The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars MX

by Brunom1

Part 74: Mission 41 - From Here, Into Eternity

Mitall’s put in another call to Elde; the MU are finally acting out in full force and the committee is likely to push their own project into the final stages. As he mentioned before, Mitall isn't planning on sticking with them to the bitter end and asks her to bring the Medius back to him.
Is that an order? It is, as he’s reached the point where he can start the development of TE Absorber Model #10 (Model X) via the data collected from the Medius and the Garmraid/Cerberus. The Medius will be used as the baseline while also adding in the improved TE Engine used in our unit. With its completion the Tsentr Project will achieve one of its main milestones.
Elde asks if the Model X is to be outfitted with her AI1, and Mitall quickly says that he wasn't planning on it. Elde’s startled and demands an explanation. Mitall says she ought to know the answer to that better than anyone but, when she denies it, moves to explain himself.

After the Medius transformed, he’s detected some odd fluctuations in AI1’s thought patterns: these are akin to human emotions, or perhaps "desires". The thing is showing interest in stuff beyond the scope of its task and it is trying to learn from them – or, in better words, it’s trying to forcefully absorb them via the Lazmunanium it controls.
Elde doesn’t see the problem and Mitall asks if she’s gone insane – the thing is rapidly moving closer and closer to being another Devil Gundam! Again, what’s the problem? All she wants to see if her child grow and evolve, curious as to how it might turn out. “Unfortunately”, that is not what Mitall started the Tsentr Project for.

Elde asks, then, why he did it. Why develop the TE Absorbers? Simply to prove his theory correct, earning him fame and big bucks lest he be unable to continue his research. That is why he is using, and being used by, the military and the committee.
Elde seems bothered and he asks if she despises him as a greedy man. Still, he knows her to be the same as him: someone who is openly honest about what she wants, who looks at others and sees just things that can – or cannot – be used to make it happen. Why, it’d only make sense for these birds of a feather to keep flocking together.
Perhaps but Elde points out that Mitall has such fear towards AI1’s evolution – that is directly opposed to what she wants. Of course he does. What is she planning by giving her thing power like the Devil Gundam’s? Destroy the world and humanity?

No, Elde claims that all she wants to do is see her research come to fruition, but Mitall tells her that research is only worth doing if someone is around to appreciate the results. Surely she can understand the folly of performing a play to an empty auditorium? No, Elde says it’d be plenty if she alone is there to watch it.
Mitall sniffs that that’s mere self-satisfaction but Elde insists that AI1 is her child; she gave life to him and will not stand for anyone to have their way with it. A very dangerous way of thinking, Mitall says, especially since it’s influencing the AI. The thing is in desperate need of adjustments.
He tells her to dispose of Albero as the culprit behind the Medius' theft, who forced her to come with him, and return to the lab.

As the ends the call, Elde ponders that AI1 is in danger: if she returns to Mitall’s lab, he’ll alter her child. Plus, she herself would be at risk since she failed to produce the results the committee desired.
Still, she does not care what happens to her so long as AI1 is safe and for that to happen, she’ll need that improved TE Engine… no, she needs something stronger than it. Something to help AI1 reach beyond even the limitations of the Lazmunanium.

Albero comes in, asking what the new orders are; Elde claims that it’s to destroy the Garmraid Blaze. Will she be heading back to working at Tsentr Project HQ when it’s done? Elde says no but Albero will not ask her why – he doubts she’d tell him the truth anyway. He informs her that while he doesn't approve of her AI, he plans to fulfill his own mission to the end.
Elde is curious: why did he join this project? He grunts that his answer hasn’t changed from the last time he said it. He wants to bury the hatchet with his accursed past and restart the time that the Devil Gundam stopped for him. Does he have any long term plans? No, his only plans are to settle accounts with the Devil Gundam… or, rather, with himself.

Back at TERRA, Kunugi’s manning the defense systems of the now evacuated HQ. Watari is still around and Kunugi wants him to get going as the last vessel will depart shortly. He will, though he asks if Kunugi is determined to go through with this.
Kunugi calls this a "thorn" in his memory, one which must be removed. He says that he can't let "that man" have this island, figuring he’s coming over to make an example out of them. It sounds like the kind of thing he’d do.
Kunugi thanks Watari for recruiting him into TERRA and trusts he’ll take care of everything else.

