The Let's Play Archive

Super Mario 64 Race

by Some Strange Flea

Part 3: Round 3 - Seas

33 people entered Round 2, only 22 left, and we're still not entirely sure who one of them is yet. Still, let's get into Round 3 yeah?

I said it would be fairly obvious what Round 3 would be: Get from where you are now, through Dire Dire Docks, and beat Bowser in the Fire Sea.

Here's what's up:
- Your race starts when you select your File from the File Select screen.
- Your star count must not exceed 30. Not included in this count are Board Bowser's Sub in Dire Dire Docks, the Red Coin star in BitFS, and the Red Coin star in Vanish Cap under the Moat.
- Your race ends immediately when the Save Game prompt after beating BitFS disappears. At this point, you will have between 31 and 33 stars.
- You aren't allowed to activate the Metal Cap switch or catch the rabbit in the basement.

Here's a catch: There are two scoreboards for this round.
On the first scoreboard, your time for the round is measured from when you select your file until the Save Prompt after BitFS disappears.
On the second scoreboard, your time for the round is your time above plus your time for Round 2, effectively treating everything from BitDW to BitFS as one whole segment.

The slowest three times on each board fall into the elimination zone. Due to overlap between the two, this will be between three and six people.

And finally, the twist! The Vanish Cap switch is a lifeline, but its risky. Here's how it works:
If you are in one AND PRECISELY ONE of the Bottom Threes, and you've hit the Vanish Cap switch, you'll disappear from the Bottom Three and appear with the rest of the cool people in Round 4.
If you are in both of the Bottom Threes, and you've hit the Vanish Cap switch, nothing happens and you're still eliminated. You haven't lost anything by hitting it, but there's no benefit either.
If you aren't in either of the Bottom Threes, and you hit the Vanish Cap switch then uh-oh. UH-OH. You disappear from the entire race! You won't be in Round 4 and we'll all act like you don't exist, it'll be super creepy and weird. I'll play the Twilight Zone music in a loop on any other videos you're in. Have faith in yourself if you don't want to be dead, is the moral here.

As a result of this, the number of people eliminated could be anywhere between zero and twenty-two.

Have fun!

She Didn't - Heeheex2, The T, Ultigonio, Ephraim225
rip vicas - Phiggle, Admiral H. Curtiss, Bocom (guest star: The Great Guy)
A Scathing Diatribe Against the Self - Suspicious Dish, Mico, King Kool, Apt Funk
Whiny and the Cunning Plan - The Janministrator, Darkoni, Robust Laser
Drowned - GameboyHero, Lyrax, Ohtsam (guest star: Mico)

Times (and optional stars)
Heeheex2 - 3:57.566 (BitFS)
Bocom - 5:22.166 (BitFS)
Suspicious Dish - 5:49.399 (BitFS)
Phiggle - 5:55.833 (BitFS)
Lyrax - 6:55.133 (BitFS)
Mico - 7:39.366 (BitFS)
Ohtsam - 7:41:000 (BitFS)
GameboyHero - 8:05.100 (BitFS)
Darkoni - 8:44.066 (BitFS)
King Kool - 8:57.633
Apt Funk - 9:17.00 (Vanish and BitFS)
Admiral H. Curtiss - 10:51.433 (Vanish)
The Janministrator - 11:51.166
Ultigonio - 13:08.266 (Vanish)
The T - 16:23.400 (BitFS)
Ephraim225 - 38:45.699 (Vanish)

Combined Times
Heeheex2 - 24:17.566ish
King Kool - 31:06.333
Apt Funk - 31:21.300
Bocom - 31:28.400
Lyrax - 33:42.966
Darkoni - 34:14.566
Ohtsam - 34:30.099
Suspicious Dish - 34:51.733
Phiggle - 37:11.366
Mico - 37:57.866
The Janministrator - 40:04.766
Ultigonio - 40:40.566
Admiral H. Curtiss - 41:59.633
GameboyHero - 42:00.166
The T - 46:50.166
Ephraim225 - 1:05:11.366

Button Pushers
Admiral H Curtiss

Current List of The Dead
The T x 2
Ephraim225 x 2
Admiral H. Curtiss

Non-Starters / DNFs:
Robust Laser