Part 40: It's That Time Again (Recruitment)
Chapter 39 - It's That Time Again (Recruitment)
My apologies before this update starts. If you enjoy looking at proper punctuation, you may want to avoid this update entirely.

". . . . . In the forest... there are... many living creatures... many voices... If you are truly silent... you can hear them. "

"That's right... I seek to... Improve my art... Through listening to... the voices of the forest creatures..."


"You... seem to have a good master. And... I see... You, too, are fighting... Riou... Do you see a better future...? Lord Riou... I can hear, shining inside you... the voices of many. They have faith in you. If so many place their faith in you, I might as well do the same."

"No, the pleasure is mine. Lord Riou, I have here some 'Hearing-Ear Crystals. They have the power to reveal the voices of the forest. I sense that they will help you. Please, take them."


"Your parents were killed by those beasts! Have you forgotten that!?"

"No, I haven't... but... I can't allow a weak, injured creature to be killed..."

"If its wound heals, it'll come back to attack us!!"

"You cannot say that for certain... And if it does... then I will fight... You cannot seperate the world into 'people' and 'monsters.' Taking a life in battle may have meaning, but this is murder."

"Nobody listen to her! Kill that beast!!"

"No... They aren't this one's friends... No!! You can't have this one!!"
Yeah, we killed them. Stupid birds.

You would think they could have -one- name for this instead of three.

"Thank you... Kind boy... Kind girl... My name is Feather... I will lend you my power..."

"That ... That voice was... I am Ayda... you are...? I see... The Unicorn Army... So the war... still... continues... Riou, I will join your cause... With you... I will put an end to the fighting..."

"You want me to join your group? But.... I couldn't be of any use to you..."

"Really...? Just... One thing... If you can keep up with my dancing, I'll join you.... is that okay...?"

"And then Kiba just kneeled down in front of me and begged me to let him join my army!!!! I have that effect on people!! Well, you know I've got a big heart, so I took Kiba by the hand and lifted him up. I said: 'Lift up your head, General Kiba. I can't kill such a fine soldier as you.' Kiba was so moved, he said: "Lord Riou, from this day onward, my life is yours to do as you wish.' Oh, no more sake left, eh? Some new fish wouldn't be bad either...."

"Oh, yes, please. Order as much as you like, Lord Riou! Even the fish will be happy to be eaten by such a great hero!!!"
I seriously can't comprehend how you'd need that many punctuation marks for anything.

"Excuse me, Lord Riou, can we see the 'Bright Shield Rune' on your hand?"

"Well, okay, take a look."

"Huh? That's the 'Bright Shield Rune'? .....It looks different than I expected...."

"Eh? What's that...? It's melting...."

"Hey!!!!!! You fake!!!!! It's just drawn on there!!!! You're an imposter!!!!"

"W, Wait.... Wait a minute............."

"What! Are you a friend of his too!!!!!"

"He he he........ Big... brother....... you okay? Damn..... But hey.... I guess it's fate! Let's join forces, huh. How about it, bro! "

"Eh? Could it be.... Are you the real.... Ha! Ha ha ha.... Hey, bro, we're friends, right? Ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

"You must be the hero, Riou, who defeated that evil demon, Luca Blight. I'm sorry to be late, but I am Maximillian, leader of the Maximillian Knights. I'm here to help you. Lord Riou, I beg of you. Accept my pledge of knightly fealty!!!!!!"

"Alex................. Oh yeah, the guy from the inn..... Thanks. I owe you one."

"My oh my, the leader of the Unicorn Army is my customer. I can judge antiques, but I'm not so good at judging people. War is a tragic thing, It makes men into beasts. Many Irreplaceable antiques have been destroyed in the fire of war. That is no less of a tragedy.... I understand. I will help you. But I have just one condition. There is a certain antique that I want you to find for me. I want to see whether or not you are really the great hero I think you are, okay? I want you to find me a 'Celadon Vase.' If you bring me one, I'll join your group."
I've had one sitting in my inventory since I got one like two hours into the game.

"It's a 'Celadon Vase alright. I knew you would do it, Lord Riou. Now, I'll lend you my services as promised."

"Umm.... well, actually it was Hilda that ran the inn......"

"You opened the gate to the Sindar ruins, right?! What did you find in the ruins!!! Tell me or I'll kill you!!"

"I'll ask you again. What did you find in the Sindar ruins? If you don't tell me..."

"I don't know what you wanna hear, but the treasure from the Sindar ruins is right in front of your eyes! This is the treasure I found!! You got a problem with that!!!!"

". . . . . . . . . . . Your words... they have the ring of truth in them. I'm sorry I was so rude. Forgive me.... It looks like you've got some good friends....."

"I can't say much, but the relics that were left by the Sindar should not fall into the hands of normal men........... You can relax. That man wasn't lying. I won't go anywhere near there anymore."

"Friend? While I was here asking for rumors about the Sindar, a lot of people told me about you.... It seems that I was wrong about you..... That will be fine..... But if I come across any clues about the Sindar, I want out."
Next Time: Chapter 40 - Reunion