Back to us, the D1 has just broken past the Federation’s defenses. Torres tells Bright that we’re still fifteen minutes away from Nirai-Kanai, which means the Dolem will beat us there.
When Misato asks, Linda says a general evacuation order has been at the island and the entire population has already escaped aboard TERRA’s ships. The only fighting force active is HQ’s interception drones.

Rose relates a transmission from them coming in, requesting that we provide cover to the evacuation fleet. What, they don’t want us coming over to help fight? Indeed, the vicinity of Nirai-Kanai has been declared a no-fly zone.
The hell? Itsuki and a worried Souichi already seem to have an idea of what’s going on.

Mission 41 – From Here, Into Eternity

: D1 has entered area 17. (game uses no portrait, so have a stock one.)


: Sectors C, E and F are under fire.
: Abandon sectors E-1 through 4. Divert drone squad #2 to cover C-3.
: Command acknowledged.
: …You are still as competent as always, I see.
: …!
: Is this how you greet an old friend, Cpt. Kunugi? Oh, excuse me… it’s “Commander of TERRA” now, yes?
: …Have all remaining forces converge on area 60.
: Heh… there’s nothing more gratifying to a commander than to see his old subordinate come into his own.
: Focus fire our Wilberwind missiles onto the D1.
: Command acknowledged.

: So you’ll oppose me again? That’s fine… I do think your hatred is rather unjustified, though.

: Sector 3, destroyed.
: Abandon it as well.
: It’s true that fifteen years ago, at the time of the Great MU War, I gave the order to launch the fusion bomb… But weren’t you the one directly responsible for executing it?
: …
: It was by your hand that your daughter died.
: … All AA batteries, fire!


Quick addendum here to clarify things: no, Kunugi didn't nuke his own daughter. What happened was Kuki was an infiltrated MU agent in the Federation, sent to have humanity attack first and trigger the war while letting his side keep the moral high-ground.

Kunugi launched the nuke under threat of court martial. It did fuck all for damage but was enough to get the MU to start shooting. Their very first attack was on Australia, leading not only to his daughter's death but also of Kim's parents.

Thus, Kunugi got blamed for kick-starting the war and all the lives it took.

: It’s useless… you’re wasting your time, Kunugi.



: We’ve entered the combat area! D1 spotted!
: Aah…! Our island!!
: Status report!
: The majority of the urban has been destroyed! TERRA HQ’s also suffered a direct hit!
: N-No…!!
: Cmdr. Kunugi…!
: Get us some confirmation on the commander’s status! Quickly!
: Y-Yes, ma’am!
: All troops, deploy! Engage the D1!

: Damn, that huge soup bowl’s just going to town around here!
: Nirai-Kanai’s our island… I’m putting a stop to your rampage!
: Hmhmhm… they’ve followed me? How nice.
: Since you went through all that trouble, I’ll take the time to bury you right beside Kunugi… Except the Xephon and EVA-01, of course.

Kuki’s way the hell back, so we set forward.

Enemy Phase!

: We’re detecting incoming on radar!
: Is it more MU?!
: No, it’s only one unit! IDed as the Medius Locus!
: What?!

: We’ve arrived at the combat area. Target spotted… and locked on.
: So that’s the Garmraid Blaze…
: Albero Est…!
: It’s been a while, Hugo. I’m surprised you survived that last encounter… you were always the type to make it through any mess.
: Hm, all thanks to your training.
: Still, new mech or no, you do not stand a chance against me.
: Don’t you ever stop saying the same crap?!

