The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars: Alpha Gaiden

by Tobias Grant

Part 109: Pre-Intermission

Before I forget, here are the stats for Katz and Jingiji.


Pre-Mission Adjustments

Gundam X

EN | 154 -> 176

Parts added:
Magnet Coating (speed +5, Limit +20)
Booster (move +1)

Weapon power increased by 100

Zeta Gundam

Parts added:
Solar panel (10% EN regen per turn)

weapon power increased by 100

White Ark

Parts added:
HP Gas Engine (Move +1, Speed +5, Limit +10)
Chobham Armor (Max HP +500, Armor +150)


Parts added:
Computer Core (Speed +10, Limit +15)


: Alright, then begin loading procedures.

: Roger that.

: Still, this is nice... We've been running low on ammo from all the continual fighting, right?

: Yes. By the way, Marbet... Have you assigned anyone to handle the loading procedures?

: I'm having Usso, Garrod, and Daisaku handle it.

: Why those three? Daisaku, I might understand since he's in the Battle Tank...

: It's an issue of machine size. Their mobile suits are the best-suited for this type of job.

: I get it... The V Gundam is pretty small, huh? Witz and Roybea hate this kind of thing...

: It's a perfect job to give Garrod a chance to acquaint himself with all our crew members.

: You might have a point there.

: Yeah, he's done pretty much everything on his own up until now...

: So it's the perfect opportunity to get him used to acting as part of a group...

: There aren't very many places to hide in this area. Get the loading done ASAP, Sarah.

: Understood, Captain.


The sound of Mobile Suits moving around can be heard

: Usso, bring that here, please.

: Okay!

: Garrod, hurry up and bring that container here!

: (.........) Phew... I've had no time at all to see Tifa since becoming a crewmember... She and Jamil are always practically joined at the hip, and it seems like someone always interrupts me... Aw, man... This is nothing like what I'd figured.

: Garrod, we don't have all day!

: Ah, oh yeah...

: Quit slacking off and get to hauling!

: Sorry about that. I'll take care of this real quick. There, alley-oop!

He accidentally drops the container and the contents spill out

: Whoa!!

: Oh, crap...! I got the controls mixed up...!


: Luckily, he got off with just a few cuts and bruises. The doctor also says he's fine.

: Jamil... I, I...

: (.........) ...Garrod. Be more careful next time. ...That's all I have to say.

: !?

: Will he be penalized?

: ...That won't be necessary.

: Lucky you, Garrod.

: Don't mess up like that again.

: Yeah, you do tend to get distracted easily.

Judau amd Puru enter the room

: (.........)

: !?

: Judau, and Puru?

: Are you all better now?

: Yeah, see? It's fine!

: But, that arm bandage...

: Puru just went a little overboard on the bandaging.

: But Tex said to bandage it with care!

: (.........)

: I dealt with scratches like this all the time when I was a scrap dealer on Shangri-La. Garrod, there's nothing to get upset over, don't worry.

: .........

Garrod runs off

: Garrod!

: What's his problem!?

: Maybe a stray dog just stays stray, in the end...

: He didn't even try to apologize...

: Don't be like that. I know how he feels...

: Eh...?

: I caused a lot of trouble for Kamille when I first rode the Double Zeta, too... Back then... I couldn't immediately apologize, either.

: Uh-huh...

: I guess it's just... It's hard to apologize when stuff like that happens. Since you know it's your own fault.

: Wow, Judau, you're more grown-up than you look...

: I've had my share of trouble, too. Like, my little sis forcing me to eat...

: (...Judau...)

: ...Take care of the rest. Once the loading's done, have the Freeden set out for Fort Severn.

: Roger that, sir.

: (.........) Captain! Er... I hate to ask a personal question, but...

: What is it?

: (.........) Pardon me, sir... It's nothing.

: ...Alright. Then, you handle the rest.


: (.........)

: (Garrod...) Looks like things haven't gone too well for either of us...

: !?

: ...Never mind, don't worry about it.


: Yes...

: *giggle* Pardon the intrusion!

: Tonya... What is it?

: You must've heard what happened with Garrod. He's so naive. He's gotta be all depressed. Don't you think he could use some cheering up

: (.........)

: I don't think anyone other than you is up for the job. A face with no makeup can have its own appeal, but... I'll bet you anything that it'd make him overjoyed to see you all prettied up and smiling.

: I... I couldn't...

: Well, it can be kind of intimidating at first... But how about something simple, like this

: Wanna give it a try?

: (.........)

: ...Okay, sure, no pressure. I'll leave it with you, so try it out if you change your mind.

Tonya leaves

: (...Lipstick...)


: (.........)

: Whatever else can be said of him, he's still 15... He really is half a child.

: But, the other half is an adult.

: (.........) Jamil, when you were 15... What sorts of things did you think about?

: ...All I thought about was staying alive.

: Ah, yes... That was right around the time of the last war, wasn't it... Those times weren't good times by any stretch, but I'd take them any day over this.

: (.........)

: If I recall correctly, you had your first love back then, too...

: (.........)

: She was a lone civilian officer. In the end, she was a flower far beyond your reach.

: Where is she now...?

: The memories are here... The actual person...

: ...On the moon?

: Higher up than that. She's in Heaven.

: I see...

Uh, Tex? I'm pretty sure you aren't Jamil...

: No one blamed Garrod for what happened... That might have been a mistake.

: And if it was?

: He doesn't seem to be used to getting treated nicely... If he feels responsible for what happened, then he might run off again.

: (.........)


: Addon parts? Like that big shield over there?

