The Let's Play Archive

Suikoden IV

by vilkacis

Part 40: Moonless Night

We made our decision and...

...Elenor still doesn't trust us not to fuck it up.

L-L-Lady Elenor?!

Wait a minute... Won't it be dangerous for the tactician to accompany them?

Well this is the final battle and all, so once it's over we won't need her anymore anyway. I'll allow it.

We must destroy the Rune Cannon by any means necessary. That's why I'm going. I've got the map of the fort and the structure of the Rune Cannon memorized in my head already.

Handy ability, that. I'd still say Pablo and Warlock would be a better choice for anything related to cannons, but...

I am counting on you, Ms. Elenor. didn't really think they'd let us affect anything, did you?

If that's what you think, I have no right to stop you guys... But please be careful.

We're in control of Lazlo again, but...

...there's really nothing to do. We just have to go take a nap and come back.

Oh, like you wouldn't believe.

One nap later,

Yes, I am ready!'s time to get things started.

Okay. The decisive battle will take place tomorrow morning... I'm counting on you.

I think all has been said that needs to be said.

Still, the rest of them don't know it was a one-choice decision, so I guess it works.

So anyway, have I not complained enough about how this game sucks lately?

Well, consider yourself lucky, because I'm about to start again! And what's the problem this time?

If we survive tomorrow...

It doesn't play Theme of a Moonlit Night during the final night in headquarters before the last dungeon!

Don't worry. We'll be able to return to Razril.

I don't think III did it either, but at least that game did more of the other things right.

That's right... Let's do our best tomorrow.

So what you should do is just pretend one of the many versions plays over the rest of this update.

I wonder what I'll do when I finally get back to Razril...

I'm thinking you'll keep inexpertly trying to hit on Snowe.

Despite my griping about the music, they did keep the tradition of pre-endgame base conversations, and they didn't do it too poorly. There are several scenes likes this around the ship but all but the one with the knights are optional. Because I'm a masochistic freak thorough and diligent, I'll be showing off all the ones I could find, though I'll be skipping a lot of general NPC one-liners that are just like "Good luck tomorrow!"

I've also put together a video of the ones that have voicing - I'd recommend you watch the entire thing, but I'll also point out the best parts as we get to them.

I was wondering... That Rune of yours... Is it... a great burden? You know, Brandeau died alone, but that was his choice. He never let anyone, not even his friends, get close to him... It's pitiful to think about, really...

I think this is the closest this game ever gets to explaining the relationship between Kika and Brandeau.

No... Never mind. I'm sorry. Forget what I said...

...all right then.

What kind of question is that?!

No, I'm just asking...

I've already severed my ties to that place... In the eyes of Middleport, I'm a dead man. I intend to stay in the pirate business. I'll spend my whole life repaying Lady Kika for taking me in.
What about you? Aren't you going to find your calling?

I don't think so... I, too, would rather stay as Lady Kika's right-hand man.

Well... First, we have to get tomorrow over and done with.

Oh... Right...

You're not telling me you forgot about our Final Decisive Battle taking place tomorrow? I better go see if Elenor is missing a few crates of wine.

Doesn't sound too bad, actually.

Anyway, this is probably the most interesting scene. Even if you don't watch the whole video, you should watch this.

So Lazlo takes a seat at the table.

The Rune you now hold... it was summoned from the ruins of the kingdom 15 years ago by the Queen of Obel. She was my wife. We lived normal lives, resisting the Rune's lure. Then one day, we were attacked by pirates...
Our kids were on the ship, too. Flare and her younger brother, they were just newborns. My Lady died saving them...

If you remember the very first update, this scene was shown briefly in the intro cinematic - although we did not know what we were witnessing at the time.

She defeated the pirates, but our ship sustained heavy damage... My yountest... went missing. If he were alive, he would be about your age now... Just a couple more years and I might've shared a drink with him... Oh, but make no mistake. I haven't supported you in an attempt to replace my lost son. It's not that at all.

Okay, okay... I'm going to sleep now. You should, too. Be ready for tomorrow.

With that, we're thrown out.

Since this is a video game and nothing is ever a coincidence, I doubt there's anyone reading this who hasn't caught on to the hints that There May Be Some Relation Here.

The subject of Lazlo's age came up earlier in the thread, and now we have some substantial hints. Flare is 20, so he could be a "younger twin" at the same age, but he might also be somewhat less than 15 - though personally, I'd guess he's probably somewhere in between, leaning slightly more towards the former. Lino doesn't say how long the queen lived with the Rune, but Rikie talks about how her husband couldn't have lasted a few years with it, so it probably wasn't too long.

More importantly, this would also explain why Lazlo was the only one to survive when Brandeau used the Rune way back in the beginning: the influence of one of its previous bearers, who is still stuck inside it.

In the room across the hall, Elenor is boozing it up as usual.

This, too, is something you should watch.

What kind of example are you setting, Lady Elenor?! We should be going to sleep, so we'll be ready for tomorrow.

Tomorrow... I wonder if I'll see Cray tomorrow... Long ago, he used to be my subordinate - a tactician and an assistant in the service of the Scarlet Moon Empire... But out of the blue, he attacked the nobles of Scarlet Moon. How many years has it been since then?

I had no idea...

The fact that no one had an idea is kind of one of the problems with this game.

Back then, something definitely happened to Cray. He suddenly exchanged his left hand with a steel one... Even worse, Cray used his son as a pawn and let him die... I'm positive that something triggered his rebellion. But no matter how much I questioned him, he never answered. In the end, he was expelled, and I was discharged.
He was a good kid, too, but now... I regret... my being unable to save him.

Well, shit. I think that'd drive me to drink, too.

