The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars MX

by Brunom1

Part 56: Mission 31 (Earth Route) - Armored Berserker

Location: Giganos Front Line Base

Min’s asking Gon Jem about some stupidly huge Metal Armor that a carrier just brought over: it’s his new trump card, the Gilgazamune. Jin’s heard rumors that the thing’s been undergoing very secret tests in Asia and Gon managed to convince the eggheads to let him take it.
Ganan is impressed – this mech’ll make mincemeat of the Dragonars. That’s especially true since Gon saw fit to furnish it with an equally large sword. Goru wants to take Gilgazamune out for a spin but Gon vetoes it, figuring he ain’t got what it takes to fly something like that.
Jin’s a bit more pensive, however, and asks Gon if he’s aware of the system the thing’s equipped with? He is: the Biofeedback System which, from what Jin’s heard, uses the pilot’s brainwaves to help fly the units. Gon confirms, adding that it really boosts the mech’s agility and reaction speed.

Still, Min’s worried since it’s all still in the experimental stage. Will he be alright? Gon Jem tells her not to turn sissy on him like the eggheads. Sure, the system’s still undergoing tests but he still needs a whole lot more power than he’s got now in order to beat the Dragonar and Magnate Ten.
They’ve all heard of the Federation’s counteroffensive going on in the moon but, honestly, Gon doesn’t care about whatever happens with the motherland. He simply won’t accept HIM ending up a loser. His pride won’t allow it, not after all the crap we and the Dragonars have given him.

Min’s still a bit uneasy but Ganan tells her to let this go: the Col. won’t budge once he’s made up his mind. Goru is also sure Gon Jem can handle whatever that new Metal Armor’s got.
Min doesn’t doubt the guy’s skill and guts but she still’s got a bad feeling here. That’s not like her, which is precisely why it’s bothering her so. Gon appreciates her concern but swears that he WILL emerge victorious her.

Still, they still need a wee bit of time to get the Gilgazamune up and running. Until then, he asks Ganan and Goru to get out there and keep us pinned for him; mind, he warns them not to get too into it and kill our folks. They’re Gon’s prey, alright?
Ganan and Goru won’t make any promises, since they’ve also got quite the score to settle with us. Gon has a laugh but, inwardly, Min actually hopes they can kill our folks before the Gilgazamune launches.

Location: GEAR HQ

Kaine finds Linda tinkering with some data and she explains that she’s comparing his combat proficiency with Gon Jem’s. The result: there’s no way Kaine can beat the guy 1v1, on any circumstances. Hearing that, Kaine sighs about dreams coming true but, when Linda asks, says it’s nothing. Inwardly, he grunts about a recurring nightmare where he gets killed by Gon Jem.
Regardless, Kaine’s got some training to do and Linda tells him not to push himself too hard – she can tell just by looking at him that he hasn’t been getting a lot of sleep (thanks to the nightmare). Still, he says he’s fine.

With Operation Moonraker underway, the Giganos both here and at the moon are bound to grow more desperate. Which means, Linda thinks, it’s likely that Gon Jem and his team will show up for one final rumble.
Kaine tells her not to worry – he’s always pulled through tough situations and this’ll be no different. He puts on a brave face, hoping to take away the concern in Linda’s eyes.

Elsewhere, Kaine’s doing some sword training with George, who criticizes his reckless attacks as easily counterable… which he promptly demonstrates by disarming him. Were this an actual battle, Kaine would be dead now. That’s his 138th training death, Sai counts, and at this rate Kaine’ll die of old age before mastering the art of “mikiri”. (It’s a legit thing. If you Google mikiri plus several martial arts, kendo or karate for instance, you’ll find plenty of notes on it)
Kaine yells that he’ll pull it off before that number reaches 150 and, if anything, George praises his spirit; time to try again. As they go at it, Asuka is somewhat impressed with how Kaine’s been doing this for three days straight, though Megumi wonders if this training can really help him “master mikiri”. Ayato has no idea what that even means.
Domon explains that mikiri is an intrinsic skill of martial arts with which one observes and evades an incoming attack by no more than a paper’s breadth. It is an offensive and defensive maneuver. Miku sees his point, as one’s ability to perceive a foe’s attacks directly affects the way one fights.