*Hugo charges the Medius.*

: Hugo?!
: Let us handle the Medius, Captain!
: Is that our only option right now…?
: Hugo, Aqua…!
: We know…!
: We won’t let the Medius turn into a second Devil Gundam!
: I see you’ve done as I said and became a TE Absorber pilot, Aqua.
: Ms. Mitte…!
: If you’ve anything to say, Aqua, I’m listening.
: Ms. Mitte… I very much rather not fight you if I can help it…!
: And?
: So I beg of you! Please go back to being the woman I once knew!
: Hmhmhm… You’re trying to convince me to stand down? That certainly sounds like you.
: It… it’s not too late! Please get of the Medius! If you don’t, we…!
: And there’s the ultimatum. Though I’d wager even you understand how pointless that is, no?
: But!
: You know, I can’t stand that pushy nature of yours… I always have, from the very first time we met.
: !!
: Born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you’ve lived your life having things handed to you, never knowing hardships of any kind… Even your entering the army was simply because you didn’t like being “Madam Aqua Centrum”.
: And so you kept on safely coasting through life, ignorant of how the tides flowed in your favor… Do you think it was by your own merits that you’ve gotten to where you are? Don’t be ridiculous.
: I-I…!
: “I knew that”… is what you’re going to say? You really are a precious little child. And so you decided to try and “convince me”… All for your own peace of mind, really.
: M-Ms. Mitte…!
: The worth of a girl like you is limited to one thing and one thing only: the DFC System data you’ve collected thus far is needed for my AI1.
: AI1…?!
: Indeed. An AI that could well be called the core of the Medius Locus.
: B-But there was no AI development listed as part of the Tsentr Project…!
: Of course there wasn’t. AI1 was developed by me and secretly integrated into the Medius by Prof. Zapato…
: (Zapato…?!)
: So it’s to be expected neither you nor the military are aware of its existence.
: …!
: Moreover, AI1 isn’t a simple combat AI or a control mechanism for the Lazmunanium… It is my dear child – my everything. He will study oh-so-much, absorb, grow and evolve into the ultimate mobile weapon.
: Your child…? Your everything…?!
: … Seems like we’d hit a bulls-eye when we suspected you and Zapato worked together to steal the Medius.
: You did, yes.
: And what is Zapato… better yet, what are you planning to do with the Medius and that AI1?
: Hmhmhm… how can I put this in a way you’ll understand? Do you expect me to say I want to conquer the world or destroy mankind? Well, I’m afraid none of those interest me at all.
: What…?
: All I want is to see what my AI1 will grow to be. I care not for anything else.
: And does that include Albero and Zapato?
: It includes myself as well.
: Ms. Mitte…!
: Oh, dear, are you crying? Are those out of anger over your dear teacher’s inexcusable doings… or out of self-pity over the illusion you made yourself believe?
: Regardless, it’s clear that emotional control is still a major demerit of yours, Aqua.
: Y-You…!!
: Enough, Aqua – talking with her won’t get you anywhere. She is not who you thought she was…!
: B-But… whatever she might think of me, if we can end this without fighting, then—…!
: Stop with that crap now! Can’t you see that she’s messing with your head?!
: !
: Hah… so he noticed. Still, I didn’t tell any lies. Now come on, Aqua… bring that unit and become part of my AI1.
: If you do, I might even come to like you a small bit.
: Ms. Mitte!!
: Give it a rest! The only way we’re stopping these idiots is by destroying the Medius and that AI1!
: Kch…!
: …We’re going, Elde.
: Roger. Beginning WP-Data transfer.
: Have you made your peace, Hugo?
: Captain, I’m done playing along with this farce of yours…!
: Is that something someone who’s only alive because of Zapato should say?
: He might’ve given my half my body back but I never once sold my soul to him!
: I’ll make it through this battle – of my own power and my own will! And that means I have to destroy you both!

: It’s time we ended this, Albero!
: You and the Garmraid Blaze will both become part of the Medius’ flesh!

: Lazmunanium, self-repair engaged.

: I-It’s regen speed…!
: It’s even faster than before?!
: Indeed… this is also thanks to the TE Engine the Medius took from you. Also, observe the new ability AI1’s obtained after undergoing Incrementum…!

: W-What?!
: Th-The Medius spawned satellite mechs?!
: Oi, that thing really is like the Devil Gundam!
: No, no… there is one major difference between the Medius Locus and the Devil Gundam. You know what I speak of, don’t you… Rain Mikamura?
: !!
: What does she mean, Rain?!
: I believe she’s talking about a difference in the core and management systems…! The Devil Gundam’s control of the DG Cells is based around the seized mind and body of its passenger… In contrast, the Medius Locus uses an AI to manage the Lazmunanium.
: That is correct. The Devil Gundam, in exchange for its enormous power, had a major flaw in its management systems: it must use a human as its core life unit. That makes it susceptible to the influence of the person’s mind – an unreliable weapon.
: She has a point. That is why Master Asia’s body wasn’t afflicted by the DG Cells and how Domon was able to save Rain from the Devil Gundam during our final battle.
: You’re saying the Medius is a superior machine to the Devil Gundam, then?!
: No… It hardly has the Devil Gundam’s strength or functionalities.
: … That would be too dangerous, I’m guessing.
: Hm. As such, the Medius is wholly managed by AI1 – an intellect free of emotional fluctuations.
: You’ll see how well it performs, though I’m afraid that lesson will come at quite the hefty price.
: I don’t think so!
: !
: After all is said and done, you’re cut of the same cloth as Ulube: scum who’s been entranced by the DG Cells’ power…!
: You do not understand why my father and my brother created the Devil Gundam or what my master tried to use it for… And, in that case, it’ll be impossible for you to defeat us!!
: …!
: Heh, he’s absolutely right.
: Albero…?!
: AI1 is still nothing more than a cog in this machine. It takes a person – me – to bring out the Medius’ full power.
: You’re wrong.
: But I’m sure you realize that some units do display a greater performance than expected due to the pilots’ ability.
: Are you implying such is the case with theirs?
: I am; which is what makes them the perfect opponents for the Medius and AI1… and for me!
: (…Power… If only AI1 had access to power of a higher magnitude than the Terminus Energy, he could surpass their unit and even the Devil Gundam…!)

