The Let's Play Archive


by Thanatos Mazus

Part 4: Chapter Four: Everyone in the Empire is a Jerk

Chapter Four: Everyone in the Empire is a Jerk

Last time, we began climbing the tall tower to see Leknaat. While the building was impressive on the outside, there seemed to only be one actualy floor inside. The rest of the building was stairs. We finally reached the top, and met with Leknaat

: Oh my, what a cute messenger we have this year.

: She say's your cute, Tir. How do you feel about that?

It's kinda like having your creepy aunt call you cute, while she pinches your cheek.

: I'm sorry. You're a soldier of the Empire. I shouldn't call you "cute". I have prepared the Astral Conclusions. Follow me.

: Young Master, we must go to Lady Leknaat's.

What's all this "we" business, Gremio?This is my mission, not yours. You're just here to protect me. Also, aren't we already AT Lady Leknaat's? Anyway, Leknaat and I head off to another room.

Wow, that's some really cool looking stained glass.

: Imperial messenger, here are the Astral Conclusions. Please take them.

: What's your name? I see, Tir. Such a friendly name. I am an astrological magician. My job is to see the future in the stars. But the future is not unchangeable. All I can see is the overall flow of things. Tir, you are bearing a huge burden in the flow of destiny. You will have to make painful choices, and experience a great deal of pain and sorrow. And I know not what the outcome is. But always remember that your destiny is in your own hands. Here are the Astral Conclusions. My job is now done. You must decide what is right. Do you understand? But we will meet again. Not that I see our reunion in the stars...It's just my wish.

What in the world? I just started work, and she drops all of this on me? Pain, suffering, and sorrow? Working for Kraze was bad, but not that bad.

(He who?)

I left Lady Leknaat, heading back towards my friends. That was completely uncomfortable, and I couldn't wait to leave.

Apparently, they were just as eager to leave.

: If we don't hurry, Futch will get impatient and leave us behind. Let's get going.

I don't understand the people that I deal with. There's no way here but a dragon ride, but Futch would just leave us stranded? Dragon Knights are punks.

: Don't be rude to Lady Leknaat. Are you hungry or something?

: Shut up.

While Cleo and Pahn argued, Lady Leknaat came to bid us farewell.

: I'll have Luc take you to the shore. Luc?

Luc warped into the room in a white sphere.

: I'm here, Lady Leknaat.

: Take Tir and his companions to the shore. And none of your tricks now, do you hear?

: Of course not, Ma'am. I would never trick anyone.

Luc's not a trickster, he just likes to try to kill random people. Luc!

: If you'll excuse us, Lady Leknaat, we'll be on our way.

: You...

: Yes?

: Your job is to protect Tir. Take this. It should come in handy sometime.

: Tir, remember what I told you.

: Ready everyone? Close your eyes. Wind rune, show your power.

: The Imperial Guard should be able to fend for themselves.

Luc teleported us back to Futch, who is still a punk.

: Whoa, what's going on here? We're back here already. I've never seen such magic.

: You are a worthy apprentice to Lady Leknaat.

I'm not sure if Gremio's being or making fun of Pahn. Luc isn't here to hear him.

: That's all fine but... where's Ted?

: Ouch! Watch it, you punk!

: Better watch your mouth!

Just give it a rest already.

: Enough is enough. I'm sick of all this fighting.

: It's about time. Hurry up and hop on, or we'll leave you behind.

: W-we're all aboard.

: Darn, it's crowded in here.

: OK Black, let's fly back to the Imperial Capital!

: While I'm in the capital, I might as well take a look around. How would you like to go to the theatre, Black?

Since we weren't really on friendly terms with Futch, we decided to leave him with a certain haste, and report directly to Kraze.

: Hurry up and give me the Astral Conclusions.

(More confusion of tense?)

: I guess you've done your job. You're apparently not totally useless. So get ready for your next assignment. What's the matter? Why don't you look happier? It's an honor to be able to work for the Empire.

