The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars UX

by Brunom1

Part 44: Mission 17 (Europe Route) - Heart of Diva

Here we are back at the Europe Route, with only one exclusive mission left before we reach 100% common ground between all three paths. I saw fit to give Mamoru Guard and Prevail L9 so he can withstand punishment befitting a proper Super Robot – nothing can stop my boy now!
Alto, Ozma and Fei-Yen are deploying as event solo units today, so here’s how we’re going:
Tsubasa/Canaria (their job is to make sure the Fafner Trio, especially Mamoru, is constantly topped off on EN and killing stuff for their secret tally)
Liu Bei/Luca
Guan Yu/Eida
Michel/Kenji (boosts his range and has a weak attack to set up his kills)
Zhang Fei/Luna
Mamoru/Sakura (not the best range match-up, but the important bit is that all kills made by this team go straight to their secret – no need to worry, like in Kenji’s team, about the partner downing stuff)
Tactician: Zhuge Liang

While we’ll have a good farming spot later to nab kills, I’m hoping to minimize my work then as much as can be.
Off we go!

We open up at an abandoned colony, with a ZAFT mook wondering what the powers that be could be thinking, reactivating this place. It’s not like anyone could ever live here.
Another mook says this isn’t your average abandoned colony, though: it’s one of the many used to reflect REQUIEM’S beams back in the last war. That gets the mook worried. Why would the brass want to reactivate that weapon system?
There’s no time to ponder, though, as the Vajra suddenly appear and blast everyone.

Cut to Aprillius One, Empress Chairwoman Lacus Clyne gets the news of the entire restauration crew of that colony getting wiped out. As Kira relates, reports of the incident say they were attacked by some space creatures. Could it be the ones that attacked the Frontier Fleet? But why would they attack us?
Investigation is still underway, so Kira can’t give her any answers yet… “But maybe this was something of a heavenly retribution for us trying to revive that hateful weapon,” he ponders. Perhaps it is, but they must still carry onwards – there’s no choice if they’re to seize their future.
A ZAFT officer walks in, telling Lacus that they’re getting a call from Christopher Rubens…

The Quarter’s made it up into space and it’s the SD Gundam’s first time up here – Guan Yu is rather impressed with the pitch darkness as far as the eye can see. Mamoru points out an hourglass-shaped thing nearby and Scarlet explains that’s Aprillius One, capital of the PLANT colonies.
Zhang Fei didn’t expect to find countries even up here, but, as Tsubasa notes, they’ve got things pretty figured out: there’s even water and land like on Earth inside, and the local families have made it their second homeland. Liu Bei sees that some things stay the same, even in different universes: gather enough people and they’ll put new nations together.
And, hey, you can consider the Frontier Fleet as a space-faring nation in itself, as Luca points out. That’s great, but Kaido turns to Richard and asks if it isn’t about time he told us why we were brought all the way into space. In a bit, but he’d like to introduce us to our new teammates first: the ALVIS folk.

Toumi and Soushi present themselves as well as the Fafner kids, and Michel declares that a cute girl like Maya is always welcome. Klan fumes that he’s got guts making faces at the girl when she’s right here – would he like her to rearrange those glasses onto his face? Please don’t, and why does everyone around here threatens to break his glasses?! Eida and Tsubasa see how things are between Klan and Michel.
But, with that done, Richard moves to our current mission: defend Aprillius One. Shinn asks if they’re expecting a terrorist attack or something, but no. See, there’s going to be a major concert there, so the UX were hired to make sure everything proceeds with no unpleasant surprises.
Recruiting mercs for a concert strikes Magami as odd and he asks who this VIP singer is – Sheryl Nome, the Galactic Fairy. Alto stops short at hearing that and Kazuki asks if he knows her. Kind-of, sort-of, but, as Nene notes, there are scant few people in their world who don’t know the name.

Indeed, Lalamia adds that the lady has the vocals of a proper diva – she’s a major superstar. But why would Sheryl host a concert in the PLANTs? Fei-Yen isn’t listening, deep in thought over all the singing terminology – she’s feeling excited, but she doesn’t know why.
The fact that the Frontier Fleet came from another universe has been kept top secret until now, but Scarlet knows it’s only a matter of time before word gets out. Already there are rumors circulating in certain parts of Earth. And that’s why the Frontier’s folks decided to be proactive and approach the PLANTs with this concert: the whole event is meant as a show of friendship.