: Yeah. It uses a few concepts from the Zeta's flying armor and the Victory's dash parts.

: So, does that mean it serves both offensive and defensive purposes?

: Hey, you catch on quick.

: But with the Satellite Cannon, does the GX really need any offensive boosts?

: It may have that, but it's not like you can fire that any time you want.

: Besides, it's not meant for combat in urban areas, either...

: Yeah, and the enemy's gotta be aware of that, so I'm tryin' to stay one step ahead. Y'know, just in case.

: Just in case?

: The Satellite Cannon's microwave energy comes from the moon, right?

: Oh, yeah... If the Moon Race destroys the microwave transmitter on the moon...

: Then the Satellite Cannon won't be able to fire jack squat. That'd be one hell of a reduction in firepower.

: ...But it's been a while since the GX first fired the Satellite Cannon, hasn't it? You'd think the Moon Race would've overtaken the station or destroyed it by now...

: (.........) It probably serves as a solar power source for the lunar city, so they wouldn't destroy it.

: But surely they'd be able to at least interfere with microwave transmissions?

: (...Or is there some reason the Moon Race can't touch the microwave transmission facility?)


: ...Garrod...

: What's the matter?

: (.........)

: I brought you dinner. I'm leaving it here, okay?

: Thank you, Garrod... Garrod... Um... Cheer up...

: Huh? Hahaha... I screwed up a little. But it'll be fine, it won't happen again.

: ...Yes.

: (.........) Say, can you really feel the presence of that Newtype?

: Only a bit...

: Is that so...? Well, don't worry too much, okay?

: ......Garrod...

: Hm? What is it, Tifa?

: ...No, it's nothing.

: (......?) Did something happen, Tifa?

: ...It's alright, I just had a bad dream. Don't worry, Garrod.

: ...Oh. Well, look, I'm like, supposed to look after you and stuff, so... Worrying's kinda my job. I have to get pretty antsy over even little things. If you're okay, then it's all good!

: Garrod......

: ?

: Huh? Wh-what happens if I do?

: (.........)

: Wha!?

: (.........)

: Is this because you think the Newtype at Fort Severn will show up?

: (.........)

: (.........) Tifa... If we get into battle... I'm going out there.

: !

: I... I believe you, but... I want to try and overcome this!

: ...Garrod...


[Since I don't have access to a intermission portrait of Olba, I'll be substituting it with his battle portrait for now

: As expected... But, even in concentrated numbers, they're just land-based walker machines... They're no match for even the most basic of mobile suits in the Moon Race's arsenal.

: (No, the Innocent here seem to possess a machine resembling a mobile armor.)

: ...A mobile armor...?

: (That's not all, either... There seems to be a Newtype research facility in their base...)

: What...!?

: (The Innocent could be planning to turn Newtypes into regular frontline forces.)

: (.........) Olba, continue your observance. If the Freeden shows up, report back to me.

: (Got it. And what about you?)

: I'll conduct an investigation of the base at Fort Severn. We'll need to find out how far advanced they are in Newtype research...


: I doubt that the Breakers, as strongly independent as they are, would meekly follow our orders.

: Indeed. It's obvious that Dowas and Biel have given them far too much free reign.

: ...Can such disorderly forces be put to any real use?

: They'll do for anti-Moon Race forces until your conditioning is completed.

: (.........)

: And, once we complete it, no enemy will ever stand before us.

: Director Nomoa... Or rather, Mayor Nomoa. Right now, I'm sensing the presence of a strong power.

: (.........)

: It's most likely a Newtype, with power like mine... Or even greater. Also, a Gundam...

: Someone with power like yours?

: There's no mistaking it... The time has finally come.

: The warring between the Earth and moon never ceases. People continue to fight, continue to wound one another...

: If we can get it up and running, even global unification would no longer be a dream.

: But for that, we need incredible Newtype talent.

: Yes. That's why I...

: ...Oh yes, that's right.

: I shall bring the Newtype here. Though, the situation may wind up calling for force...

: Go ahead... But don't let the Gallian Innocent hear about this. Is that clear, Caris?

: I know, Mayor Nomoa.


: Mm...

: Still, all this snow still around... This is definitely the North, huh?

: Alright... Stop the Freeden's engine. All hands, assume level 2 battle stations.

: Roger.

: ...So, that means we stand by to launch?

: Captain Jamil, will we launch an attack from this side?

: No, just assess the situation for a bit. If possible, watch for Breakers in the base...

Suddenly, their radar picks up something.

: What is it!?

: We've caught a landship closing in on our location!

: !

: They're already gearing up for battle!

: What, are they going to attack US?

: But, like... Isn't Fort Severn gathering forces to fight the Moon Race?

: (.........)

: Come on, what's the sense in fighting us? We're fighting the Moon Race too! Or are they on to us?

: B-but how!?

: I've got no idea, but we'll have to assume the worst, won't we?

: It must be the Newtype that Tifa sensed...

: (.........)

Jamil starts having one of his headaches

: Captain!?

: Urgh...

: Captain, what's wrong!?

: Wh-whoa! Are you okay? You're as pale as a ghost!

: D-don't worry... It's nothing. Hurry and launch... the mobile suits...

: Captain!

: (...This headache... I should have known...)

The ship starts to take fire.

: They're attacking!?

: The Freeden has been hit near the residential block!

: Someone... Get Tifa someplace safe!

: I'll go!

: Please...!


: Tifa! It's dangerous here! You need to evacuate to another block and...

: (.........)

: (.........)

: (.........)

: (.........)

: (.........)