The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars: Alpha Gaiden

by Tobias Grant

Part 112: Pre-Intermission

: ...Tifa......?

: No, I'm...

: ! What happened to me!?

: (.........)

: Oh, I see... I got done in by that Newtype...


: Judau, Usso, and their group have been lending a hand. It'll be done soon.

: Impressive, considering how much damage the GX took...

: Aw, shucks, everyone wants the same thing, to save Tifa.

: I see...

: So, how's Jamil holding up over there?

: (.........) Is it because he triggered the destruction of the Earth in the GX in that war way back when?

: (.........) ...Yes. I don't want to let him or Garrod push themselves too far, but with Tifa being abducted, they won't listen to me.

: ...I know. I'll hurry with the GX's repairs and parts installation.

Someone was nearby to overhear them.

: (.........) Tifa's been kidnapped...! And the GX has been wrecked, too...!? Damnit! It's... It's all because I wasn't good enough...!! (I want power... Power to fight Newtypes... Power to save Tifa...)


: (.........)

: How're the Breakers I sent your way?

: They've got firepower to spare, certainly, but they have no discipline whatsoever. Militarily speaking, they're useless.

: (Putting old man Vickman aside, that leaves Kid Hola... I guess I should've fooled Karas Karas into coming here.)

: The reason Gallia's Innocent sent Civilian Breakers to me to begin with... Was to draw the Moon Race's attention to this continent, wasn't it?

: Who knows? I'm just a lowly instigator. I don't follow the Innocent's domestic affairs.

: Hmph... It's certainly something Kashim King would think up. But I'll still fight the Moon Race, without help from Gallia's Innocent.

: These Newtypes you're talkin' about... Is there really somethin' to all that?

: Isn't Caris proof enough of that? Even Irregulars stand no chance against my Newtype. And weren't you sent here by Kashim or Biram precisely to confirm that?

: Who knows? I'm more interested in how you Innocent manage to live outside of domes...

: (.........)

: How can you guys stand to breathe in the same air we do?

: Cleansing...?

: Here in North Ameria, where the blue stones have all been mined out... The Innocent can live in the same places as Civilians.

: (.........)

: This continent is practically paradise to the Innocent, which is also why we have no three-day law. And thanks to this newly cleansed continent, The distinctions between Innocent and Civilians have grown blurred.

: (.........)

: Innocents like Kashim and Biram, who cling to the caste system, crossed over to Gallia... But our forefathers chose to live together with the Civilians on this cleansed land. Which is all the more reason the Moon Race has landed here... rather than Gallia.

: (.........)

: Just as well. We'll fight the Moon Race without help from Gallia's Innocent. You can go back to Gallia and relay that to Kashim and Biram.

: (Does he have something against the Innocent on Gallia...?) Alright, then allow me to introduce some newly hired Vultures. They pilot mobile suits... Gundams, in fact.

: (.........)

: They're good, I can guarantee that. Perfect to fight that battleship, even.

: (That battleship...? Maybe this time it's the Argama?)

: Well then, Pardners, do yer job right.

Timp leaves

: Gundam pilots, are you...?

: Yeah. You should be able to see them on the runway from here. See those there? The one with the white wings, and the one with the black cape?

: It would seem that friend and foe alike have been getting more Gundams lately.

: Gundams getting involved in fishy affairs is nothing new, I assure you.

: (.........)

: I've heard reports of a similar pair of Gundams spotted near this base...

: A pair of Gundams? Never heard of 'em.

: (.........)

: (.........)

: (Welp, looks like we're in. Any place with shady guys like these is likely to draw the Preventers' attention, making it that much easier for us to get in contact with them.) Besides which, the inside of this base is pretty darned suspicious...)


: (.........)

: Oh dear, I can't have you making a face like that.

: What will you do with me?

: You'll be made a savior, together with me...

: (.........)

: More importantly, there's someone whom I'd like you to meet.

: Yes, that's right.

: ...Who are you?

: I'm Rosamy!

: (.........)

: Tifa, you should have realized it already, right?

: (...She's also...)

: Could you tell me your name?

: ...Tifa... Tifa Adil.

: I'm looking for my brother. We've been seperated.

: Brother...?

: Have you seen him? His name's Kamille Bidan...

: Kamille...!

: Ooh, do you know him!?

: (.........)

: Rosamy, Tifa is our friend. Please try to get along...

: Okay, I will!

: (.........)

: (So Rosamy does have a connection to the Irregulars, like we thought. Thanks to Mayor Nomoa, we've finally managed to stabilize her mind, but... If I hadn't found her wandering the snow fields during one of my patrols, she'd be dead by now... There must be some purpose behind that...)

: Caris... What are all of you thinking...?

: (.........) I told you, we're going to become saviors. Saviors of this ruined world...

: (.........)


: Y-yes... Just now, when I came in to change his bandages...

: He's injured, isn't he!? Where would he...! H-he wouldn't...

: Did something come to mind, Roux?

: The hangar! He's going to try and get Tifa back!


: Is it the GX!?

: No, it looks like a Jenice we kept for spare parts...!

: Say what!? The only person who'd do something that dumb would be...!

: Garrod!?