In other words, Zhuge Liang sees, this is a plan of the Frontier Fleet to properly introduce themselves to the world at large – a follow-up to their cooperation with the AEU. So it’s not your average concert, but an extremely important political event that could potentially lead to war if things go bad. And that’s what we’re here to make sure doesn’t happen.
Zhang Fei is ready to take on anyone looking for trouble, even in space, and that makes Kenji wonder… will the SD Gundams be alright fighting up here? Huh, why does he ask? W-Well, there’s no air out there… Zhang Fei doesn’t get it, instead making a pun that I don’t care enough to translate. Kenji decides to just back away.

: (Diva… concert…)
: (Why do these words feel so important to me…?)
: Fei?
: …?!
: Is something wrong?
: N-N o, I’m f i n e! E v e r y t h i n g ‘ s good! Thanks!
: I t ‘ s just... I c a n ‘ t stop thinking a b o u t s o m e t h i n g...
: Well, what is it?
: I think that… b e f o r e I was reinitialized at M a c h i n e I s l a n d… I c a m e i n t o this world f r o m a different o n e...
: ...?!
: I don’t remember m u c h, but... I t h i n k I was alone b e f o r e I came h e r e…
: B u t, then, I s p o t t e d something… l i k e… this incredible joy. I t w a s v e r y f a r a w a y…
: S o I flew towards i t... I d i d n ‘ t r e a l l y c a r e about what c o u l d h a p p e n to me…
: A n d, t h e n, I think... that j o y f u l t h i n g stuck to me...?
: It “stuck” to you? Do you mean you joined together with something?
: Hmm… I d o n t k n o w… my head’s s t i l l f u z z y…
: But, y o u s a w when Alto and Nene w e r e talking a b o u t S h e r y l?
: Everyone was s o e x c i t e d... a n d, t h e n, f o r s o m e r e a s o n, I felt really good t o o!
: “Whoosh”... It w a s l i k e t h i s windy legato started e c h o i n g i n my heart!
: “Legato” is a manner of music performance, right?
: M o r e t h a n t h a t, it’s... a m a n n e r of singing... I think?
: A l s o, this feeling h a s b e e n g e t t i n g stronger since w e c a m e t o space...
: ... S o r r y, I ‘ m being strange, a r e n ‘ t I?
: No, no – not at all.
: You can see that in humans too. It’s said that when we set out to space, our brain waves increase and grow stronger as a way to better adapt to the new environment.
: That gives those humans enhanced sensitivity, which lets them understand one another even if they’re far apart… It’s like they’re evolving to become a new strain of humanity.
: A n e w strain? S e n s i t i v i t y...?
: So if we assume that your consciousness and sensitivity are expanding like a human’s would...
: Then that might be something of an upgrade you’re getting from coming to space… Like, you might’ve restarted yourself?
: R e s t a r t… A s i n, a reboot?
: I f that’s t r u e... t h e n song m u s t b e the key.
: Hmm... I ‘ d l o v e to sing about s t u f f l i k e who I am, h o w I feel...
: I f o n l y that song w o u l d j u s t come closer…
: The song needs to “come closer”…?
: I c a n ‘ t r e a l l y explain it, but… i t ‘ s all inside my h e a d. S o m a n y thoughts, wishes, emotions... T h e y ‘ v e always been t h e r e, twinkling so bright…
: And I h e a r, and feel, s o m e t h i n g l i k e a melody and… a rhythm…?
: B u t, for s o m e reason, everything’s s o s p r e a d o u t...
: Well, take your time with this. I’m sure you’ll manage to put your feelings to song someday.
: Eida herself said you had a beautiful voice, so I bet we’ll hear some great music coming from it.
: Thanks!
: (I’ve really been so excited since we came to space!)
: (I want to share this feeling with everyone!)

