The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars MX

by Brunom1

Part 5: Mission 2 (Real Robot Route) - D and E - Part 1

And here we are at the intermission menu – learn to use it because you’ll be here a lot. Here’s what every button does:
On the right side, the DATA bit shows (top to bottom) your current money, the total turn count and stages cleared. Below that is your top ace, the person with the most kills… Beecha is actually tied with folks but, regardless, there is something wrong here.

When in the pilot exchange menu, simply select the pilot you want to use and, then, the unit you want them in. In this case, I’m kicking Mondo’s worthless ass out of the Mega Rider for Iino who’s at least a decent support.

The unit upgrade menu will bring out a list of units for you to select. When you do, you’ll get two to three different options.
The first one is the upgrade screen for the mech itself:

Next is the weapons’ upgrade menu and, unlike most games, weapon damage, accuracy and crit ratio are upgraded separately. At the very least the latter two are dirt cheap for a decent while. Damage upgrades are always a priority but save some change to boost the other two, especially for your more inaccurate guys.

Finally, an option only found in a paltry few games: Shields. As in, the shields your units use when triggering the Shield Defense skill.
While in most games triggering a shield block is a percentage, in here you’ll actually trigger it all the time… so long as your shield has enough charges. If you block and reduce incoming damage to 0, you keep your current charge, but it damage actually gets through, then you lose one.
If the shield charge empties out, you won’t be blocking anymore. Every bit you upgrade in here adds one charge, giving you more leeway.
This upgrade is especially good if you find units that combine both a barrier with a shield. The damage mitigation provided by those combined features is such that, more often than not, you’ll be nullifying all damage forever (especially if your guy is running Prevail).
These are also quite cheap, so you’ve no reason not to boost them a wee bit as a safety net.

So, I had no idea this was a thing but, apparently, NG+ also presents you with a bunch of EVERY SINGLE UNIT PART IN THE GAME (up to nine, says the wiki). I suppose that’s one way of making Beecha and co. usable: slap some Haros on them!
Turns out I’m having the last laugh here, thread! Mwahahahaha!

And that’s enough tinkering around in the intermission. Let’s get back to the Nahel Argama crew.

We find our folks some time later, with the Nahel Argama having just finished its descent onto Earth. Aqua’s glad to see that nothing bad happened while it was all going down. Leina asks what she thinks of the ship and, honestly, Aqua says it’s been a parade of surprises.
She did not expect the ship that fought so much during the Neo Zeon and Baam conflicts to be housing this many kids like her and the Purus. Or that those same kids would be the famous pilots of the Gundam Team. Mind, she tells Beecha that she doesn’t mean this is a bad way – she’s impressed that they managed to be so successful despite their young age.
The kids tell her that they weren’t looking to "be successful" or to fight just for kicks. Everything that happened – including them getting on this ship and into those battles – was a result of a long and convoluted chain of events. Aqua understands that but, whatever their reasons, they pulled through and survived. That’s deserving of a pat on the back in her eyes.

Maybe to a soldier but Beecha isn’t really interested in a career in the military. Leina sighs that this is all due to how crazy things are with this world – hopefully, once the war really ends, they’ll be able to go back to their peaceful lives.
Aqua mulls of how different their mindset is from hers… but, then again, these kids shouldn’t really be fighting. Rather, they’re at an age where they should just be in school.
“But never mind that. I wanna ask you something, Aqua… Is Hugo your boyfriend?” Beecha cuts her train of thought short.

Iino gives him crap for just coming out and dropping this personal question on her but the kid doesn’t see the big deal. Regardless, Aqua is quick to say that they are just partners: “And, besides, I prefer men that are older than me.” Beecha seems a wee bit dejected at her answer.
Torres then gets on the P.A. and raises the combat level, telling all pilots to get to their units and be on standby to deploy. Looks like we’re almost joined up with the guys we’re escorting. Aqua asks if they know what kind of prototypes they’re freighting around, saying an interest in mechanical stuff comes with the job.
Well, Iino tells her what they know: the prototypes, nicknamed D Weapons, are actually called Dragonars and there are three different types. The standard close, long and medium-range split? Nope, the last one is actually tailored for electronic warfare.