Still, Ayato and Megumi wonder if Kaine can actually master something like that via training with George AND over the span of a few days, even. Domon actually says it’s impossible and Asuka already expected that – only in games can you master something like that so easily (Not in this one, though! mikiri – commonly called Predict – isn’t a learnable skill!).
Domon says that dodging by a paper's breadth is impossible if you've got even the slightest bit of fear as it all but exposes you to the attack – it requires absolute faith in one’s technique. And while it's true that Kaine has made it out of some dreadful scrapes in his D-1, it's not to be hoped for that he'd achieve complete confidence in a mere few days' time.

Asuka wishes that Domon would go and tell Kaine himself that this is pointless, then. Masato figures that at, if anything, this isn’t WHOLLY pointless as any training is better than none.
Still, Asuka doesn’t know why Kaine is so set on meeting Gon Jem in close combat – whatever rivalry they may have, it’s not reason enough to do this. Ayato agrees, figuring he’d have a much better chance at winning if he engaged from range.
Shinji wonders if he hasn’t realized that but Domon proclaims Gon Jem won’t be beaten by such tactics – furthermore, Kaine wouldn’t want to do so anyway. What Kaine has to master is not simply fencing but his heart, something essential in combat.

Rain asks if Domon’s talking about Kaine learning Meikyou Shishui, just as Schwarz Bruder once taught him. No, as Kaine’s no martial artist. What he needs is desperation, a blind desire to survive – that which’ll push him to overcome his fear and reliance on others, to hone his inner, vital strength to its apex.
If he’s successful at that, he’ll be capable of overcoming the intimidation he feels from Gon Jem’s offense. And Domon’s confident that George and Sai’s training will awaken Kaine’s spirit. On this subject, Asuka wonders where our more impetuous people are – Kouji, Akira, Allenby and others aren’t around.
Seems like they were inspired by Kaine’s example and decided to do some training of their own. Masato figures they should do something as well but Asuka hardly thinks SHE needs anything of the sort.

Back to Kaine, he’s just suffered his 144th death – only six left until he breaks that promise. Kaine demands another try, wanting to keep going until he pulls it off, but George suggests he abandon that “one more try” concept. Sai points out that there are no do-overs in a proper battle.
Indeed, George sees a problem here: while they’re sparring in earnest, deep down, Kaine knows George wouldn’t take his life. Thus, he knows he’d have another chance even if he failed. Kaine needs push himself onto the knife’s edge for this to work.
Sai concedes that he’s been working his ass off but it looks like it’s really impossible to master mikiri in such a short span of time. Still, Kaine knows he’s got no chance at beating Gon Jem if he doesn’t… and, right then, the alarm sounds.

Yeah, it’s them and Allenby reports quite a few troops. Looks like they’re bringing everything they’ve got today. Kaine figures Gon Jem wants to make a final showdown out of this and is about to head out when George stops him.
Gon’s obviously coming here after Kaine, so George asks if he’d so readily go out to meet his death. In that case, why not lay that life on the line training with him? Tap and Light say we’ll manage things until Kaine masters mikiri – just don’t screw up his one and only chance.
George tells them to leave it all to him… though he won’t guarantee Kaine’s survival. Light and Tap leave, saying they’ll be waiting for him.

: Tap, Light… guys…
: Have faith in them… Moreover, you’ve a reason why you cannot fall here, no?
: Huh?
: In the name of our awaiting comrades, of the world that depends on us to defend it… and for that sweet rose that believes in you so, we must emerge victorious.
: (Linda…)
: Such code of a knight. Your ancestors were Samurai, no? Show me how you ply your Bushido.
: Heh… I see now why you get to be the Master.
: Any last words? If not, we’ll begin…!
: Right on! I’ll pull this off!

Mission 31 (Earth Route) – Armored Berserker

In come the enemies, with Linda pinging twenty two Metal Armors – quite a lot for just the first wave. Ganan proclaims that today will be the last time he has to look at our faces and once again needs to remind a raging Goru that they’re only here to buy time for Gon Jem. Jumping in there all willy-nilly ain’t gonna do him anything.
Tap and Light ruefully admire how tenacious these guys are, even with their homeland being attacked right about now. Still, Duke says the Giganos' grave situation might further embolden them, so we need to exercise extreme caution.