: …
: So this is where you were, Arnie…
: Ms. Saya…
: What happened with your friend still weighs heavily on you, huh…?
: Th-That’s…
: …
: Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling anything…
: But the Tatsumiya kids are pulling through their sorrow. They’re here with us, ready to work…
: So I can’t just let myself stay depressed forever, right?
: I see. I’m glad to hear that, then.
: I guess I should apologize… I’m always worrying you, always being nothing but trouble…
: Forget about it. I don’t worry about you any more than I do others, and I don’t think you trouble me either.
: But, in any case, have you seen Warrant Officer Alto?
: Alto? I think he was in the hangar since morning, doing something about an earring…?
: An earring?

Over by the Aprillius One concert hall, Alto’s looking for Sheryl’s dressing room when Ranka spots him. She’s very surprised to see him here, and so is Alto – why is she here? Well, actually, she’s been pretty busy since they last saw each other: she’s made her debut as a singer!
She’s signed up with Vector Productions, though her gigs have been less than stellar: just a bunch of events dressed in costumes (carrots!), swimsuit photo-ops and other non-singing stuff.
Still, Alto congratulates her on starting, and especially on convincing that knucklehead brother of hers to allow it – that’s thanks to Elmo, her agent, talking with the guy. After that, she’s been constantly practicing her singing and, at long last, they came and asked her to perform in today’s concert as well!

Singing in a Sheryl Nome show is a pretty big deal. It’s just one song, but Ranka’s already feeling as nervous as can be. She’s never sung in a stage as big as this – is she good enough to pull it off?
Alto says it’s impossible and Ranka agrees: “Yes, someone like me could never—” but she doesn’t get to finish. “Or, at least, it’ll be impossible if you keep getting stuck on ‘what ifs’ or thinking you’re not good enough,” he amends his statement.
Ranka huffs that he’s so very mean (eh), but thanks him anyway. “I might just be able to take flight with you pushing me onwards…” she sighs.

Ranka’s just about to ask Alto about him and Sheryl when a livid Ozma runs over and demands to know WHAT IS HE DOING IN HIS SISTER’S DRESSING AREA?! Wait, what is he also doing here? What, is there a problem with him coming to see his baby sister’s first stage presentation?! Is Alto making a pass on her?!
Ranka asks Ozma to calm down as the two of them just bumped into each other, and Alto explains that he came here just to deliver Sheryl’s earring… and that is not what Ranka wanted to hear. He came here to see Sheryl? No, not to “see” her – just to give her thing back.

Ranka’s not happy about it regardless, but things are interrupted when Ozma gets paged. It’s already time for him and Alto to go on patrol, so he won’t be able to see her song. But she’s already very happy with the huge bouquet of flowers he brought her, and tells both pilots to be careful out there.
“You too, Ranka. Make sure you grab this opportunity with both hands!” Alto cheers her, and leaves with Ozma. As he goes, Ranka sulks: Alto’s so close to her, but so far out of her reach…

In the backstage area, Sheryl’s already good to go and Grace asks if she’s fine with being used as a political tool by the Frontier government. “Whatever their interest in this, there are people here who want to hear my music… that’s all the reason I need to sing,” she answers confidently.
Many folks in the Frontier want to emigrate to Earth, and having this concert be a smash success’ll be a major step towards that – Sheryl won’t disappoint! Well, Grace will be counting on her... “That is, I’ll be counting on your powers as Fairy 9. Hmhmhm,” she gets her evil face on and grins inwardly.

: The people of the Frontier Fleet have travelled across the universe in search of a new home, eventually finding their way to us…
: Now we must welcome these new friends with wide arms and open hearts.
: Let us, together, sing songs of peace – songs for the prosperity of all life!
: Please welcome the Galactic Fairy… Sheryl Nome!
: Listen to my song!!

Mission 17 (Europe Route) – Heart of Diva

: This is Skull Leader, no problems detected around the mirror block. Continuing our patrol.
: …
: (Sheryl’s earring… It took forever to find this thing and I couldn’t even give it back to her…)
: Get your head outta the clouds, Alto! You’re in a mission so pay attention!
: S-Sir! Please forgive—


: Wh-What…?!

: Are you kidding me… Vajra?!
: Wh-Where’d they come from?!
: Get in touch with the Quarter, Alto! Tell them we need immediate support!
: What about you, Captain?!
: Ranka’s inside that colony! What do you think I’m gonna do?!