Aqua can see how those diverse types would fit in nicely with so many different combat scenarios. Seems like the Federation is really making a push to build a next generation fighter for their main army. Actually, her assumption is wrong again. As Beecha explains, the Dragonars are a Giganos design, brought to the Federation by Professor Plato after he defected.
Obviously, the Giganos don’t like that which is why the Argama was assigned to keep them in one piece. From what Beecha’s gathered, it seems the Feds are already moving to use them in actual combat.
Aqua wonders what kind of pilots would be chosen to fly these state-of-the-art units… they must be the best of the best.

Back in the bridge, Misumaru is telling Bright that there’s been a slight change in the Argama’s orders: a request from the Federation GHQ.
The initial plan was for them to escort the D Weapons over to the Chongqing base in China but, now, they’re also being asked to transport this EVA-02 to the Yokosuka Harbor in Japan. Misumaru explains that the EVA’s transport fleet is travelling rather close to the D Weapons’, so the government’s head honchos figured the Argama could well escort both since we’re in the area.
Bright seems a bit miffed but Misumaru says that, unlike the sea-based carriers being used, the Nahel Argama has a lot more ease of movement. He figures that’s what caught NERV’s eye.

While this is just be a transport job, Bright asks what they’re to do if something happens… but, actually, something has already happened. Misumaru relates that, twelve hours ago, the EVA’s group got into a battle with an Angel. It was destroyed but not before the thing did catastrophic damage to the EVA’s transport vessel. It is currently stranded and, as such, it falls on us and the D Weapons’ haulers to lend a hand.
All in all, we’ll head to Japan first and then over to China.

And, on that subject, how are things in Japan? The three empires (Mycenae, Dinosaur, Devil) are done but, in their place, Angels and UFOs are stepping onto the stage. What about Tokyo Jupiter, that impenetrable barrier?
Same as the last ten-ish years, Misumaru reports: no movement. Still, he figures it’s only a matter of time. See, the folks at TERRA, the anti-MU federal institute, are setting up a major offensive. Are they actually going to try breaking into the barrier?
Indeed and everyone has been called to take part – Misumaru’s Space Corps included. Depending on how things look, Bright’s team may also be called over. He understands and, with that done, Misumaru apologizes for working the guy to the bone. Between the work during the postwar with the Baam and this mission, Bright hasn’t been given leave in a long while. By rights, Misumaru would have had the Nadesico B do all this but, as Bright’s aware, they’re busy with the Hisago Plan’s experiments.

Misumaru will have them join us once that’s done but, until then, the least he can do is send some added help to support the Nahel Argama: the fine men who fought the three empires in Japan.
Finally, Misumaru has noticed that Bright sent flowers for his late daughter; Bright noticed the anniversary of her death was close. Misumaru apologizes for causing Bright to concern himself with what’s his personal responsibility, though the captain says he needn’t feel that way.
While he never met the girl in person, he is well aware of the enormous impact she and her peers had in the war against the Jovians. The Earth Sphere would be in a far worse situation had she not help pave the way for the armistice. Misumaru figures she’d be very happy to hear such praise from the captain of the White Base and, with that, wishes him good fortune.

Location: NERV HQ

Gendou has just received some information and a hidden man is quite impressed: even with the D Weapons providing support, the EVA-02’s pilot managed to kill the Angel in thirty-six seconds after deploying. Way before the unit’s internal power ran out. She’s pretty good but, then again, that’s what Gendou expects her to be.
On the flipside, however, the Federation lost a carrier and a battleship and they’re sending the bill straight to the 3rd Division. Gendou has already brought this to “the committee” and figures it is a small price to pay if an Angel’s been defeated.
The man sees that everything’s been going according to schedule thus far… what happens next? That will depend on whether TERRA’s upcoming Operation Overlord is successful or not.

