasn't followed up (or at least isn't being followed up quickly).

Speaking of which, we now know of at least 1 Norweigan unit.

It shouldn't be too dangerous because we are (for now) leading with armour. What are your next orders, men?