The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 135: Soviet Turn 7

Soviet Turn 7

Our turn starts off with the section that took this VP under fire. I new that was a bad idea.

There's also a Weapons section to the west of the northern village causing some trouble; naturally it will need to be neutralised soon.

At the end of Coiler's turn, bombardments show up. These reserve troops are now quite pinned (some bursts of fire from our T-64 in the middle will later add to their predicament.

A second barrage lands in this southern cluster of VPs - we must have hit someone with that.

I've made the decision to stabilise the southern line as much as possible before going into the local points there. I'm not about to lose a few units being hasty (a single infantry unit in that forest could mean a lot of trouble).

A DShK is spotted by an APC and eliminated by that northern sniper, a B-10 is removed by infantry fire in the village, and our scouts pin a Sapper team (without being spotted as far as I can tell). Overall, this has been a very good turn for tying up several loose ends.

So the line didn't advance as a I predicted, but we swatted down and/or heavily suppressed several Albanian units this turn.

By my prediction, at least almost 10% of Coiler's point value has been removed as an effective threat this last turn.