On that matter, the man says he’s bringing some new information regarding said operation. Gendou wants that information delivered ASAP and that’s why he had one Captain Katsuragi sent over to the carrier Aquapolis. She’ll handle bringing the EVA-02 over.
Once she’s there, the man is to come back to HQ ahead of the group, also bringing in a certain thing for Gendou…

Over by said carrier, Ben (in blue) introduces Misato Katsuragi to the captain, James C. Douglas. She introduces herself formally and says NERV HQ sent her over to oversee the transport of the EVA-02.
Douglas has heard of her and sees that she’s as beautiful as advertised. Misato is a bit surprised and asks who told them about her.

That’d be our mystery man, Kaji, and Misato is quite annoyed to see him here; he says he’s accompanying Asuka all the way from Germany. She is not happy about this, having already too much to worry about without dealing with him.
But, regardless, Misato has questions: was he the one who authorized the 02 to be sortied in the last battle? Kaji says it wasn’t really a matter of authorization – just an on-site decision made under exigent circumstances. And, then, some ships ended up destroyed.
Kaji tells her to take that up with the Angel as it’s not like any of them expected to come across something like that out here.

The pilot herself, Asuka, jumps in to say that Kaji isn’t to blame. It’s been a long time since Misato saw her and she’s impressed at how big she’s gotten. Mind, the girl herself says it’s not just her height that’s gotten more womanly… “Right, Kaji?”
Kaji quips that she’ll catch the eye of all the boys in Japan once they arrive but Asuka mumbles that she doesn’t care about any other guy other than him. Douglas cuts in, asking asks for Misato’s attention so he can debrief her on the ship’s status.

They’ve already brought the EVA-02 from the carrier “Over The Rainbow” into this one; now, they’re waiting the arrival of the Nahel Argama. Misato asks if there’s a problem to necessitate that and, indeed, Douglas reports of the info sent by the Argama that Giganos troops have descended into this region.
Misato already figures they’re chasing after the D Weapons and, from the looks of things, Douglas says there’s a very real risk of them reaching us before the Argama itself. What will they do if that happens?

: Then we will deploy the D Weapons… the Dragonars.
: Whaaat?! Those three numbskulls?!
: Who’re you calling a dumbskull?
: Numbskull, Kaine. Numbskull.
: Hey, whose side are you on?!
: Oh, come on. At least call us “Three Musketeers”, why don’t you?
: “Three Musketeers”? You guys barely qualify to be the “Three Stooges”!
: What a sharp tongue you have. And you have no idea how appalled I am to be tarred with the same brush as Kaine and Tap.
: What’s that supposed to mean, huh, Light?!
: What, you think you’re top dog around here? Well, I got a news flash for you.
: Shut your traps! You’re in the presence of your superior officers! Drop that bickering before I drop my foot on your asses!
: Um… Lt. Douglas, who are they?
: … They’re the Dragonar pilots I was talking about.
: Huh?!
: That’s the usual reaction… Still, there were special circumstances that brought this about.
: MANY special circumstances.
: Like, you could probably call it “dumb luck” or “coincidence” or something.
: More importantly, what the hell are you three doing here? I’m pretty sure you were supposed to be on standby aboard your units.
: Well, when we heard this beautiful officer had come aboard, we figured we needed to go and say “hi” before doing that.
: Yup. Please let us introduce ourselves, Sergeant.
: It’s gotta happen if we’re to keep the chain of command running smooth, see?
: “Chain of command”… You three never once gave a damn for any of that.
: Leave them. Airman 3rd class Wakaba, introduce yourself immediately and return to your post.
: Aye, aye, sir! Captain Katsuragi, I am airman 3rd class Kaine Wakaba and pilot of the Dragonar 1! It is a pleasure to meet you!
: Tap Oceano, airman 3rd class and pilot of the Dragonar 2!
: Airman 3rd class Light Newman, tasked with flying the Dragonar 3!
: Captain Misato Katsuragi. I’ll only be here until Japan but it’s a pleasure to meet you regardless.
: Such a brief stay… I could easily be with you for all eternity.
: Maybe some other time.