*Ozma blasts towards the Vajra.*

: Captain Ozma!

: I’ll keep both Ranka and the PLANTs safe!

: Aargh!
: C-Captain…!

: What...?!

: Are you t w o a l r i g h t?!
: Fei-Yen?!
: What are you doing here...?!
: Umm… enhanced sensitivity?
: What’s that supposed to mean?!

: Explain yourself, Fei! You hadn’t been given permission to deploy yet!
: “Permission”…? T h a t ‘s not importante r i g h t n o w !
: Fei, you…!
: Emergency deployment! Get out there and support Lt. Ozma’s team!
: W-We’re going out in space…?! Nooo, what do I do now?! Mommyyyyyy!
: Stay strong, Kenji! Even the void of space sees the morning sun! So hold fast to your belief in a brighter tomorrow and fight on!
: I could never look my dad… or Shouko, or Koyo in the eye if I didn’t fight! We’re winning this!

: Troops, your goal today is the elimination of the alien lifeforms!
: Do not forget: the PLANTs lie at our backs, with the lives of its peoples hanging in the balance!

Kill everything without losing the Quarter or Fei-Yen. Oddly enough, despite being event deployments, Alto and Ozma don’t have to be protected!
Regardless, this is the standard SRW Vajra affair: there are plenty of them, but no major surprises outside the occasional reinforcement. As a warning, the plot will send Fei straight to the SW corner soon, and you’ll want to have your people around there to cover her, lest she get mobbed. That’s doubly true if you haven’t been using/upgrading her (you really shouldn’t do that with any protagonist unit, by the by).
So play aggressively, spread Ozma, Jeffrey and Liu Bei’s command auras around to help your numbers against the dodgy foes and, as always, try to have your folks that need kills take point – there are no bosses today, so give Liu Bei, Kazuki and the Fafner Trio all the love you can.

SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

: Your wishes are all with me, Hazama, Kasugai – now and forever!
: Mobile Samurai Goubine… FORWARD!

: (Shouko, Koyo… watch over us!)
: (And I promise I’ll drop some enemies for you guys too!)

SRW UX - Obelisk

: You’re not taking even one step closer to the PLANTs! I will keep Sheryl and Ranka safe from you!

: (I’ll be damned if I’m letting you bugs make a mess out of Ranka’s big debut!)

SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

: (This is so scary, mommy… Still, I…!)
: (I’ll fight as best I can… I gotta! For Shouko and Koyo!)

SRW UX - LOVE 14 ver. HD

: This might b e m y f i r s t t i m e in space, but I ‘ l l s t i l l fight! I f e e l l i k e I’m so close t o f i g u r i n g something out!

SRW UX - Shangri-La

: What’re these things…?! How can space have even monsters like these around?!

SRW UX - Obelisk

: ?! This song…! It’s coming from the earring?!
: Playing tunes right in the middle of a battle, Alto?! That’s some confidence you got there, nugget!
: And why the open channel broadcast? That to let us enjoy it too?
: N-No, this is…!
: (What’s going on?! Why is the earring playing Sheryl’s song…?!)
: (A-Aah… What a powerful, beautiful song! It‘s like a river, taking me away...)
: (This is amazing… so amazing!)

: Even more Vajra…?! What’s going on?!
: (The Vajra are creatures capable of independent Fold jumps… or maybe should we call them living weapons…?)
: (But, in that case, where’s the one controlling them…?!)

Cut to the show, Brera is in touch with Grace and confirms the detection of Fold Waves coming from Aprillius One – the Vajra are currently engaging the SMS. Seems to Grace that the experiment was a success.
Brera feels like he should get ready to deploy just in case, but she tells him not to worry. Our people aren’t that weak, so she wants him to just carry on collecting data on the Fold Waves. As he confirms, Grace schemes: “And now, if Fairy 9’s voice can bring out the Queen’s sleeping power…”

Nearby, Ranka’s having a hard time – she’s hurting inside. Elmo’s in a bit of a panic over the sudden pain but, thankfully, Lacus is nearby to help. As she moves to call a doctor, Kira brings news of the large number of space creatures that appeared outside the colony.
Looks like a certain person’s prediction came true, and Kira asks for orders. The UX are currently fighting, but should he get out there as well? “No, I say we have faith in them right now,” Lacus declares. “We have been adrift in the tides of destiny since the very beginning. There are times when we must stay our hands in order to mold our own destinies.” Kira understands, and will do as suggested – Ranka’s still worried for Alto and Ozma.

