The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 39: Obong-Ni Ridge: Turn 14

Obong-Ni Ridge: Turn 14

I feel I must warn you all, this turn, things go from really bad to even worse. There is not going to be victory, there is only going to be how close we can get to turn 25 before everything collapses around us.

Our reinforcing Platoon is finally in position to ambush the enemy. Depending on how much the sustained fire can supress them, I think they can at least be a localised asset.

The lead Pershing drives off an enemy Rifle Section and drives into a thick patch of smoke. This way, in order to attack it, the enemy has to move a unit up to point blank range, where it will almost certainly be dispersed.

This is of course, a completely foolproof plan; there's only about a 1% chance it could horribly, horribly backfire, right?

As per Hob_Galding's request, the fire support missions are redirected to more suitable locations. The advice is actually very well timed, because the North Koreans have advanced to the point where fire point 8 is right on top of them.

A concealed .30 Cal team brutalises a T-34 at point blank range, to the point where a Marine Squad can just slip in and immobilise it. That was one of their last tanks.

Unfortunately, a light infantry squad manages to sneak into the smoke without being detected, allowing it to assault and destroy the M26 Pershing.

The enemy Su-76 is destroyed with a lucky shot, but this only attracts retaliatory fire from a B-10 recoilless rifle that destroys the Pershing with an even luckier shot.

And so, the unit that was our only remaining hope has been destroyed in a single small portion of the enemy turn. Now, the US Marines are unprecedentedly fucked.

I'm actually considering editing the unit data in the game, so that the marines in this mission are equipped with 2010 equipment. This mission might even be easily winnable if that happens.