Tetsuya does notice that Gon Jem’s unit isn’t around, leading Sayaka to assume he’s once again gearing for another surprise attack. Let’s just hope Kaine’s ready to tangle with the guy once he shows up.
Light’s a bit worried but Domon’s sure George will show him the way. Furthermore, Argo says that Kaine’s got talent – he just needs time to develop it. So let’s roll the die and see how this goes.
Goru also sees that the D-1’s not around and Ganan figures he’s scared of Gon Jem’s sword, hiding away. Not that it makes any difference to them.

Nothing difficult here, just a bunch of mooks to deal with. Goru is, as usual, the threat here but our guys are getting progressively beefier and he still can’t dodge for shit.
All enemies are across the bigass lake in the middle of the map, so landbound units like the EVAs, Gundam Fighters and Zeorymer (yes, “Heaven” don’t fly too good) will either need to take the long way around, hitch a ride aboard the Argama to the bridge in the middle or simply make do with the water.

Everyone moves forward, still nothing in range.

Enemy Phase!

The Dollas are standing pat but the Gebai groups move right in.

No kills but some four of them get dunked into the deep yellow.

Goru’s also joining the charge.

Ganan asks him if he’s forgotten that their orders said not to do that.
Still, Goru wants to force the D-1 to deploy and, thus, earn a pat on the back from Gon Jem.

Player Phase!

The EVAs work decently enough in water that I can have Asuka take a dip.

And it’s dead.

Domon hangs by the shore but his Haro provides the range he needs.

Some of Goru’s adjacent units got weakened, so we’ll take them and chip at his shield charges.

: Outta my waaaaay! I ain’t got time for you, pancake-head!
: “Pancake-head”?! Now that's just mean, man!

An easy kill. Kouji and Tetsuya wear another Gebai down.


Raideen also takes a potshot at Goru for another shield charge.

Keep at it.

: Don’t care ‘bout you! Gimme da D-1! Gimme da Dragonar!
: Hey, what’s your problem? My unit’s a Dragonar too, you know!

: Y-You get out here, D-1! Fight meeeeeee!!
: The enemy unit’s charging after the ship!
: What?!
: Aaah!
: Fire all gun turrets! Evasive maneuvers, quickly!

Only one shield left and then he’s gone.

Enemy Phase!

The Dollas are starting to move in – too little, too late. The Garmraid can just oneshot a shielded Gebai.


Player Phase!

Just pile on the pain, keep defensive measures and don’t waste too much SP. Support attacks are always recommended.

Asuka wants payback for that big hit you gave her before.


Goru blows up, still wanting to kill the Dragonar.
Ganan is very angry with the guy for not waiting for their arrival. Still, he promises to get revenge for him.

Oi, it takes getting to Asuka’s second-to-last spirit for her to have anything to boost her accuracy.

Domon and Sai hop on the bridge and prepare to lay the smackdown on all Dollas. Light camps by them to make sure no one gets an unlucky RNG hit.

Enemy Phase!

Here they come, led by Ganan.

He can’t even get a 1% chance to hit.
All Dollas make a beeline for Domon and the only thing that stops him from wrecking them all is that God Slash Typhoon costs 15 EN, so I can’t spam it too much.

Player Phase!

Now we clean up.

That’s one for him, Sai, Allenby and Masato. Ganan’s willingness to hop right in the middle of their formation gave me plenty of double attacks.

Case in point. He’ll quickly die to our concentrated fire, lacking Goru’s shields.

: Hahaha! I’m sick of that bigass head of yours – off it goes to Hell!
: Sorry but the moon is as far as I’m willing to go!

: I know this is a really cliché line, but today’s curtains for you, Dragonar!
: Two can play that game, guy! “You might be laughing now but not for long!”

Ganan begs someone to save him as he explodes.
If Goru was alive, he’d flip out and also promise to get payback.

The rest of the Gon Jem squad finally comes in and Tap and Aqua are blown away by this new, huge Metal Armor – that’s a proper Super Robot if Hugo’s ever seen one. Jin and Min don’t spot Goru and Ganan around and fear they’re dead.
Gon Jem refuses to accept that his dear underlings would get offed like that but Jin isn’t detecting any signal from them – had they ejected, there’d be something. As reality sets in, Gon Jem gets PISSED and calls for bloody murder (casting Strike, Alert, Iron Wall and Spirit).
This battle’s about revenge for their fallen comrades now – and they’re gonna make us suffer for it.