: Gaah…! How many of these things are there, huh?!
: Don’t whine, Zhang Fei!
: Correct… the PLANTs and all its peoples lie at our backs! We must hold this line, whatever the cost!

SRW UX - The Eternal Soldiers

: Creatures that serve no cause and fight purely based on instinct… Hmph, I think we found our spirit animals.
: Hey, now, I don’t want you comparing us to frickin’ bugs!

SRW UX - Shadows that Rend Darkness

: (These are those Vajra creatures… Just where are they coming from?)
: (It’s like they have the ability to jump through dimensions like the Orphes…!)

SRW UX - Future-Bound Fighting Spirit

: (Jin… I’ll carry on fighting in your memory as well…)
: (Staying true to my beliefs is the least I can do…!)

When you kill enough stuff…

: Y-You can’t be serious! How are there so many of them..?!
: There’s just no end to this!
: (This song… it’s calling me...?)

: Fei, what’re you doing?! Get back here!
: I h e a r y o u r song!
: Get away from them, Fei!

: A-Aaaaah?!
: Fei…!

: (Where... where am I...?)
: (Am I… alone again…?)

SRW UX - Love 14 ver. HD (Vocal)

: …?
: I h e a r… I’m h e a r i n g something…?
: T h i s sensation... I t f e e l s s o familiar...
: The f I r s t s o u n d I was taught... the w o r d s, the melody I was given…
: ♪…
: This is…
: A song…
: It’s… my song.
: …
: Thank you f o r calling me…
: Are you… me ? Or am I you?
: ♪…
: I see them… I see t h e ties of destiny…
: My heart is overflowing…
: My feelings are taking flight…
: … That’s it. I’ve nothing to f e a r if I’ve this song!

: …?! Fei’s alright…?!
: …
: Is that… Is Fei singing?!
: The Heart of Diva!
: Huh…?!
: Song is my power, so I ‘ l l sing!

*All Vajra lose 10 morale!*

: …?!
: The Vajra stopped…?!
: Are they being affected by her singing?!
: Everyone listen to my song! It’s… wonderful! It’s my power!
“Heart Beam! Twinkle, twinkle!”

: That’s... Fei’s actual strength?!
: … Nice, isn’t it?
: Heheh, yeah, that’s kinda bumpin’!
: Fei…!
: Thank you so m u c h, Tsubasa! I’m putting all the kindness you showed me into these lyrics!
: Now is our chance, my friends! Set forth and bring down the Vajra!

And now Fei’s gotten in touch with Miku proper, her new Love 14 ver. HD attacking packing an Accuracy AND Evasion debuff – very useful in neutering big stuff when they’re not immune and a needed boost to her offense.

SRW UX - LOVE 14 ver. HD

: Hey, everyone! I ‘ m Fei-Yen, the Heart of Diva!
: Do you hear my song? I put it together f r o m everyone’s emotions… which I then spread far and wide! That way I can help them all!
: I’ll sing with all my heart... so come and get your fill!

One interesting thing that should be noted is that the vocal versions of Fei-Yen’s songs have a very unique sort of priority… in that they’ll override her current BGM only when she starts “singing” IN the animation itself. In other words, it’ll start with her regular BGM and fade into the vocal as the attack proper begins.

SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

Gotta start grabbing those Triple Dog uses and get them out of the way ASAP – that’s twice in this mission.
And here’s Alto best attack, plus the DK, now that I remember to show it.
This Knight-Class Vajra, by the way, drops a Nyan Nyan Special Galactic Ramen (+10 Ranged and Melee, +5 Accuracy).

SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

: Space is home to nations, which, in turn, are home to people! And I will not tolerate any who’d stifle their smiles!

SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

“M-Monster! Stay away… STAY AWAY FROM ME!”
For the record, Mamoru ends this mission with 8 kills, Kenji had 13 (my plan to have Michel soften everything up for him worked wonders), and Sakura took 5 – that’s 26 kills done and 124 left to go…

: All enemies confirmed destroyed, radar is also clear!
: Phew, there it is… the colonies are safe!
: (What… what exactly is that power Fei has…?)

: So you think song is the base unit for your memories?
: I’m s t i l l not 100% sure yet… but what I do know is t h a t I was called – a long time ago!
: Called?
: Right! That girl called m e !
: Um… a girl?
: That girl, she... she shined so bright f r o m all the wonderful emotions she’d taken in from so many people...
: I was drawn to that light and, w h e n I found it, that girl’s heart reached out to me…
: And, then, I w a s that girl, and s h e was me!
: Okay, I understood precisely zip of what you said…
: Oh, d o n ‘ t worry about it!
: I do still feel like I’m not c o m p l e t e just yet, but…
: But now there’s song, m e l o d y, lyrics welling up in my heart…!
: So I’ll carry on remembering things, I’ll c a r r y on singing and trying t o make everyone happy!
: Happy, huh…?
: Well, it is pretty hard to be bummed out after seeing you.
: Sakura… Yeah, I agree.
: There’s power to song, hm…
: Did that give you a hankering for some Fire Bomber?
: Hah, you know me too well…
: (Song… If song has the power to both attract and immobilize the Vajra, then…)
: (The song I heard back then was…)

Back in Aprillius One, Grace is getting called by her mysterious bosses to ask how the experiment went. Very nicely; Sheryl Nome performed above expectations. Young Man is very happy to hear that, though Young Woman expresses concern that Code Q1 still hasn’t awakened.
Grace tells them not to worry, as she’s sure Sheryl’s song is affecting the Queen. Now she just needs to get said Queen under her wing and they’ll proceed with the project as planned. And Young Man is confident that, with Grace as her manager, the Queen will rise into stardom in the blink of an eye.

But… there’s someone else that Grace just found today: a new possibility, a Diva, who’s giving out mighty Sharon Apple vibes. She dubs it a Virtualoid, that is, a mechanical singer… though the girl did name herself as the “Heart of Diva”. Elderly Person sounds interested, and decides to codename her HD. They’ll be eagerly awaiting Grace’s next report.
“Fairy, Queen and now the new one, HD… with those three… hmhmhm…” Grace grins.

By Lacus’ office, Rubens is relieved that the UX managed to keep the PLANTs safe, and Lacus thanks him for setting that up. That said, if incidents like this are going to happen again, she might be forced to recall the main ZAFT fleet currently assigned to the dark side of the moon.
Rubens understands how she feels, but begs that she be patient: “ZAFT is instrumental in keeping watch for them. Without your troops, we…” Lacus agrees with him – in regards to the REQUIEM matter, too. Rubens understands that he’s putting her in a difficult spot, but it’s necessary if mankind is to have a future.

As he signs off, Kira asks if she believes that guy. She does, to the point that she’s dispatched the main fleet all the way to the moon. Difficult times are upon then but they must persevere. At length, Kira says he’ll set out to the dark side of the moon himself to stand guard over REQUIEM’s reconstruction… and to keep watch for them as well.
Lacus sighs that she’s once again placing a heavy burden on him, but he doesn’t mind – if it’ll help safeguard our future, he’ll gladly bear that weight. They’re once again interrupted by the ZAFT officer, bringing news that one Alex Dino has arrived.

Kira’s glad to see Athrun in good health… but, of course, he’s not Athrun Zala of ZAFT. He’s now Alex Dino, Cagalli’s right-hand man. Fair enough.
Kira’s heard that things are difficult for Orb right now, and wishes he could be there to help his sister. Well, as a matter of fact, Athrun’s come here with a request to make of them: “I ask this with the full authority vested in me by Cagalli Yula Athha, Representative of the United Emirates of Orb… we need the PLANTs to lend us their help!”
Lacus asks him to explain what’s up.

And then we get back to JUDA again, where Ishigami’s informed about Fei’s power – and it looks like she still has more secrets stashed away somewhere. After that, Richard asks how things are over here and the scene proceeds as it did in the America Route.
The following scene with Kiriyama’s also the same.