Apparently, it was written on our faces how little we liked Kraze and his errands.

: Ho hum.

: Listen carefully. East of Gregminster, you'll find a town called Rockland.

: Understand? Rockland, east of Gregminster.

: For some reason, this town has failed to pay its taxes.

: For some reason, they won't pay.

: So you will go to Rockland.

: That's right, you'll go to Rockland.

: And tell them that their tax payment is overdue.

: Tell them they're overdue.

At this point, Kraze could deal with his parrot no longer.

: Shut up! Stop yapping while I'm talking.

: That's right. All of you stop yapping.

: Idiot! Kanaan! I'm telling you to shut up!

: Who, me?

Kanaan is clearly not the brightest person in the Empire.

: Forget it. Anyway, ask the military commander of Rockland about the tax situation. His name is Grady. And you'll take Kanaan with you on this mission.

Kraze has undoubtedly just unloaded his headache onto us.

: Heh heh. Listen, all of you. I'm your superior in the Imperial Guard. Disobeying me means disobeying the Empire. Keep that in mind.

: What a creep.

: That's all I have to say. Now get on your way to Rockland!

We head to Rockland, East of Gregminster. Almost immediately upon entering, I am accosted by some short, grey-haired person.

(This is the first opportunity we have to make ridiculous amounts of money with little to no effort.) This Marco wants us to play the old shuffling game, with a coin and cups. Depending on my bet, Marco will move faster or slower.

I'm pretty good at this. (At this point in the game, Marco's game follows a very slim number of patterns. I think the most variation I ever noticed here was a total of 4 patterns, with a large percentage of the games following one specific pattern. I used to write these steps out on a sheet of paper, and keep them in the case. Now, I can just abuse savestates and not memorize any of it.)

I'm REALLY good at this.

I know the Empire has some mean employees, but that's just too much. We finally approach Grady's mansion.

: You're not allowed in here. What do you want?

: What did you say?! I'm Kanaan, assistant to Imperial Guard Commander Kraze! Tell Grady to get out here!

: What! Y-yes sir, right away. Please wait a moment.

: No sir. They say they're the Imperial Guard.

: Whatever they are, I'm busy! Hurry up and...What? Imperial Guard? Did you say Imperial Guard? Why didn't you tell me sooner, you fool!

Grady comes out to see us once he finds out who we are.

: Welcome, welcome, members of the Imperial Guard. What brings you to this poor country town? Please come in.

We follow him back to his office, which isn't really too shabby looking for a poor countyr town.

: Humph. Looks like you're doing very well here.

: Oh no, not at all, sir.

: Forget it. You know why we're here, don't you?

: Indeed, sir. About the taxes, right? We've been troubled about that too. You see, some bandits settled on nearby Mt. Seifu, and have been pillaging the local villages. That's why we've been unable to collect taxes and deliver them to you. But I'm glad there's nothing to be worried about now.

: What do you mean by that?

: I speak, of course, of your arrival. The arrival of the courageous National Guard. Getting rid of Country Bandits should be an easy task for you. You're not afraid of them I'm sure.

: Ho ho! Of course not. Hmmm, bandits, eh? Ummm...well. We should be okay. We'll crush them like flies. Ho ho ho!

Kanaan was the Gregminster mall Santa every year. He never really got out of character, or out of shape.

: That's ridiculous. Our mission is to...

: Ha ha! I can't wait. I've been waiting for a good fight.

: Me too. Let's teach the bandits a lesson. Right, Tir?

( gives us: )

: Young Master, we mustn't.

: Boys will be boys.

( gives us: )

: What? I'm the leader of this party, and I say we go fight. Just shut up and follow me, you cowards.

(end of choices)

: Fine, let's get going. Don't fall back now.

: I'm glad of your decision, but do you know where Mt. Seifu is?

: Sh-shut up. I was just about to ask you.

: Mt. Seifu is east of Rockland.

: Fine. Now let's go!

But I see treasure this way.