Gon’s got his new unit and it’s everything he needs: bulky, accurate as hell (with those S ranks, it’ll also dodge decently) and hits very hard.
His willingness to spam spirits further adds to his danger factor, so you’re very encouraged to lead your offensive against him with your Supers (or keep your Reals under a Support Defense blanket). He’s also got a MAPW that hits adjacently in a triangular shape, so keep an eye out or he’ll send you to the Netherlands.
If anything, his Seiryuu Blade is only 1-3 range, so do your best to attack from outside that.

So, in go our Supers.

That’s one for Ayato and another goes to Hugo.

Tap pops Iron Wall just in case and gets to work on the Deins with Akira. He also learns Rouse.


Enemy Phase!

Gon Jem and Min both play ball and waste their attacks against an Iron Wall’d Tetsuya.

The Deins REALLY have a problem with Tap but fail to strike a single hit. All of them lose a big chunk of HP for that, though.
On the opposite end, Ayato takes all Dauzehns down a peg.

Player Phase!

: Rrrgh! Enough wasting time with every single one of these mooks! I’m going straight for the jugular!

*Gon Jem blasts off ahead.*

: What moves are those?!
: How can something so bulky be so quick?!
: Is that thing actually a Mobile Fighter?!
: Wait, he’s going after the Nahel Argama!
: What?!
: Wahahah! Down it goooes!!
: Evasive maneuvers – starboard!
: There’s no time!
: Urk! Brace for impact!

: AAAH!!
: Are you alright, 2nd Lt.?!
: Status report!
: Massive damage on the 5th portside block!
: The portside catapult is also unusable!
: Main engine losing power!
: Alright, now to finish y’all off! Say yer prayers!
: Aaah! Kaine!!

: Whoa! There ya are!
: Fashionably late, aren’t we?
: You got your winning trick down and ready to go?
: Yup, lemme handle this!
: Come on! Yer head’s gonna be my gift for my dead men’s souls!

: What the—!
: How d’ya like that mikiri?! Saw right through your Seiryuu Blade’s cut!
: “Mikiri”?! Ya just got lucky!
: Kaine…!
: You see that, Linda? Don’t worry about this guy – I promise I’ll keep you safe!
: Thank you, Kaine…!
: Well, I’ll be damned! He really pulled it off!
: Hm, very well done!
: Heh, all because I had a great Master!
: Boy, since when can ya do stuff like that?! Wait, ya didn’t—!
: Oui, monsieur. I, George de Sand, the Jack of Diamonds, taught him.
: Urgh…! Damn you Shuffles…!
: In other words, Gon Jem, that was no luck!
: Ya cheeky brat! Yer gonna be the first one to die now!
: Bring it! I’ll break that sword of yours to bits!!

Losing Kaine’s a game over but he’s well equipped to survive now. Mastering mikiri has, indeed, taught him the mikiri/Predict skill. Unlike other games, however, this one triggers at 110 morale and gives him a flat +15% to his dodge and hit rates and Kaine’s the only one who gets it.

Tetsuya and Bright make short work of the wounded Deins, with the latter learning Valor.

Since Gon decided to move in close and I don’t fancy eating a MAPW, let’s turn our sights to him.

: Let’s do this thing, Gon Jem! That fatass Metal Armor is gonna be your coffin!
: I ain’t losing here… no way! I ain’t going down ‘til I get payback for my men!

Get Gon down to 50% and the plot kicks in.

: I-I ain’t done yet! You ain’t putting out the fire of my anger that easy!

*Cast Strike, Alert, Iron Wall, Valor.*

: J-Just what is this guy?!
: The fun’s just getting started! GWAHAHAHAHA!

*System activates!*

: Uck! Gaack!
: The hell’s up with him?!

*Gon Jem starts charging around, heading away from us.

: Something’s wrong with the Col.!
: Colonel…! Jin, stop him!
: OK!

*Jin runs after Gon Jem.*

: What’s going on with you, Col.?!
: Colonel?!