Having spent his Alert on Albero, Hugo takes some decent damage from the Medius’ spawn. We can heal that, though.

Player Phase!

Gonna have Domon join them on this.

They’re all very weak after Hugo.

Oh and before I forget:

Medius Locus (Albero Est / Elde Mitte)
Pilot Skills:
Mech Features:
Albero’s Voice Actor: Katsuhisa Houki (other known works: Mr. Ral in Build Fighters, Maruba in Gundam Iron-blooded Orphans, Darkseid in Superman TAS and many more)
Elde’s Voice Actress: Yuko Kobayashi (other known works: Junko in V Gundam, Washu in Tenchi Muyo, Sho in Getter Robo Go and several more)

This isn’t really a legit fight since the Medius will simply get a full heal once it gets below 37k HP but whatever. The thing’s stopped being a Real with its transformation and is now a legit, bulky Super. Albero’s Prevail plus its high armor and that TE Sphere means it’ll take a good deal of concentrated fire to take down.
Its weapons are, obviously, powerful as no one’s business and its post-movement attacks carry a high accuracy modifier. Albero’s got excellent stats, too, so expect to see big numbers even against your Reals.
If anything, Albero seems unwilling to use its strongest weapons right now despite having the morale: the spinny-claw one is actually his second weakest and I couldn’t get him to upgrade. Still, we’ll deal with that when we get there. For now, just have Hugo and Domon keep him at bay.

Everyone else is headed this way. Why?

Enemy Phase!

Because Megumi pings a big bunch of demons coming over; Hidler is very happy to have found us far from the Japanese mainland. Ryouma had thought them to having been keeping a low profile for now but Hayato figures they’ve decided to ride on the coattails of the worldwide chaos.
As Michiru wonders if other places could also be under their attack, Megumi gets an incoming transmission from TERRA HQ!

It’s Kunugi and he’s doing quite poorly. He slowly grunts at us to get away from Nirai-Kanai right now, and complains to Souichi that he’d told us to keep off. The kid is obviously worried but Kunugi tells us to leave here within the next four minutes – that’s a direct order from TERRA’s commander.
Souichi says that, as TERRA’s second-in-command, he’s entitled to object such an ill-advised order but Kunugi objects that it is no such thing. He gives his order as a way to minimize the damage and maximize the effect. Itsuki sees that Kunugi intends to use "that".

Kunugi knows Souichi is smart enough to see the big picture: with the chaos spread by the appearance of the MU’s flying cities, the other enemy organizations will have a golden opportunity to act just as the Hundred Demons are. Souichi and the Magnate Ten have things we ought to protect, no?
What will Souichi do, then? He’ll, indeed, keep them safe. “Then get to it, Major… do what I could not.”

The transmission cuts right then and Souichi quietly grunts at Kunugi’s unfair imposition. Misato wonders what the guy could be up to that he’d tell us to get out in four minutes but Itsuki suggests we comply.
It’s, indeed, dangerous to stay, though that is all he can tell us for the time being. Meanwhile, Hidler commands his troops to attack and keep us pinned even at the cost of their lives. For the success of the Hundred Demons’ worldly conquest!

Despite what you might’ve come to expect from SRW, the game does NOT want you to move your ships or units to a specific spot and evac. You simply have four minutes to do whatever before the plot forces you to leave.
With that in mind, you’ll have a lot more leeway to wreck everything if you’ve your people headed to where the demons will appear. Ignore Albero and Kuki because they’ve plot armor.

I thought I’d check if Aqua had a unique convo and, no, she doesn’t. What she does have however…

Is a severely impaired morale, which I didn’t even notice.

Closest batch of Wheel Demons trades blows with Masato.

Player Phase!