Asuka jumps in and asks if Misato brought the “socket” for her EVA. Indeed she has, much to the girl’s relief as it means she won’t need to rely on the Three Stooges. Kaine gets on her grill again but she sees no problem with calling a duck a duck.
Kaine fires back that those who call others stupid are the actual stupid ones and that, of course, pushes Asuka’s buttons. Light sighs at the children squabbling and asks Misato what that “socket” thing is. In short, it’s a part that’s needed to connect the Umbilical Cable to an EVA; with it, it can operate for far longer times than if it was running solely on its internal battery.
The thing looks like a legit power cord and it tells Light that, in that case, the EVAs can’t operate too far away from their power source. That’s a bit of a problem, Misato concedes, and Tap laughs at the big bad mech being like a dog on a leash.
Asuka doesn’t appreciate the comparison: “That mech is the first ever combat-oriented, true-to-form Evangelion! It will save the fate of mankind and it’s totally different from your dinky units!”

Kaine doesn’t agree, however. The Dragonars are a very necessary part of Earth’s defense against the Giganos. And, as such, the three of them decided to do whatever was necessary to bring them to Chongqing in order to bring this war to an end, even if just a bit faster. Kaine doesn’t really know what she’s about but they know this is serious business – not a competition.
Asuka blusters at getting told off, calling his “posturing” stupid, and Kaine sighs at how hostile the girl is – she could stand to take some lessons from Linda.

: Who’s Linda?
: Ah? Umm… she’s my… girlfriend…?
: Whaat? Since when?
: Well… She will be, after this is over.
: Hah, them’s some big words.
: What about you, then, hotshot? How’re things going with Rose?
: Eeh, they’re going. Bit by bit.
: So… who is Linda?
: A refugee from the Moon, who left there along with Rose. The five of us were together on the transport ship Idaho until it came down to Earth.
: Hm-hmm… And where is she now?
: Last I heard, she was in a refugee camp helping nurse people there.
: Aah, my sweet Linda… How I want to see you again…

The convo is interrupted when the alarm rings, signaling that the Giganos Metal Armors have arrived. Douglas sends the Dragonar pilots out to intercept and Light is eager to put on a good show of the D-Team’s skill for Misato.
Asuka wants to deploy along with them but Misato stops her, saying that the EVA has crap movement ratings in the water. While it could fight the flightless Angel, the flying Metal Armors will run circles around her.
Asuka doesn’t care and runs off anyway, leaving Misato in a panic. Kaji just sighs at her youthful gumption and tells Misato not to worry – she’ll be fine, with Kaine and the others around. He was looking when they fought the Angel and you know what? Those three are pretty good. He has a hard time believing they were civilians until not long ago.

And he can’t even chalk it up to the units’ specs or just luck. The only reason those three survived thus far is that they’re legitimately strong. Are they just like Amuro Ray, Misato asks?
Well, they aren’t Newtypes but one thing they all have in common is that none had training prior to taking up a mech. That tells Kaji that, simply put, they just have the right stuff for the job.
Isn’t that the same with the EVA-01’s pilot, Shinji Ikari? Hmm…

Mission 2 (Real Route) – D and E

: Alright! Bring it on, Giganos!
: Airman Wakaba, we’ve just received a transmission from the Nahel Argama. They are three minutes away from us – you three must hold the enemy at bay until then.
: Heh, just watch, Lt. We’ll kick the Giganos straight outta here even before those guys arrive.
: Hold on, Kaine. I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.
: Oho, what’s going on, Light? Getting cold feet?
: What happened to all that huffing and puffing you did for Cpt. Katsuragi?
: I just did a look-up on the incoming enemies’ data with the D-3… The Giganos’ Blue Hawk is there.
: What?!

: LCL Füllung. Anfang der Bewegung. Anfang des Nervenanschlusses. Auslöses von Links-kleidung. Synchro-start.
: Whoa, she’s sortieing too?
: And what kind of language was that…?
: German – she’s half-Japanese.
: Always quick with the intel, eh?
: Well, it is my job. Speaking of, how about we roll up our sleeves and get back to work?
: Do you hear me, Asuka? The EVA’s movement range is limited due to the umbilical cord, so focus on supporting the D-Team. Also—
: If the cable’s disconnected, I’ll only have three minutes-worth of energy, right? I know that much.
: Heads up, people! Here they come!