: !!
: Wh-why… This is wrong… Colonel…!!

: Wh-What have you done, Colonel?!
: He struck down his ally…?!
: A-Are they turning against each other?!
: No, he’s acting too strange to be that!
: Do you have any ideas, Miku?
: I think that unit’s control system is exerting pressure on the pilot’s mind!
: It’s … like the Berserker System!
: What?!
: It may be that this Metal Armor’s equipped with a system that enables control via thought…!
: I see; that’s why its moves were so good.
: But that system is taxing on both the unit and the pilot. We can even leave them be – they’ll self-destruct soon.
: Ya oughta not underestimate how stubborn Gon Jem can be! We gotta end this right here or he’ll hunt us forever!
: Right – we can’t let a system like that exist!
: I’m coming to put you down, Gon Jem!

Despite it all, Min will still carry on with the battle (Gon Jem won’t attack her, either. Mind, had you killed Jin before reducing Gon’s HP, he would have wrecked her instead. And if both are already gone, that event is significantly shorter.
Just Tag Gon’s range enough so that he’ll come closer without hitting anyone with that valored attack.

With Min’s low defenses, she’s pretty damaged when all her shields are gone.

Kouji finishes the job.

Min doesn’t want to go down without avenging her teammates. Her machine explodes as she ejects.
Gon Jem only saw her blowing up, though, and goes further ballistic (casting another wave of all those spirits). He’s gonna carve us all into tiny bits now.

There, Ryouma clears this Dauzehn and the last one will die to a counterattack. With Gon wasting his spirits by recasting them, we’re still good to down him when he closes the distance next turn.
Just send someone protected to attack and take away his Alert and Valor – he hasn’t recovered his HP.

: Where are ya, Dragonars?! I… I’LL KILL YOU!!
: Urgh… We’re not gonna be stopping this guy with half-measures!

: You are a sad man, Gon Jem…
: But I’ll at least put you out of your misery… My fists will tear apart the delusion that binds you!

: …
: What’s the matter, Masato?
: I was in his shoes once… unable to control my own mind…
: Masato…
: So I… I want to set this man free…! Even if it means having to beat him!

: If we don’t do something quick, this guy might get us all even before he breaks down…!
: Holding back anything will get me killed against him!

: Dragonars! At least I… I’ll GET YOU!
: Th-This guy’s gone crazy… It’s like I’m staring down a proper demon!

: I know what you’re going through… How much pain you’re in…
: And that’s why I’m putting an end to it! For your sake, and to keep another machine like this from existing!

: Eyes open, guys! The real danger here isn’t that Metal Armor but its pilot!

: Jeez! Talk about actually handing a sword to a crazy guy!
: Only way to stop him now is with raw power!

: Damn… His fighting instinct’s pushed into overdrive…! This won’t be easy at all!

: This man’s heart was destroyed in his quest for power…
: The least I can do is grant you a painless end…!

: Hrgh… If that’s how you’re gonna be, then we’ll put this to bed right now!

: H-How?! How did these brats beat MEEEEEEE?!

: I… I got him… I really got him…!
: All enemy signals have been eliminated!
: Good… recover all units.

Goodies earned: Repair Kit, Image Sensor.

That’s the end of the Gon Jem Squad, though Tap’s still appalled that the Giganos created a Metal Armor like that. Indeed, Sayaka figures things would be very difficult if they mass-produced the thing.
Jun would like to think that only the Hundred Demons or Vegans would actually try mass-producing something like that. Asuka isn’t too sure, though: from what we’ve seen the Giganos’ got some pretty bad folks in their crew, so they might. Sayaka doesn’t like that prospect.
Still, today was another victory and Linda is very thankful to Kaine for saving the ship (and her). He figures she oughta thank George, since he wouldn’t have pulled it off without his lessons.

George, in turn, chalks it up to Kaine’s talents – he’s got the makings of a proper samurai – and, plus, his “princesse” obviously played a big part in it. Kaine doesn’t know that word but Light and Asuka do, figuring it’s a very appropriate reason for Kaine’s success.
When Rose asks, Asuka explains and “princesse” means, though they take care not to grin at Linda too much. Kaine demands to know what they’re whispering about but, nope, they’re not telling.