Quattro leads the charge, Light following right behind to set up his EWAC zone.

That’s one easy kill.

Akira and Masato takes the other, setting himself up to nuke everything next round.

Oh, and Miku learns Love (costs a ton of SP but casts Strike, Valor, Accelerate, Alert, Spirit, Luck and Gain.

These guys are out of nuke range, so we’ll have most of our folks deal with them for now.

They’re a bit hardy but nothing major.


: You cannot stop the Medius, Domon Kasshu! Not even with all your strength!
: With me at its helm, the Medius’ll display power far beyond its specs!
: Silence! You’ve becoming a slave to that machine and you don’t even realize it!
: What?!
: The way you so easily endanger the lives of others just to sate your agenda is no different from the Devil Gundam proper!
: If you cannot even see that, then you are as heartless as a wad of DG Cells!

Sure, sure.

Enemy Phase!

Up top, Hidler decides to go after Kaine of all people.

Yes, ignore all the nearby Supers you actually could’ve hit.

The northern mooks play ball, massing around the Zeorymer in a vain attempt to take it out.
Southern ones go after Rom and regret it.

Player Phase!

Couple more kills to give Masato the bit of morale he needs and move folks out of the blast zone…

Duke kills it and we’re ready.

Let’s not have Masato hog all the fun – no valor today.

Two dead, everything else is nearly there.

So now we clean house.

That’s one for Ayato, Akira, Kouji, Tetsuya and Judau and two for Tap. Boom!

Now we wait a turn and gang up on Hidler.

: Why’d you come all the way here for, Marshal Hidler?!
: Do I need to spell it out?! I’m here to end two annoyances – you and the MU – in a single blow!
: Yeah, right! There’s no way you could pull that off with this few troops!
: It’s pretty obvious that you’re only trying to keep us stuck here!
: Hrk…!
: Let’s make this quick, Hayato, Benkei! We can’t waste time with this guy if we wanna have a chance to save TERRA!

: Don’t you know any tactic other than hitting unguarded labs or piggybacking off ongoing battles?!
: Heheheh… grumble as much as you’d like. You are all already caught neck-deep in our ultimate stratagem!

: You’ll die here alongside the MU, Magnate Ten!
: And open the way for your worldly conquest? That is not happening!

: The MU are acting once more… and you’re moving to stop them…! That’s the opportunity we needed!
: Whatever! Be it the MU or you demons, neither will have their way with Earth on our watch!

: Th-This does not mean victory is yours, Magnate Ten…! Not at all!
: I may go up ahead but I’ll be eagerly waiting your arrival in Hell! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

: Psh. Kept with the sour grapes to the end, huh?
: Still, he was willing to die in order to keep us here. What are the demons up to…?!

: Cpt. Bright, it’s time. Sound the retreat.
: …Fine. All units, evacuate Nirai-Kanai immediately.

*Everyone but the ships leave.*

: Hrm?! What’re they doing?!
: Cpt. Bright…
: !
: Thank you…
: We should be the ones saying that, Commander.
: K-Kunugi…!
: Ayato… If I ever see you again, I’ll treat you to that meal I promised…
: …!
: Go. Protect what deserves being protected.
: …Yes, sir…
: …Full speed ahead. We’re leaving this area.
: Roger…

*The ships leave.*

: We’re going after them, Elde!
: Hold on, please…!
: What?!
: There’s some strange signal coming from that shrine…!
: Hmph. The Magnate Ten have finally thrown in the towel?

*Kuki moves closer to TERRA HQ.*

: And now this is the end for you, Kunugi.

: Urk…argh…!
: Take it easy. You’ve put on quite the performance already, all things considered.
: Kch…! Hrrm!!

: My, are you that angry? I suppose that’s to be expected, what with you being unable to get revenge for your daughter.
: Rrgh…!
: You wouldn’t be in this much pain had you simply given the Xephon when I asked… And, truth be told, I could simply had taken it from you at any time if I really wanted to.
: But, no, I wanted to show you a bit of kindness as your former commander. You brought this upon yourself when you chose to stand against me… a rather poor show, if I do say so.
: …I’m afraid the show’s just getting started, colonel.

: ?!
: Jupiter System engaged. All staff must evacuate HQ immediately. Repeat… Jupiter System engaged. All staff must evacuate HQ immediately.
: Kch…a-aah…!! That… that’s…!!
: …
: What the hell’s going on?!
: I… I don’t believe it…! These energy readings are… like that of the Jupiter Phenomenon…!
: Magnificent…! It is simply magnificent…!!
: Hah-hahah… N-No… you wouldn’t…!
: …I’m afraid I would, Col. Kuki.