: Over there, Captain!
: Hm, the Dragonars are flying. When did they manage that?
: Ah, crap, it really is him. And he’s brought his boy band along.
: Didn’t think they’d follow us all the way down here… Damn, these guys don’t know when to quit!
: Who are they?
: The Blue Hawk, ace pilot of the Giganos, and his groupies.
: “Blue Hawk”? But his thing is more violet than anything.
: My guess is “Violet Hawk” didn't sound as cool.
: Are we clear? Our targets are, first and foremost, the D Weapons. Do not bother engaging the carriers.
: Why not? NERV’s new weapon, the Evangelion, is aboard.
: And it might eventually threaten Giganos. We should take the chance to destroy it!
: “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.” Our priority remains the D Weapons.
: Yes, sir!
: Forward, then. Engage!

Mission Objective: All enemies destroyed
Mission Failure: Any allied unit destroyed
Almost nothing to worry about here, though Maillot is quite powerful and accurate (while the Dragonars aren’t too beefy). Provided you take care around him, you’ll be fine.

Now, let’s take a look at our new buddies:

Evangelion Unit #02(Asuka Langley Souryu)
Pilot Skills:
Spirit Commands:
Mech Features:
Asuka’s Voice Actress: Yuko Miyamura (other known works: Chun-Li in some Street Fighters, Larxene in Kingdom Hearts, Parfait in Knights of Ramune and some others)

Asuka’s meant as a legit offensive unit and the EVA-02 can surely fit the bill. A.T. Field is hilariously overpowered in this game, where only a handful of enemies (usually proper bosses) are actually good enough to pop it, so you can throw her right into the fray.
The Umbilical Cord should always be on, if possible, a ship that can trail close enough behind her. That EN refill keeps the barrier running and ten spaces is plenty (mind, on this mission Asuka is tethered to a stationary carrier, so that won’t fly).
Asuka as a pilot, though is… average, really. Her accuracy stat is downright horrid – ALL the ZZ kids beat her by quite a decent margin – but her attack stats are decent. Regardless, her unit is good (and gets better later) that you can easily find her a spot on the team, should you wish to.
Also, the accuracy stat could be like that to account for the EVA-exclusive Synchronization stat.

In essence, the sync is decided on launch by the pilot’s level and it affects the accuracy and evasion rate. Under 25%, and you take a 5% hit to both; between 26 and 99%, it follows the formula % = (Sync Rate/5) – 10, meaning the break-even point is 50%. At 100%, you get a flat 10% bonus to both rates.

Also, you can see where the cable’s tethered to and how far Asuka can move from the connection point. Blue is her move on this turn while red indicates the 10-tile limit.

But enough Evangelion – time for the real stars of this show!

Dragonar Unit 1 (Kaine Wakaba)
Pilot Skills:
Spirit Commands:
Kaine’s Voice Actor: Masami Kikuchi (other known works: Iino in ZZ, Tenchi in Tenchi Muyo, Keiichi in Ah! My Goddess and many others)

Oh, baby, I loved the Dragonar boys the second I heard their theme song. Yes, their series rips off a lot of the original Gundam but I don’t care!
Kaine is the melee attacker of the bunch and he does his job well. Melee stat is good, evasion is around a B+ and his ranged stat isn’t bad either, though the D-1 hasn’t much in that department. His unit has a shield for added survivability, good mobility and already comes with TWO combined attackers with Tap and Light, for some great stopping power.
Deploy him – deploy all the Dragonars – because they’ll only get better. By the endgame, Kaine will be a powerhouse.

Dragonar Unit 2 (Tap Oceano)
Pilot Skills:
Spirit Commands:
Tap’s Voice Actor: Houchu Ohtsuka (other known works: Yazan in Z Gundam, Gates in Full Metal Panic, Beck in Big O and a truckload more.)

Tap is the “worst” of the Dragonars, though he’s still pretty good at what he does. And that is provide offensive and defensive support. Everything about him screams that he’s meant to be trailing someone, throwing support attacks and defending with his bulkier-than-most D-2 when push comes to shove.
His offensive stats are decent (ranged is his better one, of course) and his accuracy is actually pretty nice. Defense is also high for a Real Robot
Getting him Hit & Away ASAP will help him get more on the offense.