I think we all know the answer to that.

You may have noticed that I haven't said much about the game's story lately. That's because it doesn't have much of one once you leave Obel. But, the reason Suikoden IV is Not A Good Game isn't the foundation. If it had been less rushed, if they had taken the time to explore all this backstory more thoroughly through the course of the game, I'm sure the end product could have been much better.

(And I'm sure if they had mailed me a million bucks while they were at it, I would have liked it even more.)

"Believe in yourselves -- even after this war is over, our lives will continue on."
"Let us ponder those words thoroughly whenever we come across troubling times in our lives."

Outside, Perrault has a surprise waiting for us.

Unfortunately, we have a terribly distressing announcement to make. This publication will be on hiatus, as of this issue. In closing, we ask for your understanding and we will pray for your future well-being.

It really is the endgame! But haven't we left something unfinished...?

They troubled the Rose Swordsman, but he did not fight alone, backed by heroes and other people of the island nations. Before they knew it, many heroes had gathered around the Rose Swordsman. Everyone, even Lazlo and the king of Obel, idolized him.
"This just goes to show that admirable people flock to an admirable leader," said Micky.
The rose swordsman smiled and quipped, "Yes, and you are one of them, Micky."
There was no longer anyone who could stand up to the Rose Swordsman and his people. Even the Kooluk, who had stood in their way with awesome military might, was like twisting a babe's hand for them. The Kooluk fell and peace was restored in the island nations. The time to return home was approaching.
Middleport was getting close, but something was different. Middleport looked terribly red in the distance.
The reason became immediately clear. The residents awaiting the Rose Swordsman's return had decorated the town with all the roses in the world.
"Beautiful... From now on, we must spread this beauty to the rest of the world. I will set out on a journey again."
"That is my young Master."
The ship slowly returned to port. The Rose Swordsman's return was a beautiful event that no one would forget for the rest of their lives!
----The End----

Fuck you, Micky. Fuck you so very much.

There's an underaged ambush squad waiting on the floor below.

We worked really hard to make it, so take good care of it, okay?

Damn, that voice acting.

But, furries or no, you better believe Lazlo is wearing the fuck out of this wooden amulet for the rest of the game.

Wow, Viki, that almost made sense. Are you feeling all right?

Continuing down...

Nope. It's all done. And you now have more money than Reinbach, you greedy fuck.

Do not let your guard down. Stay alert from here on out.

I'm not sure it'll help. Nothing can prepare me for what's to come.

Kind of.

You're amazing, Lazlo... You follow your own path unwaveringly, even with a Rune like that... Say, do you think I'll be able to live like that someday, too?

Uh, Ted, I... don't know what to tell you.

Only you can make that decision.

Yeah, you're right. Someday...

Let me know how that turns out for you.

If there is anything that I can do, please tell me. Allow me to support you in this endeavor. After all, I also have a connection to the Rune of Punishment. I am sure that my husband would have wanted it that way.

...just stay here where you won't get in the way, okay?


Here we go!

Yeah! people.

Yes, sir!

Just don't die on me. Got that?

Yes, sir!

And if I should die... You'll go back to your mom.

Yes, sir!
Wait a minute... you've found my mother?

W-Well... actually... Oh, enough of this depressing talk! We're gonna sleep and that's final!

Yes, sir!!

Dario's dysfunctional pirate family is almost as as the actual .

When Cray attacked the nobles of Scarlet Moon before, someone probably used the Rune of Punishment. That's how he knows of the Rune's great power. He craves that power, which is why he'll go after you. Once he has the Rune, he'll use it to kill others... The same way my city was decimated.

You know... I think it might just be worth letting him have it. It's not as if he's magically going to survive using it because he's related to one of the previous bearers or anything...

You've become your own man. I'm sure Commander Glen would be proud.


Hey, Yu actually sounds like a doctor for once!

What a coincidence! Neither am I! There's nothing ordinary about being level 80 in a game that expects you to finish in your sixties.

Hey, a conversation! Let's sneakily hide and listen in!

Since I volunteered to fight this battle against you... I'm prepared for any consequence I may face.

It's your decision... Live your life however you see fit... There's more to this world than Kooluk, you know...

In order to thrive, you must survive.

Yes, sir.

Seems we're not the only ones having family reunions tonight. We're probably the only ones who had one and don't know about it, though.

Mitsuba doesn't say anything particularly interesting; I just included this because I like it.

Everything's ready on my end.

Then, would you please help me out?

Such a busy, busy day...

But it's night...

I'd rather not think about what's going to happen to you when this war is over either!

And that's the last room on the ship. Bedtime for Lazlo.

Oh, wait. There's still someone we haven't spoken to.

I just wanted to let you know that... Well, good night.

It's going to take some getting used to the new, humble Snowe, but he has nothing to worry about. We'll be putting him to good use in the upcoming dungeon.

All right, then. I'm looking forward to a nice long night of undisturbed rest -

- oh, who am I kidding.

That is your destiny and the destinies of the 108 who have gathered around you...

I have seen the will of the Rune... If you are ever to let it go, the Rune will certainly wander throughout the world, harvesting lives, once again. Where the Rune is headed from here on... Unfortunately, I still do not know the answer to that at this time.

Wow, you sure were a great help. Thanks, Leknaat.

Fun fact:

If you were to come here without recruiting all the characters because you, say, killed one of them or something...

What lies beyond... Even with my vision and predictions, I do not yet know. Though the winds of fate be unyielding, the many stars with you will certainly light the way...
The strength to forge ahead on the path you believe in... The power, which has found a home in your body... and the Rune, which consumes your life... These times will surely find a place in my memories...

...she is, if you can believe it, actually even less helpful.