: Hihihi…haha… Th-This can’t be…! I wasn’t told… I wasn’t told of anything like this, Kunugi…!
: Heh…

: That’s…!
: …
: It’s like… Tokyo Jupiter…
: Correct… that’s the Jupiter Phenomenon.
: N-No…!
: C-Commander Kunugi…!
: He sacrificed himself…
: All to destroy that Dolem…
: Nirai-kanai… the beautiful island, stretching out from the roots of this world and unto the gods in heaven…
: He is now… one with that island…
: … Men…
: Join me in saluting… Commander Kunugi…!
: …
: …
: …
: …
: …I heard them…
: Hm…?
: His last words…
: The commander’s…? What did he say?
: “Protect them”…
: …

Johji Futagami – a.k.a. Jumonji Takeshi, member of the Federation’s Supervisory Bureau – reports what happened in Nirai-Kanai to Watari and Rikudou. Watari is very much dejected at this and Rikudou says Kunugi entrusted the future of this world to Ayato and his friends… and left it up to them to witness whatever end things come to.
When Watari asks, Johji says the Federation’s built a blockade around Tokyo but from what scouts report, the citizens of the city don’t even seem to have realized that the barrier’s vanished. They’re going on with their daily lives as normal.
None have tried to leave, which leads Johji to figure they’re under some sort of mind control from the MU. Moreover, the scouts have confirmed that the other Dimensional Egg – the Black Egg, once excavated in Kalung Mutiara Island – is there.

Rikudou ponders that if Quon contacts the Mu again, that egg will turn out like RahXephon. What does Watari think they should do? If the Hilaniplas continue to spread as they have, their world will be in serious risk.
Watari says we still have access to the T-J Busters and RMU System, so they’ll be moving to use those in accordance to a plan Itsuki proposed. Johji will notify the Federation and Watari asks that the TERRA personnel gather aboard the Lydia Litvyak.

Location: Kalung Mutiara Island

Quon’s a bit sullen, having just bid farewell to her friends – that includes Helena, too. With that, she starts singing as light fills the room.

Maya feels it over by the Hilanipla at Tokyo: “Welcome back… my sister.”

: …I’ve been expecting you, Elde.
: …
: You know your data is automatically relayed to me. Imagine my surprise when I looked at what was sent from your last battle.
: The Medius Locus, spawning Frons and Tergum units… do you have anything to say about that?
: …
: Because I do not recall ever outfitting the Medius with that kind of functionality.
: You didn’t.
: …Indeed, your AI1 is far too dangerous. If it’s not leashed, it is only a matter of time before it runs amuck.
: It’s doing no such thing – merely evolving.
: I told you before… I’ve absolutely no intention of sticking to the Committee’s script to the very end.
: I remember.
: Then get rid of Albero, take your AI1 off my Medius and terminate it. That thing is positively unnecessary for the Model #10.
: What’s unnecessary…


: Is you, Professor Zapato.
: !!
: I won’t simply hand over my AI1 to you.
: Y-You…?!
: And I also told you something before… That I want to see how AI1 will turn out, remember?
: P-Please, wait! Did the Committee order you to do this?!
: …
: Th-Then let me speak to them directly!
: No, they didn’t order this…
: !!
: I’m doing it at my own discretion.


: E-Elde…!!


MX version:

: Hah…hahahah… And with this, my sweet AI1 is…

MXP version:

: Hah…hahahah… I think I'll help myself to your research data now - including his medicine's. And with this, my sweet AI1 is…

: (A gunshot…?)

*Elde walks over.*

: Let’s go, Albero. Our business here is done.
: …What happened to Zapato?
: Oh… The Committee found out he was using the project for his personal gain, so they ordered him to be disposed of.
: “Disposed of…”?
: Right… he’s already gone.
: …
: Come on, then. The Medius requires a new power for what lies ahead, so let us go and seek it… as well as other subjects for AI1 to study…

Back at GEAR, they’ve just received a transmission from the Federation’s Far East Command: the Hundred Demons are attacking all over Japan. Seems to Inoue like they’ve truly started their conquest now.
Shibuya says this is just the beginning, however, and asks Aiko for our current location: near Yakushima, rather far away from the action. Shibuya tells her to hurry us up, certain that the main act will be showing up elsewhere.