Dragonar Unit 3 (Light Newman)
Pilot Skills:
Mech Features:
Spirit Commands:
Light’s Voice Actor: Kenyuu Horiuchi (Jamil in Gundam X, Raiden in MGS, The Claw in Gun x Sword and a billion others)

Ohohohoo, Light is one of the best combat supporters in this game and that’s solely based on how awesome the D-3 is! Missile attacks are very common, so his Jammer and Support Defense combo is already cool but the gem is that EWAC. Light is one of the kings of A Portable because that free +30% boost is amazing. Light makes Focus-less units dodge reliably and Focus’d guys nigh untouchable.
The D-3 has jack for weapons but, screw it, it’s not meant to be attacking head-on. Light’s offensive stats are the worst of the Dragonar pilots but his Skill stat is through the roof, meaning he has a better chance of landing critical hits.

All in all, the Dragonars are actually a rare example of SRW pushing you towards keeping an actual battle formation. Kaine is obviously meant to lead the charge, with Tap at his back and Light hanging behind them to spread that EWAC. As Aqua said, there’s little they can’t do together – “Three Musketeers”, indeed.

Now that I am done gushing, let’s get to work. The EVA can attack just fine underwater but moving is a different story. As such, I’ll have Asuka hang on the carrier and go for the lone Gebai MAFFU in range.
Also, I absolutely despise “Decisive Battle” as a full-on battle BGM. Now, the PS2 MX wasn’t at the point where SRW allowed you to switch those things, so I’m stuck in the videos. Outside them, however, I’ll be using Asuka’s actual theme starting on mission 3. I rather like the movie version:

The Dragonars move forward but nothing else is close.

Enemy Phase!

Most Giganos mooks hang back but the closer ones attack the Dragonars.
So, of course, after I spent time talking up the Dragonars the RNG sees fit to screw Kaine over.
It would’ve been a oneshot without the Gebai’s shield, though.

One more!
And again… It’s gonna be one of those days.

Player Phase!

Asuka jumps in the water and blows away one of the weakened mooks. Light saunters onward, just in range to finish the last.
Made a video because I really like the D-3’s spinning head-radar thing.

Kaine and Tap close in with him.

Enemy Phase!

Clever girl… Werner and Dan attack outside of Kaine’s range, while Karl guns for light.

: Today’s the end of the road for you, Dragonars!
: We’re not amateurs like before, guy! Come take a look!

: If anything, I’ll at least make sure to end you myself, Dragonars!
: Oho, the groupie’s surprisingly gung-ho.
And here’s the Jammer in action. Missiles can’t do jack against the D3!

: Damn you, Dragonars! I’m paying you back in full for what you did!
: Shut it, groupie! It’s you folks who’re gonna pay for what you did to Chephov!
: Chephov? …Oh, the Giganos officer back at the research station?
: He tried stopping us from doing our mission, so we had to put him down!
: Oh, go to hell! You killed the old man just to add another highlight in your career!
: Watch this, Lt. Chephov! I’m bringing this guy down with everything you taught me!

Erm… maybe in a bit.

Player Phase!

: To all units – the Nahel Argama has arrived!
: Oh, yeah! The tables have turned now!

: All units, deploy! Support the D-Team and their fleet!

: They’ve caught up to us…
: Oh? Do I see the Gundam Team?
: They’re the folks who took down the Neo Zeon boss lady, yeah?
: Haman Karn, right.
: Heh, I wonder what kind of group they are.
: I bet they’re all a buncha hardasses like Sgt. Ben.
: Nah, I’m hoping for a surprise. How about a group of gorgeous ladies?
: So those are the Dragonars… the Giganos new weapons.
: Their pilots must be elite soldiers, so I think I’ll take in their combat data to study later… Though I don’t think Hugo cares about any of that.
: If you’ve the time to worry about others’ data, then you’d be better off keeping a closer eye on our engine.
: I-I know that!
: (Hrm… Am I that much of a bother to him?)
: (We’ll be at a disadvantage if we allow this to drag on…)
: All troops, prioritize immobilizing their group – focus fire on the Nahel Argama.